Tire Reviews and More – Research Top Rated Automotive Tires

Welcome to Tire Reviews and More

A set of tires – why are they important?

If you’ve ever driven an amazing car with poor quality tires, you’ll know what we’re talking about.

To put it in perspective, you can spend thousands on a car that breezes past the street in the blink of an eye, but if you’re not investing in good quality tires – you’re still not getting the most out of it.

The Right Tire Matters!

A good quality tire that fits your vehicle is pivotal for how your car performs, and importantly how safely you can control your vehicle.

But what really makes a tire a ‘good’ tire? Choosing between the models and makes that exist for every car on the planet can make you go crazy.

A good tire should align with the climate, the roads that you travel on, the vehicle you drive and your driving habits – all at once. The quest of finding the perfect tire can be overwhelming for most of the people.

Well, it ends here at Tire Reviews and More. Tire Reviews exists to make sure once you close our site you know which tire you’re going for!

Redefine How You Pick Tires – With Tire Reviews and More!

Why take the burden of going around town, inspecting tires and trusting layman advice on what fits your car, when industry experts are answering your questions only a click away?

Tire review sites are aplenty, but what sets Tire Reviews apart is our years of experience dealing with tires on a daily basis and answering all kinds of unique tire queries to our customers.

From complex sidewall bulges to winter traction – people face various and costly problems when they don’t research for tires.

But don’t worry, you’re at the right place. Tire Reviews and More makes sure you know what you get in a tire before you even see it.

Why Go For Tire Reviews and More?

Before you even head to our customer testimonial page – which is sure to convince you – let us explain why Tire Reviews should be your go-to review site for tires.

Because We Enable You To Decide

Everything at Tire Reviews and More is for you – the driver.

Our reviews are aimed at providing answers to the drivers. Loaded with practical information, you don’t need to be an expert to understand our reviews.

Tire Reviews and more reviews tires as they should be – a comprehensive summary of the tire, enough to enable you to decide if a tire suits your vehicle or not.

Because We’re Biased Towards You

Tire Reviews and More services come with no strings attached. No commercial interests or affiliations with the tire companies we review. Our only affiliation is with you, the customer looking for an honest tire review.

We take immense pride in the independency and neutrality we bring to the table. If we see a tire that doesn’t live up to our standards, you can bet our reviews will state that upfront.

Tire Reviews was made to be truthful and valuable to you – and we’re willing to live by our vision.

What Do Our Reviews Consist Of?

Not everybody loves tires as we do, and we understand that. The reason our clients keep coming back to us is because we cut right through the fluff and sponsorships to take a microscopic look at the tire.

Nothing escapes our eyes when we take a tire to test. Our reviews provide factual based pros and cons for each tire in a concise, time-saving manner.

To give you an idea, some of the questions we look to answer are: The information we derive for a tire comprises of:

  • How the tire performs on different surfaces?
  • What sets the tire apart from its contemporaries?
  • What are the available sizes of the specific tire?
  • How good is the tire at braking?
  • How well does the tire handle high-speeds?
  • Does the tire enable seamless steering?
  • Does the tire ensure a quiet, noiseless ride?
  • Does the tire come with a manufacturer, minimum tread life warranty?
  • From where can you find the tire at its lowest price?
  • How does the tire rate among tires of the same nature and price category?

We’re the one-stop shop for tire reviews. With Tire Reviews and More, hopping around different websites to find conflicting reviews will be a thing of the past.

Our Tire Reviewing Process

If you haven’t figured out yet – our love for tires means we are on a continuous conquest to come across the perfect tire that is the best at everything.

Although that tire still eludes us, we’ve got the next best alternatives in abundance – from winter season best fits to enduring high performance summer tires.

So, how do we know if a tire is good for you or not? Apart from invaluable experience it takes rigorous testing to check out if a tire is worth its price or not. Here’s Tire Reviews and More’s tire reviewing process:

Thorough Physical Examination

As science continues to reshape the world we live in, it is certainly making leaps in how tires are made.

Modern day tires are made using compounds that didn’t even exist a decade ago – and that means our experts undergo a continuous learning process to adapt themselves to the different materials and how they react under different conditions.

The designs and construction methods have also undergone significant changes and having invested generations with these rubber constructed spheres, it’s safe to say there’s more to a tire than meets the eye.

Rigorous Multi-Surface Testing

Nothing speaks for the tire like its performance on the road. If you’re spending hard worked money on a tire, it should well be worth it. Our testing of the tire takes us across multiple surfaces and driving styles.

If we’re claiming a high performance tire enables you to smoothly control your sedan as it pumps up to its maximum acceleration, you can rest assured knowing the guys here at Tire Reviews tested it.

Be it water soaked roads or the dry summer roads – we make sure our reviews are based off our true experiences.

Final Verdict

Nothing bar the truth. What we experience while testing the tires to its limit is what we write. From how the tread pattern affects the control to how the siping influences the braking performance – our final verdict consists of nothing but the truth.

Exclusive Discounts To Avail!

We’re so engulfed with helping the rubber meet the road, we know where exclusive discounts are being offered and what website is currently listing rebates.

And we list it right up on our website so you can save as much as you can. Going a mile further, you will also find the cheapest places to shop for your desired tire – both online and offline.

So it doesn’t matter if you want to have it shipped or go to the dealer to have it picket – with Tire Reviews and More you know we’re all about putting your money back into your pocket.

What Our Clients Have To Say

Our most profound marketing strategy comprises of you and your fellow drivers who benefit from our services and refer us further.

To give you a glimpse why we pride in what we do, here are some of the messages we receive daily:

“Your site has the most accurate and honest tire reviews I have seen in my many years of searching.”
David Anderson

“I just want to say thank you for the work that you do.   I’ve been sweating over the purchase of a new set of tires for my Ram 1500.  There are so many choices and options you get lost in all the advertising…You have definitely helped with the decision.”

“Thanks for a great site!”

“Thanks again for the particularly fine service you offer to the driving public. After reading your review of this tire I noticed my body actually relax, which told me that my decision had been made even before my mind knew it.”
David D.

“Thanks Terry for your time and effort to help a total stranger. As a widow, your help meant a lot while I am sorting through the maze of confusing, technical terms of choosing a right tire.”
Long Nguyen

“Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate all of the effort which you put into your e-mail. You explained everything very thoroughly. I was able to order four tires through my local Discount Tire store and they were even able to price match a super deal I found on-line at … ($251.96, plus tax, for 4 tires and free shipping)!
Again I really appreciate your help and I truly appreciate your website. I will recommend it to anyone who is searching for tires.”
Beth N.

About Us

The unique relationship we share with tires isn’t a one-off incident – it runs in the family. Tires have been involved in my family as far as the 1950s when my grandfather started his local tire dealership business.

Eventually, the business spanned over three decades – growing as we grew. Although the business was sold, it had left its mark on us. I knew I would be associated with the tire industry and that’s how Tire Reviews came into existence. In a way, this website serves as a tribute to my grandfather.

When we state we’re passionate about our tires, we mean every word of it. This passion has strengthened the Tire Reviews and More family in testing times and pushed us to reach at the stage where we can provide substantial value to our core asset: you.