Top 10 Countries with the Best Food

The Top Ten


Italian cuisine is known for its simple yet flavorful dishes that celebrate fresh, high-quality ingredients. With its roots dating back to ancient Rome, Italian cuisine has evolved over time, incorporating influences from different regions and cultures. Popular Italian dishes include pasta, pizza, risotto, and various meat and seafood dishes, all prepared with a combination of herbs, spices, and sauces. The country is also famous for its cheeses, including Parmesan, mozzarella, and gorgonzola, as well as its cured meats, such as prosciutto and salami. Italian cuisine emphasizes the importance of regional and seasonal ingredients, with each region having its own specialties and culinary traditions.

AGREE, the pizza is a masterpiece! The spaghetti is pretty good, same with Lasagna. If someone wants to try the country with the best food, Italy will be the first.

Italian food is my all time favorite, out of many different cuisines that I like. I don’t think I have tired anything Italian that I don’t like.

I don’t think people should vote for their own country, if they were not allowed to this list would be less biased. That being said, I think American food gets a bad reputation because most people outside the country have probably only tried fast food. Of course that is junk, but if you know where to look there are many regional cuisines in the USA that you would probably like and even some that are healthy.

I just made a really good meal last night with trout fish, with a side of wild rice and string beans/slivered almonds-at least 98% American and 100% delicious (according to my wife at least) and even healthy. Then there is barbecue, cajun, regional seafood dishes and many other things you probably don’t know about. Big Macs are not the only thing Americans know how to make.

As time goes on I keep learning about new and unique tasty Italian dishes. It has an incredible diversity of very delicious dishes. It’s got light and fresh up to rich and hearty and everything in between. I have figured out why Italian is so good, it is not spicy. The fresh ingredients are what you taste and not the spices. A few spices only accentuate the food. It is not dominated by a taste of certain spices. But rather the food itself speaks to you, the texture, the freshness, the quality of ingredients, etc. It seems as though most of Italian food not only taps into our basic human cravings, but has this comforting “lunch at grandma’s on a Sunday afternoon” feeling that accentuates and reflects the warmth of the Italian culture.

Firstly, I am Italian and I love our Italian food. I wont say it is the best one out there because I personally love many other types of cuisine. Reading some of the comments here I got really upset, because saying the Italian cuisine is just pasta and pizza is like saying that the US population is made just by white Americans. Its just bull. I live in the north of Italy and we eat pasta and pizza just one day a week. We have some of the best fishes and meet you can find out there and there is huge diversity of vegetables and cheese, not speaking of rice and cereals. Just to give you an example good quality Chinese restaurants and supermarkets buy their rice from Italy. It isn’t the best country in the world but at least just don’t say no-sense bull over our food, because there are very few cuisines that can be compared to the diversity of the Italian one.


French cuisine is renowned as one of the most refined and sophisticated in the world. It is characterized by its emphasis on high-quality ingredients, meticulous preparation techniques, and elegant presentation. French cuisine has a long and illustrious history, dating back to the Middle Ages and evolving over the centuries to become the epitome of haute cuisine. Key elements of French cooking include the use of rich sauces, butter, and cream, as well as fresh herbs and spices, and a wide variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables. Some of the most iconic dishes of French cuisine include coq au vin, bouillabaisse, ratatouille, and escargots. French cuisine has had a significant influence on global cooking, and many of the world’s top chefs have trained in French culinary schools or worked in French restaurants.

If you haven’t tried eclair yet- then you really can’t agree that France has the best food. Eclair, is the best thing I’ve ever taste!

France gave the world Champagne: While many countries make sparkling wine, only France can make Champagne. Sparkling wine that bears the Champagne name must be made in the Champagne region, which is located close to Paris.

The French eat chocolate croissants for breakfast: Enough said, but we’ll elaborate anyway. Big breakfasts are not served in France. Instead, they eat a small breakfast of toast with jam (which they call tartines) or a pastry – croissant, chocolate croissant, apple turnover, etc. They save the big meal for lunch.

Lunch is a two-hour endeavor: Not a 15-minute break eaten over your keyboard while watching cat videos. While it’s true that this leisure practice is slowly becoming less common in France – you won’t find no more people taking a long lunch in major cities where modern life is taking over – in small towns and in the country, it is still the norm for people old people, three-course lunch.

A glass of wine is common at most meals: It isn’t …more

Among the best pastries in the world, the best sauces, the best sweets, the best meats, fishes (form Atlantic, Mediterranean for the mainland and lots more with including islands..).

France it’s also lots of different regional cuisines.
Lots of different tastes coming from other territories and also Caribbean, Polynesian, from French Guiana, Reunion etc.

Also in France, aside from its great diversity of tastes and flavors of its cuisine, you will find lots of cuisines from more than 85 other countries.
Which makes France the first European Country with so many choices.
Without missing the fact of the native country of modern cuisine, now presents in any country.
The only problem of French food is that they are not known as they should. People know only snails, frogs and mussels, but definitively French are just rarely eating those kind of foods and in a complete different manner that they are known abroad.

Just France must be in the top …more

French cooking ultimately deserves its reputation, but there is an odd “profile” to French cooking and a bizarre distribution of French restaurants. The quality can go fairly low in quite a lot of places, and you can easily end up eating badly in France. Then there’s a broad varieties of mid-range quality products and places that tend to be comparatively better than in lots of other countries. And then there are lots of high-quality shops or restaurants where quality, talent and prices can be sky-high.

For restaurants, in a nutshell:
– lots and lots (and lots) of meh restaurants and tourist restaurants,
– quite a few good traditional places where you’ll find hearty meals at good prices,
– a lot of middle-price to fairly high-price restaurants where you’ll have about half good ones and half pretentious overpriced ones,
– then you reach “la haute cuisine”. There, the sky is the limit. They invented it, and even though many restaurants everywhere in the world copy it …more


Mexican cuisine is known for its bold and vibrant flavors, featuring a wide range of ingredients such as chili peppers, tomatoes, avocados, and corn. It has a rich and diverse history that spans thousands of years, blending elements of Indigenous, Spanish, and other European cuisines. Some of the most iconic dishes in Mexican cuisine include tacos, tamales, enchiladas, guacamole, and mole sauce. Mexican food also features a variety of meats, including beef, pork, chicken, and seafood, often prepared with spices and herbs such as cumin, coriander, and oregano. The cuisine is also known for its extensive use of fresh herbs and vegetables, including cilantro, tomatoes, onions, and peppers. Overall, Mexican cuisine is a celebration of bold and lively flavors that has become a popular culinary choice around the world.

Mexican food has every thing, from very spicy, to sour, sweet, all kind of eatable meat and all variety of seafood, the desserts are also tasty. The food can be eaten in a very fancy restaurant as in a food stall on the street and it taste just awesome. The ingredients are very common now and can be found in any where in the planet and can still taste just as it is eaten in Mexico, obviously if is well prepared.

In some countries, you need to go and explore the street to definitely find the real flavor of the local food, and if you eat it out side the country it is very difficult to meet the right flavor as in the original.

Mexican foods are certainly delicious because there are varieties of foods: tacos, burritos, beans, pasta, seafood, desserts, and more.

Undoubtedly the best food in the world. The only problem is that real authentic food with real authentic ingredients can only be found in Mexico. What you get outside the country is a poor rendering of what Mexicans really eat at home: meat, poultry, vegetables, sea food. You have to remember that Mexico has given to the world many of the ingredients of the other cuisines: tomato, chillies (most chillies come originally from Mexico), beans, vanilla, Turkey, cucumber, avocado, and a long etc. What would be Italian food without the Mexican tomato? Or the Indian without our chillies?

Most of the people do not know the huge variety of cuisine that a country like Mexico can offer not even the Mexican people. This is natural since the number of delicious dishes found in Mexico is disturbingly big!. In 2010 UNESCO added the Mexican cuisine to the Intangible Cultural Heritage list, being only the Japanese and French the other two recognized cuisines. It was very surprising for me to find a traditional soup in restaurants in Europe under the concept of luxury when in reality the soup was very cheap and fast to make. For me it was very basic Mexican cuisine (way far from the good one) at a very expensive price.


Japanese cuisine is a highly diverse and refined culinary tradition that has evolved over centuries, influenced by a variety of factors such as geography, religion, and culture. The cuisine emphasizes the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients, and is characterized by its delicate flavors, meticulous preparation techniques, and elegant presentation. Some of the key ingredients used in Japanese cuisine include seafood, rice, soy sauce, miso, tofu, and seaweed, while popular cooking methods include grilling, steaming, and simmering. Traditional Japanese dishes include sushi, sashimi, tempura, udon noodles, and ramen, among many others. Japanese cuisine has gained worldwide recognition for its healthfulness, aesthetics, and culinary artistry, and continues to inspire and influence chefs and food enthusiasts around the globe.

Japanese food is 100 times better than Mexican food!? I am half Japanese and even the most cheapest foods you can get in Japan is better than the “Asian” food they have in America!

If you don’t like Japanese food you have:
1. Never gone to a good Asian restaurant- fake places where they tend to mix Chinese, Japanese, Korean, et cetera are bad.
2. Never had a Japanese friend who you stole snacks from because they were AMAZING (and expensive because of shipping rates)
3. Never gone to Japan to try out the food for yourself
4. All of the above

Japan is really good at mixing up and creating new foods out of traditional foods from other countries. Japanese curry is better than traditional Indian curry for me, Japanese gyoza and ramen better than Chinese…

The ever-popular sushi, teriyaki, tempura, and miso soup all belong to Japanese cuisine. Add to that a healthy balance of vegetables, fish, fruits, meat, and rice EVERYWHERE, and you have Japanese food!

Admittedly some people may get a little put-off by all the weird stuff Japan comes up with to eat, but I think a little adventure and mystery thrown into a meal is a wonderful thing.

Quite simply extraordinary. Japan seems to be one of the few countries in the world where food is considered a major cultural landmark and can be something people dedicate massively their life to. I would say it’s one of the three countries where food, or rather cooking, is an omnipresent thought and verge on compulsion (with Italy and France). The level of attention to detail even in modest restaurants is barely believable.
The ability to specialise in one single type of food of some individuals result in a landscape of small restaurants where the level of expertise is immense and the results delicious. The variety of climates in the country and the seasonal variations give Japan a huge range of dishes and cooking styles (and we only know a ridiculously small portion of it in Western countries).

Even more remarkable still: absolutely nothing seems to be bad (or nearly nothing to stay safe with this statement). You can eat for a few bucks some basic Onigiri in a Seven Eleven …more

Japanese and French food are the basis of Gastronomy in the early 20th century they join their talent and create the Nouvelle Cuisine. They are both complementary and progress, to improve, involve themselves in a mutual respect.

Japan and France are also known to share ideas with each other in the realms of art and cooking. Japan has been heavily influenced by French cuisine within the past few decades, as seen on the television show Iron Chef. Anime and manga are popular in France: manga represents 1,400 of the 4,300 annual book publications and 40% of the comics sales.


Chinese cuisine is an integral part of Chinese culture and one of the world’s oldest and most diverse culinary traditions. It encompasses a wide variety of regional styles, ingredients, cooking techniques, and flavors that have evolved over thousands of years. Chinese cuisine is renowned for its balance of flavors, textures, and colors, which are achieved through the skillful use of herbs, spices, sauces, and ingredients such as rice, noodles, seafood, meat, and vegetables. Some of the most famous dishes of Chinese cuisine include Peking duck, kung pao chicken, hot and sour soup, and dim sum. Chinese cuisine has also had a significant influence on the food cultures of neighboring countries such as Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, as well as on the Chinese diaspora around the world.

I enjoy all varieties of food from China, but Sichuan is a standout. Love the tangy, spicy favors. The Sichuan peppercorn is an incredible ingredient, and I fell in love with it immediately. Also amazing are homemade dumplings from all parts of China, including soup dumplings!

Chinese Food is a general way to summarize ways Chinese people cook and eat. But people in different regions prefer different ways to cook or eat. For instance, people in North China prefer noodles or other wheaten food like Peking sauced noodles. And they cook food with more salty or spicy sauce. People in Southeast China prefer rice and food coming with non-spicy and sweet food like braised pork in brown sauce and sweet-sour pork ribs. While people in central and southwest China love spicy cuisine like Sichuan Cuisine and Hunan Cuisine. Concerning about the religious taboos, people in West China mostly eat beef, chicken and lambs rather than pork. A recommended dish is Sin Kiang spicy chicken nuggets served with cherry and local sauce.
When it comes to traditional festivals, food is also a way to reflect local culture. A running joke goes that people in North China eat dumplings in all kinds of festival while people in South don’t. So when a host in the Spring Gala T.V. show …more

I’m Chinese, living in Toronto. And with the opportunity to try all different types of food I still think Chinese food is the best. I mean obviously everybody has his/her own taste and usually the local cuisine is tailored to the local taste so most Chinese people will prefer Chinese food natrualy. But from an objective view, one question I guess I can ask is, can you name a country that has over 1000 dishes?

Many countries have great food. I love Japanese food, Korean, Italian, French, and many more that you get to try in Toronto. But when it comes to the variety part, I think it would take at LEAST a whole continent to be at par with China. Any one who REALLY know how Chinese food is like will agree with me. We eat all kinds of things and we present them with receipes ranging from the most wild to the most delicate. You would have to be living in China or a city that’s at least as diversified as Toronto to get the full picture of Chinese food.

Chinese food should be first place. Like, seriously. Whoever wrote this has no meaning of understanding to food. American food is all fat, but Chinese food is healthier; like, you certainly won’t see a bucket of popcorn with caramel if you order on-the-go, right? Indian desserts are like kheer and whatever. But Chinese have these SO much better picks. Like, nian gao, egg tarts, rice pudding, and…wait, WHAT THE HECK?! There are Chinese desserts called grass jelly and-DRAGON’S BEARD CANDY?! I am not saying that is so wrong, as I would usually, but the pictures for dragon’s beard candy looks nice enough and the grass jelly looks-um, eatable. For goodness sake’s, it is NOT made of grass, okay, people?


Indian cuisine is characterized by its diverse range of flavors, spices, and cooking techniques that vary from region to region. The cuisine is heavily influenced by religious and cultural traditions, as well as the availability of local ingredients. Indian cuisine is known for its vegetarian dishes, such as dal (lentil soup) and chana masala (spiced chickpeas), as well as meat-based dishes, such as butter chicken and lamb curry. Rice and wheat are staple grains in Indian cuisine and are typically served with a variety of curries, chutneys, and pickles. Spices such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, and cardamom are commonly used in Indian cooking, along with herbs like cilantro and mint. Indian sweets and desserts are also popular and include treats such as gulab jamun, rasgulla, and kulfi.

Spicy, sweet, tasty all variety available only in India..

Pavbhaji, Panjabi, Dhosa, Pani-puri, Idli, Rasgulla.

Vegetarian best food available only & only in INDIA…
heart melting, brain storming, mouth watering, totally fulfilling, Indian food- best in the world.

I just can’t imagine living a life without eating indian food… Being and indian, I think it is extremely nutritious and tasty. I mean, I am pure vegetarian and I’m saying this. Not only because of butter chicken, but also more billions of varieties of vegetarian food. Some of it may be only tasty, some may be only healthy, and some may also be both healthy and tasty. Liking depends from person to person. I mean, staple food here is dal and rice where dal is a veg kinda curry which has more protein than meat. This is not liked by many kids nowadays… But parents have their ways 😂. Dal rice is generally eaten at dinner. For lunch, we have a Neverending variety of Currys. Some taste good while some may not be liked by people. But all of them are extremely healthy and contains everything you need for a perfectly healthy life. These Currys are eaten with wholewheat indian bread. For breakfast it differs for state to state. If you go to the south, you may find pancakes made from a …more

Each states in this country has its own type of food and totally different recipes. For people who are less familiar to Indian food might think it is spicy but hot and spicy is just one of the many choices. There are thousands of choices that Indian food stimulates each senses of our body and mind. If cooked the proper Indian way, it is healthy, nutritious and absolutely tasty. How many of us can quickly list more than 10 vegetarian recipes well I will stuck with salad, soup, grilled/sauteed or steamed vegetables – no wonder many of us feel vegetarian food is boring. There is endless vegetarian recipe and Indian food is a hidden treasure of tasty vegetarian food as well. India has half of the population who loves their fish and meat – we need 3 of our life times to fully taste all the varieties. I absolutely love Indian food, very well knowing what is available other than the standard restaurant menus. I would rate

Being an Indian, comment in favor of Indian cuisine might sound a little biased.. But truly it isn’t when someone really gets a chance of exploring Indian food and the diversity in taste, color and spies it has to offer.. India truly is the land of spice and that doesn’t mean necessarily hot. Different region/states in India so much diversity in cuisine it really is worth praising.. For a true food connoisseur India should the heaven to explore and appreciate.. Besides, Indian food I truly enjoy and appreciate both Italian and Mexican food as well.. So, not going into setting the order among them, my vote goes for all these three countries, India, Italy and Mexico, when it comes to food.

United States

American cuisine is a diverse mix of regional and international dishes, influenced by the country’s history of immigration and its vast geography. Traditional American cuisine includes dishes such as hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and apple pie. Southern cuisine is known for its barbecue, grits, and fried catfish, while Tex-Mex cuisine features dishes such as tacos and enchiladas. Other international cuisines that have become popular in the United States include Italian, Chinese, and Mexican cuisine. Fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Subway have also become ubiquitous in American culture. With its many influences and variations, American cuisine is a reflection of the country’s diverse population and culinary history.

Anyone saying that the United States doesn’t have unique cultural food of its own is wrong. All culture is derived from a previous culture at some point. Yes, many American foods are inspired by European cuisines, but that doesn’t make them any less uniquely American. The United States has a range of uniquely American cuisines from Mexican-inspired Tex-Mex, many variations of barbecue (brisket in Texas is phenomenal), Cajun, Creole (love me some crawfish etoufee!), southern soul foods (shrimp & grits, yum!), American ice cream and pizza are often unique from how they are made in Italy, the Italian-inspired stromboli was invented in Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Dutch have delicious cuisine inspired by Germany. If you think the United States doesn’t have unique cuisines of its own, enjoy being wrong. The United States is more than just fast food, hamburgers, hot dogs, and fries.

United States isn’t the country with the best foods. It is a diverse country, so that means all the foods from different cultures are prepared here and made alike. Still, the country has a lot of choices when it comes to choosing what type of foods you would like to eat.

United States not only has original fan favorites, like burgers, hot dogs, and chips, it also has all our other favorite foods. Pizza, chocolate, steak, chicken, ice cream, tacos, ribs, bacon, sushi, fruit, macaroni and cheese… Can’t believe we’re getting whooped by that England crap. The only good things they have are fish and chips, roast dinner, custard, and key lime pie. Everything else sucks, from haggis to shepherd’s pie. And Mexican food, I love you so much. You deserve number 1. You’re not the best, but at least you’re a country with rocking food.

There’s more to the United States than food eating competitions and the disgusting fast-food side.. If anyone has had true southern cooking they can say that American cuisine definitely ranks amount the top! And Sloppy joes YUMMY! New York system hot wieners (only found mainly in Rhode Island) along with coffee milk. The United States definitely I would vote it at number 3. 1= Italy (if you’ve ever eaten a REAL genuine Italian dinner you know that it’s been your most favorite meal ever. My fiance and his sisters are first generation Americans but their parents are straight the old country. Every sunday we have a huge family dinner and to me it’s just pure bliss) 2: Chinese/China 3: United States/American cuisine 4: Mexican 5: Japan/Japanese 6: India/Indian 7: German 8: French (only thing I’ve ever like was escargot.. I had that in the French quarter of the Bahamas) 9: Cambodian/Vietnamese 10: thai


Thai cuisine is known for its bold flavors and aromatic herbs and spices. It is a fusion of Chinese, Indian, and Southeast Asian influences, with each region of Thailand having its own unique specialties. The cuisine is characterized by its use of ingredients such as lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, chili peppers, and coconut milk. Some of the most popular dishes include pad Thai (stir-fried noodles), tom yum soup (spicy and sour soup), green curry (coconut milk-based curry), and mango sticky rice (dessert made with sweet glutinous rice and fresh mangoes). Thai cuisine is also known for its emphasis on balancing flavors, such as sweet, salty, sour, and spicy, in each dish.

Thai cuisine (in Thailand) is by far the best cuisine on earth, much less the rest of Asia.

If you’re outside of Thailand, or Southeast Asia, and want to make real Thai dishes, you can forget about it. Outside of the region, you simple cannot get the same, correct, fresh, ingredients that are essential to making real Thai cuisine.

Unfortunately, most folks’ experience with Thai cooking is at their local, so-called, ‘Thai’ restaurant, outside of Thailand, which uses substitute ingredients and other modifications to traditional dishes because either the real recipe is impossible to make in whatever country they’re in, or because they’re afraid the local culture won’t be able to handle the real thing.

Even the street vendor food, the kind they cook to order–not the pre-cooked kind sitting in vats–is better than anything I’ve had in all of Europe and Asia. With the exception of the Somboon restaurants, stay away from the tourist traps with the fancy decor, and …more

Thailand is blessed with weather and resource to grow or raise a variety of material. That explains lower cost of living. There are 6 regions in Thailand, each has its own tweak of distinctive flavor, most popular would be northern, southern, and e-san or north eastern.
I’m Thai who has been living in the states for a year now, and I miss the food so much! There are Thai restaurants here but.. It’s a completely different story when you get to Thailand itself. I missed fresh seafood, river fish, herbs and all veggies, and noodles shops! I will vote Thailand number 1 definitely, a paradise of food, real tasty, variety and cheap! ($1 awesome street food, $5 nice restaurant… )

Duh, best food ever. It’s a no-brainier for Thai food. Do you like sauces, flavorings, herbs, veggies, meats in glorious combinations with sticky rice. Pad Pepper Steak is my favorite: Bell peppers with thinly sliced steak in a brown gravy type sauce perfect for dipping sticky rice into. Absolute Heaven! Or try the mildly sweet Mus Mun Curry: Curry sauce with potatoes and chicken. Pad Thai: rice noodles with slight vinegar/ soy sauce flavor, egg, scallions, cilantro and crushed peanuts.

Pad Thai, Different types of curry: red, green, etc., Som Thum (papaya sald), Tom Yum Goon (soup), Thai style fried rice, sticky rice, Nom Throk Moo (a pork or beef dish), bai ca pao (minced spicy meat dish), noodle soup, EVERYTHING from food stalls to the super markets to the malls, their food is made with authenticity when I went back to visit. Nothing compares to this type of food besides food critics with biased opinions on liking the well known country foods. The only person who can judge the food on their taste is YOU. Here in america, you will get at least 1 out of 20 Thai resturants who know how to cook a REAL Thai dish, but other than that, you have to satisfy the American customers because they CAN’T handle Thai style cooking. Wait until you try the real thing, THEN you can see where we (Thai people) stand.


Spanish cuisine is known for its variety of flavors and ingredients, influenced by its diverse regional cultures and geography. Some of the most popular dishes include paella, a rice dish cooked with saffron, seafood, chicken or rabbit, and vegetables, gazpacho, a chilled soup made with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and garlic, and tapas, small plates of food that can be enjoyed with drinks. Spanish cuisine also features a variety of cured meats, such as chorizo and Jamón ibérico, as well as cheeses, such as Manchego and Cabrales. The country’s love for olive oil is evident in many of its dishes, and wine is a staple beverage that pairs perfectly with Spanish cuisine. Overall, Spanish cuisine is a delightful blend of tradition, innovation, and fresh ingredients that reflect the country’s rich history and diverse culinary heritage.

Out of the Top 10 restaurants in the world, 3 are in Spain. Only country with more than 1 Top 10 restaurant in it! Come on! Also, Spain is full of different tastes– from Andalusia to Barcelona to the Basque country. Spain has many different faces all with different cultures and flavors. Tapas, anyone? Spain has some of the most renowned cheeses, wines, fast foods (tapas), gourmet cuisine, etc and some of the best people! Sweet, sour, spicy, and HEALTHY. And from many wine connoisseurs, I have heard that Spanish wine is equal if not better than many French wines. If any country deserves number 1, it is definitely Spain. Better than English food, at least…

I have tasted worldwide food and that list is completely stupid. Of course if you like going to McDonalds it’s pretty sure that you would vote US but we are talking about the BEST FOOD not the most known. Spain is in a Mediterranean country so it has a perfect weather to cultive fresh vegetables and fruits, it is also a peninsula so it has one of the best seafood of the world. Modern Spanish cuisine is the best recognized of the world but the best Spanish dishes are those are made in traditional restaurants… Eat one day in the centre of Madrid or Barcelona in a traditional restaurant and let the tastes enter in your mouth, it’s magical. For me, the best food is the Italian but the Spanish is also amazing! I cannot even imagine that is so far away from the top 1, crazy list!

In my opinion Spanish food should be among the top 3. Italian food basically comes down to pasta, while Spanish food has a wide range of awesomeness, from high-quality stakes to delicate, tasty sea-food. Furthermore, it is healthy. Spanish people have the highest life expectancy in Europe for a reason. French food is over-rated in my opinion. In the case of Mexican food, if you are not into spicy, you’re messed. I agree Chinese and Indian food are great too if well cooked.

Spanish food is complete, yummy, with a huge variety and a lot of different dishes to taste, depending on the geographical area. Inside Spanish food, mediterranean food will be one of the best. Also, there are some typical meals that are not seen outside the country and, of course, a paella is not a paella if is not ate at a valencia’n restaurant.

I don’t know how English food is included here, in my opinion is one of the poorest of the world.

South Korea

South Korean cuisine, also known as “hansik,” is characterized by a variety of bold flavors, colors, and textures. It features a wide range of dishes, from spicy stews and soups to savory pancakes and grilled meats. Rice, vegetables, and meat are staples of the Korean diet, and these ingredients are often combined with a variety of fermented and pickled condiments, such as kimchi, to create complex and delicious flavors. Some popular Korean dishes include bibimbap, a mixed rice bowl with vegetables, meat, and a spicy sauce; bulgogi, thinly sliced marinated beef; and samgyetang, a nourishing soup made with chicken, ginseng, and rice. Korean cuisine is also known for its communal dining style, where dishes are shared among diners and eaten with chopsticks and spoons.


Korea as so many amazing food. From spicy food to sweet pastries, Korea has it all. The ingredients put together are none like the other Asian foods I have tried. There are many spicy foods that Korea has, but you can eat it in a more mild way, which tastes exactly as beautiful. The pastries that they have in Korea is really different. Their combinations are unique. I have also tasted other simpler foods, such as Kimbap, which I highly recommend, along with neng myung, which is cold noodle. Korean food, in the easiest way to express, is wonderful to my taste buds.

There are so many types of food-just go to their dinner table and they have these tons of delicious things… Like so many types of things and I don’t even know how to describe them. Versatile tastes… And very very healthy. There was actually this guy (American-as in blond with blue eyes)who had cancer and cured it by eating strictly healthy Korean food. Korean food are mostly, although not all, plant-based, and extremely healthy. That is not to say that their meats are not delicious, because they are amazing!

I been in Korea for three years and I love em. Korea not only has spicy and filthy looking food–although they do still taste good, just that a start is not easy laugh out loud–, they also have mild and soft cuisines. In fact, most of their traditional dishes are not spicy, but sweet, keep the flavor of original ingredients, look gook–use at least five colors–, use natural unique ingredients. Kimchi and Bulgogi are not just enough to explain Korean food!

Korean food is so tasty. I visited a friend and stayed with her parents in Korea. So I ate home cooked meals, restaurant food and traditional dishes served for a family gathering marking the death anniversary of my friend’s grandparent.

The food is so tasty and varied. I loved when dining out how the table was filled with a variety of Kimchi, not ordered, but just the condiments to every meal.

The Korean sushi was very disappointing. However, compared to Japan (I ended up cooking the fish in my soup!).

The Contenders


Greek cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine that is known for its fresh, simple and flavorful dishes. It heavily relies on ingredients such as olive oil, herbs, vegetables, and seafood. The use of lemon juice, feta cheese, and yogurt is also common in Greek cuisine. Some of the most popular dishes include moussaka, a layered casserole with eggplant and minced meat, souvlaki, grilled meat skewers served with pita bread and tzatziki sauce, and spanakopita, a savory spinach and feta cheese pie wrapped in filo pastry. Greeks also enjoy a variety of sweets, such as baklava, a pastry made with phyllo dough and honey syrup, and loukoumades, a type of fried doughnut hole drizzled with honey and cinnamon.


Is only about tasty greek food if by far better quality that any other European country.
Few examples:
Bread is not coming from frozen dough.
Honey 100% natural coming from bees that never feeding with sugar during winter time.
Meat is always fresh and same day. NEVER FROZEN
Vegetables and fruits are almost organic because coming from farmers that never produce big amount of vegetables and thaw mean they have not reason to use chemical for faster grow.
This is the reason that anytime you visit a super market in Greece its impossible to find offseason vegetables and fruits

I go to Greece every single year for months at a time, and have never, EVER had a bad meal. And I’m not joking. Me and my family brought some friends with us one time and they said the exact same thing. In fact, sightseeing and the beaches come second to food, which takes up first place on my trips and is all I think about there.

Best food in the world. The ingrediants always fresh and locally grown. I can happily eat a salad out there with just oil on it and because the ingrediants are that much better it tastes lovely. At home when I make salad I need lots of dressing as ingrediants are not local, not fresh and covered in chemicals.
Greek food also very very healthy grilled meats with herbs spices, fresh fish, salads!

Greek cuisine is the mother of all Mediterranean cuisines. It has an incredible variety and is simply outstandingly delicious.
Its absolutely one of the most tastiest cuisines in the world. Try to go to Greece and be invited by families. You will have some of the best food you will have ever tasted in your life!


English cuisine is characterized by a variety of dishes and ingredients, with a strong emphasis on meats, seafood, vegetables, and dairy products. Traditional English dishes include roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, fish and chips, shepherd’s pie, bangers and mash, and black pudding. Other popular dishes include pies, such as steak and kidney pie or chicken and mushroom pie, and a range of desserts like apple crumble, sticky toffee pudding, and Eton mess. Many of these dishes have evolved over centuries and are often associated with specific regions of England. The cuisine has also been influenced by the country’s historical interactions with other cultures, such as the introduction of tea and spices from India and China.


One thing that makes me sad is that people insult English food because after WW2 we had limited things to cook with and the food was quite bad at that time. However nowadays the food is great. Another problem is foods such as egg tarts are thought of as being Portuguese when in fact an English man named lord stow created them. A lot of English foods people think were created overseas. A lot of semi English/Indian food was created with a mix of both thanks to a British born Indian woman. Some of those foods you wont even find in India.. The list goes on but I wont..

I am English, and I have travelled S E Asia, India, Spain, Prague, Amsterdam, Bali, Australia etc and I can honestly say that the best food is in my home country Britain, we have so much to offer! We also have lots and lots of choice and diversity when it comes to food, not only do we have numerous supermarkets catering for all sorts of needs we also have many different restaurants that other countries can’t offer! So I am voting for Britain to be the best food country!

British food should be second (after Italian food) because it has so many levels to it. The daintiness of afternoon tea and scones contrasting with the Tika masala and then you have all the picnic food like sausage rolls, scotch eggs, pork pie and that’s not even mentioning our famous fish and chips or pub meals like full English breakfast and roast dinner and pie! English food deserves to be so much higher because of its endless list of deliciousness!

I love British food and feel it’s very underrated and quickly put down by some. I have an Italian girlfriend and she loves our food – our desserts definitely stand out. I feel 9th place is a fair representation of where we sit. The great thing about our country is that we are not afraid to try different cuisines and we have amazing restaurants from all around the world.


German cuisine is a diverse and hearty blend of regional specialties that have evolved over centuries. Traditional German dishes are often meat-based, with pork, beef, and poultry being the most popular choices. Some classic German dishes include sausages like bratwurst and knackwurst, sauerbraten (marinated beef), schnitzel (breaded cutlets), and roasts served with rich gravies. German cuisine also features a range of potato dishes, such as potato pancakes and potato dumplings, as well as cabbage-based dishes like sauerkraut and red cabbage. Breads, pretzels, and pastries are also staples of German cuisine, with dark breads and buttery pastries like strudel and black forest cake being particularly popular. Beer is a significant part of German culture, with over 1,500 breweries in the country producing a wide range of styles.


I was stationed there while in the Army. NEVER had a bad meal in any gasthaus and always started with the goulash soup. These great meals washed down with a good German beer is as good as it gets. Forget it if you are a calorie counter. Tastes great because anything fried is cooked in lard and/or cream. No diet soda, no lite beer, no lo-cal crap. These folks know how to eat! Loved being there and always looked forward to eating in their restaurants. AND if you go there, Augsburg had the best bakery I have ever shopped. Located on the Rathaus plaza. Thanks Germany for a lot of great dining experiences!

Germany has a wide variety of food which is misrepresented globally. Germany is not only home to the widest variety of breads on earth, it was the founder of the pretzel, hamburger and serves some of the best meats you will find. Most Germans still eat at home, hence the lack of German restaurants, hence the quality of German produce! Try it out!

Such an underrated cuisine. And it’s more than just sausage; and there is a willingness to mix sweet and savory as well; and if this were a list of top foods that pair best with beer, German food would have to be #1; and if it were a list of the best beers…German beers. There seems to be a slow realization of this in the States.

Amazing variety. Especially modernised German cuisine is really time-appropriate and vegetarian-friendly. Don’t expect a lot of vegetarian options in old-fashioned restaurants. German cuisine is basically the main influence of American cuisine, alongside Mexican, Italian, etc… but hamburger and Hot Dogs are essentially German.


Vietnamese cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, vibrant flavors, and diverse regional dishes. Fish sauce, herbs, and spices are widely used in Vietnamese cuisine, giving dishes a unique balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors. Pho, a beef noodle soup, is one of the most well-known dishes of Vietnam and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. Other popular dishes include banh mi, a baguette sandwich filled with meats, pickled vegetables, and herbs, and spring rolls, a light and refreshing appetizer filled with pork, shrimp, vegetables, and herbs. Vegetarian and vegan options are also widely available in Vietnamese cuisine, with dishes such as banh xeo, a crispy pancake filled with vegetables and tofu, and com chay, a flavorful vegetarian rice dish.


Likely my favorite cuisine of them all. My favorite part of the cuisine is it’s characterized by the use of delicious fresh basil, mint and cilantro. Combine these with tangy, spicy Vietnamese seasoned fish sauce and I’m in heaven. Pho has the most incredible tasting broth of any soup in the world.

The most healthy food. The least fat/oil, more veggies (raw and fresh), not salty, plenty dishes with their own sauces. Feel full but not heavy.
Vietnamese food is combination between the tropical cuisine, Chinese influence and French culture as Vietnam was colony under the French for more than 80 years.

For me, Vietnamese food is number one. You’ll have the same opinion as mine if you try it once. CNN has announced the list of 40 Vietnamese cuisines which you should enjoy. They are really very delicious. Hope you’ll visit Vietnam and enjoy them someday. Make sure you’ll agree with me.

A beautiful combination of east and west, very balanced I guess that is because the country was ruled by both western and Eastern powers in the past. Nowhere else you could run into a French baguette and a bowl Chinese noodle right then. Should be in top 5!


Canadian cuisine is a reflection of the country’s diverse geography and multicultural population. It draws inspiration from Indigenous, French, and British culinary traditions, as well as influences from immigrant communities such as Chinese, Italian, and Indian. Popular Canadian dishes include poutine, a dish of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy, butter tarts, a sweet pastry filled with a mixture of butter, sugar, and eggs, and maple syrup, which is used to sweeten many dishes and is a staple of Canadian cuisine. Seafood, such as salmon and lobster, is also an important part of Canadian cuisine, as are game meats like venison and caribou. The country’s vast natural resources, including fresh produce, wild berries, and game, are often incorporated into dishes, making Canadian cuisine a unique and flavorful representation of the country’s cultural and culinary heritage.


Our food is underrated. It is so good, like jeez! Maple syrup Is a famous Canadian thing that we add to our recipes. Like maple cookies or maple bacon. We also have good fast food like A&W which is a fast food burger place mostly found in Canada. We have tasty French Canadian food like poutine. Tasty fries covered in gravy and cheese! If you like seafood Nova Scotia has very amazing lobster and Newfoundland has the best Atlantic Call of Duty ever. On the west coast there are millions of delicious seafood. In Vancouver you can eat salmon with maple syrup. On the island (Vancouver island) there is so much seafood like crab, salmon, prawns, tuna and it is all just so fresh! Canada is just so tasty! Alberta beef, west coast salmon, east coast lobster and Quebec poutine!

Although I do prefer Mexican food, I have to clear up some of the comments left here because it is making my country appear super lame. Quebec is home to the famous Poutine… Greasy and artery clogging, but EXTREMELY tasty. Then there’s the east coast. If the Maratime provinces could classify as a country, they would give these other guys a run for their money. Atlantic Canada is home to the tastiest seafood you can find ANYWHERE. Lobsters, clams, scallops, mussels, oysters, quahogs, shrimp, mackerel, bar clams, dulse, crab, salmon (particularly maple-candied smoked atlantic salmon. M…), and much more. All fresh from honest hard-working fisherman. Don’t knock Canadian food until you’ve tried shellfish recipes from your friendly folks on the east coast!

I can not speak for all of Canada but Toronto, Canada has some of the best food your will ever taste anywhere in the world. Mass competition in this mega-city has left it with high quality cuisine at affordable prices. The food comes from all over the world because of its very diverse population of people. Very underrated because it is in Canada and Canada is a small country population wise.

Some of the best beef and pork in the world are raised right in Canada! Maple Syrup, Mac n’ Cheese, and poutine, they truly are Canadian staples. Not the mention that we have people from all over the world that have joined our great nation and brought their cooking styles with them. If you can think of a type of food, odds are, you can find it somewhere!


Swiss cuisine is known for its hearty and filling dishes that reflect the country’s mountainous terrain and agricultural heritage. Cheese is a prominent feature in Swiss cuisine, with varieties such as Emmental, Gruyere, and Appenzeller being used in dishes like fondue, raclette, and rosti. Meat dishes are also popular, with veal, beef, and game being commonly used. Sausages, such as cervelat and bratwurst, are also a staple in Swiss cuisine. Other popular dishes include geschnetzeltes (a veal dish with cream sauce), zurcher geschnetzeltes (a veal and mushroom dish), and papet vaudois (a potato and leek dish). Swiss chocolate is world-renowned and is often served as a dessert or snack. Additionally, Switzerland is famous for its high-quality wines, particularly from the regions of Valais and Ticino.


I would have to agree. Most people have not tried many different foods. I would LOVE to say and be able to vote on every nationalities food. All are so unique and tasty in their own way!

They have delicious local dishes such as Fondue, Rösti, Raclette, Roast and even Risotto is Swiss. Also they are inspired by their neighbours France, Italy and Germany. Great wine they have too. Just delicous.

Swiss food are really better that Italian food.
Italian food is just fast-food.

Swiss are not able to cook delicious pasta or pizza, just able to get money to put in ther banks!


Moroccan cuisine is a blend of Berber, Arabic, and Mediterranean influences, characterized by its rich and aromatic flavors, subtle use of spices, and combination of sweet and savory flavors. The cuisine is known for its use of preserved lemons, olives, and pickled vegetables, as well as a variety of spices such as cumin, ginger, paprika, and saffron. Tajines, slow-cooked stews made with meat, vegetables, and sometimes fruit, are a staple of Moroccan cuisine, as are couscous dishes, grilled meats, and seafood. Mint tea is a popular beverage, often served with traditional pastries like almond-filled briouats or honey-soaked chebakia. Overall, Moroccan cuisine is a reflection of the country’s diverse cultural and historical influences, and continues to be celebrated around the world for its unique and delicious flavors.


The best food I have ever tasted! The Moroccan cuisine is just special with its variety of dishes, deserts and drink! everyone is familiar with Moroccan tee, you need to try the real one 😉 . the mixture of salty and sweet is just a WOW! I just love it!

I’m a HUGE FOODIE. I’ve been to 24 countries and after Morocco, it topped my list! Not only are the regional dishes themselves an incredible blend of spices, meats, veggies, and dried fruits, but the produce itself is EXCEPTIONAL. Even something like freshly squeezed OJ or almonds, and dried fruit blew me away in its taste and freshness. Morocco tops my list.
I love me some Japanese cuisine and flavors (not it isn’t just sushi), Gallego regional Spanish cuisine (freshest seafood on earth), and Peruvian flavors, specifically from Andes.

I’m Moroccan and I can confirm that our food is the healthiest and most delicious of all. Very diversified, and extremely rich, with so many kinds of spices.

I believe that Moroccan gastronomy is phenomenal and extremely diversified. Tagine, Moroccan couscous, pastilla, tanjia and rfissa these are my favourites. I think that everyone should definitely taste Moroccan food. Did you try Moroccan tea? Believe me, once you try, you’ll be addicted to it and forget about morning coffee. Likewise, Moroccan food is rich in vegetables and olive oil, and thus in powerful antioxidants, so it is really prefect as a healthy diet.


Lebanese cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine that is characterized by its use of fresh herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits. The cuisine is largely influenced by the Levantine region’s history and geography and has been shaped by the country’s interactions with neighboring cultures. Lebanese cuisine features a diverse range of dishes, including meze, grilled meats, stews, and pastries, with popular ingredients such as lamb, chickpeas, garlic, and olive oil. Some of the most famous Lebanese dishes include tabbouleh, a salad made with parsley, tomatoes, and bulgur wheat, and kibbeh, a dish made from ground meat, bulgur wheat, and spices. Lebanese cuisine is also known for its use of flatbreads such as pita, which are often used to scoop up dips such as hummus and baba ghanoush.


Given it is very vegetarian based with little usage of oil, and when needed, it is olive oil in place, given it replaces strong spices with natural aromas (somak, lemon, olives, rose water, nuts, thyme…), and given its large variety that keeps you attending a Lebanese restaurant without a brake more than any other restaurant, I would vote Lebanese cuisine to be #1.

Turkish would go #2. Why after lebanese? Main reasons: (1) lots of fats in meat and grill and (2) less rich in meza offerings. (3) Yes they got Rakis, but Lebanese not only they got the original Arak but a great choice of wines too.

Lebanese food is amazing. This is coming from an American.
Like humus? You betcha.
Like cheese pizza but without sauce? Got it.
Like Falafel? They have that too.

You probably never tried these, and more counting, but once you try it and be free, you will never leave again. If you are looking for a store in America, try Oasis, they have some Arabic/Lebanese food that will blow your mind!
And I also find it funny, that a lot of newcomers, aka Americans, try like a humus, or a burrito. Closest they can get to American food. Kind of disappointing, but oh well, their choice. JUST TRY THE FOOD!

The best. Did you know the us sells fake orange juice to consumers. When they say 100% orange juice, it’s a lie, they take out oxygen from the orange, which removes ALL flavor. Then comes in artificial flavor, which they don’t have to label as an ingredient. Also, their steak is mostly other prices of steak glued together. Also, 90% of American coffee contains twigs, and dirt.

I’m Lebanese and we have all kinds of restaurants (American fast food, Italian restaurants, Mexican restaurants such as Chili’s, Sushi restaurants, french steak palaces…). I have tried them all and even though every country has something special about their food, Lebanese cuisine is my favorite. There’s a combination of variety, texture, taste, authenticity and healthiness that you just don’t find in other countries. A must try for anyone who hasn’t tried it yet.


Belgian cuisine is known for its hearty, rustic dishes that showcase the country’s love for good food and beer. The cuisine is heavily influenced by French and German traditions, as well as the country’s own unique flavors and ingredients. Belgian dishes are often rich and indulgent, with popular dishes including moules-frites (mussels and fries), carbonade flamande (beef stewed in beer), and waterzooi (a creamy soup with chicken or fish). Belgian chocolate is also world-renowned, and the country is famous for its waffles, which can be enjoyed as a sweet or savory dish. Additionally, Belgium is home to over 1,500 types of beer, with a beer culture that is deeply ingrained in the country’s culinary traditions.


They make fries like I’ve never tasted before! Just, wow! They have a lot of similar restaurants like everywhere else in Europe, but it’s usually very clean and people are friendly (contrary to places I’ve been in France or the Netherlands).
And! Belgian waffles! How can such a little country make such a genius snack? Also I love the chocolate and the “pralines”. You think Swiss makes the best chocolate? Guess again, it’s Belgium!

The chocolate and the waffles in Belgium are amazing!
Belgium should be way higher on the list because of the French fries (BELGIAN FRIES)! The food that everybody loves!
And plus the beers! The country with most brands of beers in the world!

I am Belgium and about French fries, nobody really knows, so let’s say they are both French and Belgium.
By the way, everybody say that pasta are Italian, in fact not they are Chinese, that’s a real fact.

Waffles, French fries ( not made in France ), meatballs, beer, and their most famous food, chocolate! I want to go there just to try all the good stuff ( except for beer I’m too young for dat stuff I’m 12 )


Laotian cuisine is a unique blend of flavors and influences from neighboring countries, such as Thailand, Vietnam, and China. The cuisine is characterized by its use of fresh herbs, spices, and vegetables, as well as sticky rice, which is the staple food of Laos. Some of the most popular dishes include laap, a spicy meat salad made with ground or minced meat, herbs, and chili, and tam mak hoong, a spicy green papaya salad. Other popular dishes include khao soi, a coconut-based soup, and mok pa, a steamed fish dish wrapped in banana leaves. Laotian cuisine also features a variety of noodle dishes, such as khao piak sen, a noodle soup with chicken or pork, and khao jee, a baguette sandwich filled with meats, vegetables, and sauces. Overall, Laotian cuisine is known for its bold and flavorful dishes, with a balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors.



Cambodian cuisine, also known as Khmer cuisine, is a fusion of Southeast Asian flavors, with influences from Indian, Chinese, and French cooking. The cuisine is characterized by the use of fresh herbs, spices, and aromatic vegetables such as lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal. Rice is a staple in Cambodian cuisine, often served alongside flavorful curries, soups, and stir-fries. The use of fish sauce, prahok (a fermented fish paste), and tamarind give Cambodian dishes a distinct umami flavor. Some popular Cambodian dishes include amok (a steamed fish curry cooked in banana leaves), lok lak (a stir-fry of beef or chicken with vegetables), and bai sach chrouk (grilled pork served with rice and pickled vegetables). Desserts in Cambodian cuisine are typically made with coconut milk and sticky rice, and include dishes such as num ansom (sweet sticky rice with banana and coconut) and kralan (bamboo sticky rice cake).


Som lor kor ko is a mix of veggies in soup that make Khmer Food taste very traditional and capture represent of this country. My favorite is Ah muk Trey. It is hard to find it in anywhere besides this country. Thumbs up.

Toronto, Leakhena

Just really great food. And most are made with healthy ingredients. They can make vegetables absolutely delicious

Cambodian food is fresh and they use a lot fresh fruit in desserts. Quite awesome!

Algeria food is the best.


Taiwanese cuisine is a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, Southeast Asian, and indigenous Taiwanese culinary traditions. It is characterized by its bold and flavorful dishes, with a focus on fresh, seasonal ingredients and a balance of sweet, savory, and spicy flavors. Some of the most iconic Taiwanese dishes include beef noodle soup, pork belly buns, oyster omelets, stinky tofu, and bubble tea. Taiwanese cuisine is also known for its night markets, where visitors can sample a variety of street foods and snacks, such as grilled squid, fried chicken, and shaved ice desserts.


Taiwan can compete for the best food in the world. For me it is second after Italian (I’m Italian). I spent a month in Taiwan and I tasted more than one hundred kinds of food that where new for me. Taiwan has the best of the Chinese tradition, mixed with some of the best from Japan (the island has been a colony of Japan for 50 years), and mixed with their local unique culture. You can try ten different dishes in a meal, if you go to noght market. Dish number one for me is their dumplings, but they are also great in fish dishes, sushi, hot pot, fried fish. What is amazing is the variety of foods especially of street food and affordable dishes. If you travel in Taiwan you do not need a lot of money to try their bests. The only dish I cannot stand is “stinky tofu” because it relly stinks 🙂

Absolutely the best food on Earth. Everywhere you go, you can get cheap, flavorful food. Even the smallest food stand in a small alley can lead to a palette-tingling experience. The food, though originated from China, contains flavors from Japan, Korea, as well as European nations like Netherlands, and Spain. The diverse culture and people on the island symbolizes the eclectic influences and unique creations that are found solely in Taiwanese food.

Taiwan has best food! They are everywhere, you can find really nice food in all price range (cheap: night market, exp: 5 star restaurant).
Taiwan is especially heaven for vegetarian and vegan (it is confirmed 100% from all vegetarian & vegan friends who visited Taiwan). So easy to find a food place offer nice vegan food!

Best food, high quality and hygienic even in night markets, good fusion cuisine with high quality local ingredients, its Chinese food is also the best I can find so far in the world unlike those chemical and greasy dishes in China, I recommend to try it in Taiwan, you won’t regret it.


Portuguese cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and simple yet delicious preparations. Seafood, especially cod, is a staple of Portuguese cuisine, and many dishes are prepared with olive oil, garlic, and onions. Some of the most iconic dishes in Portuguese cuisine include bacalhau (salt cod), grilled sardines, cozido (a hearty meat and vegetable stew), caldo verde (a soup made with kale and potatoes), and pasteis de nata (custard tarts). In addition to traditional dishes, Portuguese cuisine has also been influenced by its former colonies, resulting in a fusion of African, Brazilian, and Asian flavors.


The best use of spices in the Western world. Plus the salted Call of Duty dishes are simply a national treasure, there are thousands of them, and they all from good to great. Then you come to deserts, the Pastel de Belem, Ovos Moles, and lots of other fresh and complex delicacies will make you salivate from just thinking of them, let alone see, smell and then taste one of them!
Wine-wise, it’s hard to beat a country where you can buy a bottle of decent wine for 1 Euro, and if you wish you can also have a sip ot the timeless Port and Madeira! There’s a reason why Shakespeare would make characters sell their soul to the Devil for just a sip of these nectars, and why the drafting of the US constitutiuon was celebrated with copious amounts of them!

Grilled chicken with Peri Peri sauce, second to none, excellent options for people that have had recent cardiac/heart surgeries. Rice with chillies, great for getting lots of different vitamins with raw vegetable salads, and to prevent common colds via drinking water when you know that you are having the first phase of common cold symptoms.

Portuguese food is one of the most tasty food in the entire world. The chefs are incredibly talented and make add so much variety on their that it’s hard to choose which food is better, and they’re so underrated. How come chinese, english, american and spanish food be better than the portuguese one? Portuguese food really deserves a top 5 spot.

Probably influenced most of the countries in the world. These, somewhere around 1500 jumped on what now you’d consider a raft with a sheet for a sail, and went around the world discovering India and Brazil. About the food, well… You have to try it, and I bet you’ll never want to try anything else in fear of disappointment…


Turkish cuisine is a fusion of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Central Asian, and Balkan cuisines, reflecting the country’s diverse cultural influences. The cuisine is characterized by the use of fresh and seasonal ingredients, herbs, spices, and olive oil. Meat, especially lamb and beef, is a prominent feature of Turkish dishes, as well as grilled vegetables, rice, bulgur, and legumes. Popular dishes include kebabs, stews, mezes, borek (savory pastries), and pilafs. Desserts are also an essential part of Turkish cuisine, with baklava and Turkish delight being among the most famous. Additionally, Turkish tea and coffee are staples of the cuisine and often served as an accompaniment to meals.


Best food in the world. A little lesser known in the states but damn nothing comes close to Turkish cuisine it really offers the best of the Mediterranean. Turkish cuisine can be summed up as the best of Greek, Arabic, and Balkan food but improved upon. Also get this it’s the healthiest form of ethnic cuisine there really is nothing to go wrong with here.

Think of it this way. The Ottoman Empire controlled all these Mediterranean countries and Slavic countries and took their cuisine. Throughout the years, they improved upon all the food they gained. A small shop selling food in Turkey taste just as good as any extremely expensive restaurant in countries like the United States or England. Turkish food is healthy and delicious. Nothing can compare. If you want to go to a country for food, you can’t go wrong with Turkey. They understand food better than anyone.

The best food in the World. The best people in the World.
Turkey is an amazing country that serves as a model culture for emerging powers; and most of all, its history is rich with deep rooted culture. I like the country and the people. I do wish it works towards democratizing its values and finds a good mix of religion and freedom. The concept of democracy and individual liberty transcends generations, cultures, national borders, and faiths. All countries in the region look to Turkey to become the modern democratic country that other countries can model themselves after. Turkish women are beautiful, smart and very charming. It will be a shame to see them wrapped up like burritos like in other countries. I wish that Turkish men liberate their mothers, sisters and wives and create a more even and equal community that respects and adheres to faith but also the greater global community.

Any form of food has to taste delicious, otherwise people would never buy it. This includes the cheapest meal you could buy for $1 to fancy restaurants where a meal could cost over $100. There is no need to pay more if your goal is only eating something extremely delicious. Furthermore, this cuisine is capable of cooking every single vegetable on earth in an extremely delicious way. Finding home style vegetarian meals on streets can become a bit challenging than finding less healthier options. However, inside homes, Turkish people do eat these mastered vegetarian gems more frequently than anything else.


Philippine cuisine is a fusion of indigenous, Asian, and Spanish influences, resulting in a unique blend of flavors and cooking styles. Rice is a staple food in the Philippines, and it is often accompanied by various dishes such as adobo, a popular dish made of meat, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and bay leaves. Other notable dishes include sinigang, a sour soup made with tamarind, vegetables, and meat or seafood; lechon, a roasted pig dish often served during special occasions; and pancit, a type of noodle dish that can be prepared with various ingredients. Filipino cuisine also features an array of desserts, including halo-halo, a shaved ice dessert with various toppings, and bibingka, a type of rice cake.


I’m Filipino! Jollibee has the best fried chicken! I love

Adobo! Crispy Pata is Delicious! Sinigang is my favorite soup! The street food is delicious! The only one that I don’t really like is balut.

Also: There’s this one guy who made a very hateful comment about the Philippines saying that we are “attention seekers” and that our country is bad. We are not attention seekers! If you think that, then you don’t know who we are! He even said that the people who dislike his comment are just “prideful Filipinos.” I mean who wouldn’t dislike that comment?! That’s so racist of him to say that! I’m so offended by that comment!

Philippines? Good? Yeah, no. This country is filled with people who try to be so special and famous like America, even though they sometimes hate Americans for not being Filipinos.

-Pinoy got talent
-Reality shows
-Edgy romance shows
-a lot more.

Now, the food.

Adobo is chicken in soy sauce filled with bones that break your teeth

Julibee has tasteless chicken

Soups are nothing but leaves in water

Don’t get me started on street food…

Tosino? Asado siopao? Pretty great.

Roasted pig? Absolute cancer.

Filipinos, stop trying to improve and accept the fact your country is absolute! #@%

Everyone who will dislike is another prideful Filipino who thinks their country is so nice.

Filipino cuisine is a mix of tastes and spices! And the recipes are even adopted from different cuisines and mixing them together, forming another great dish! Heck even the street foods at the Philippines taste good =w= Also, not only meat and sea food but Philippines has awesome fruits, especially those juicy, sweet mangoes~ And Filipinos invent a lot of dishes that includes vegetables and fruits as part of any type of meal! So it’s like having the food pyramid in one dish invented though it depends on the meal you’re eating though =w=

Nothing beats filipino cuisine especially when it comes to viands like Sinigang, Kare-kare, Adobo, Caldereta, etc. Best to serve with any type of rice! They also got the best street foods like kwek-kwek (deep fried flour-coated quail eggs), ice scramble (strawberry flavored ice shavings topped with milk powder, choco syrup and some candies) and many more. There’s more to say but I’ll just leave it for you to prove. By the way, best quality mangoes can only be found in the Philippines.