Top 20 Best Countries In The World For Food

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Food is a basic necessity for life. In order to survive, humans need to eat nutritious foods every day. The quality of our food determines our health and well-being. It is a ritual that has an incredible number of different forms. Meals with a complete balance of textures, aromas, and flavors can be incredibly complex, and have different dominant flavors across the world.

It is no wonder that there is so much variation between countries and regions, each with their own cuisine or traditional dish. Certain combinations of ingredients and flavors has the power to bring people together, settle disputes, and comfort people.

There are hundreds of cuisines around the world. Each has a unique social purpose and rituals surrounding a particular dish. For example, some meals are reserved specifically for celebrations or birthdays, while others are more of a standard food consumed regularly.

Food is an enormous part of culture, and it differs across the world. Local ingredients are celebrated across regions and countries, where people have their own traditions and flavor combinations that they enjoy.

There is something comforting and nostalgic about preparing and enjoying a meal that you ate as a child. It has the power to make someone feel at home and welcomed by a particular community. Certain dishes are considered sacred by particular cultures, with traditional recipes being passed down through generations. 

This is a complete guide into the culture of food, and the top 20 countries in the world for food.

Understanding Food And Culture

Culture is an enormous part of uniting people and being aware of some key differences that exist between us. However, something that everybody has in common is the need for food. We are all humans who need to keep our bodies fueled well.

Historic Meanings

Firstly, certain cultures have a rich history when it comes to certain foods and cooking methods. Some regions still mostly follow the same diet that their ancestors did, using local ingredients that grow nearby.

This is a unique way that people can connect with previous generations, and celebrate the culture that they are a part of. 

Since prehistoric times, humans have used the naturally occurring resources surrounding them in order to survive. While certain techniques and flavors have become more complex over time, food remains a large part of a country’s history.

Able To Learn Different About Tastes, Seasonings, And Techniques 

Something that is enjoyed when trying out different meals from cultures we are less familiar with is exploring a slightly different way of cooking. Whether this involves using a different base ingredient when you are making a sauce, or changing your approach to seasonings and adjusting the flavor of a dish to taste, there are many ways to explore different cultures within their foods.

Food Tourism

This is a relatively new term which addresses the exploration of unfamiliar cultures through the form of their cuisine. Food tourism is a way of tasting new flavor combinations, textures, and methods of cooking from different cultures without having to actually travel to a particular region.

This is because it typically involves cooking with new recipes or authentic ingredients from your own kitchen, or trying out a new restaurant with a particular dish on the menu. The modern world has paired well with the different cuisines, and many cultures are being celebrated through the hospitality industry.

Not only that, but the integration of technology within the modern world has allowed us to explore so many recipes from around the world without having to leave the comfort of our own kitchens.


While it is a necessity to keep our bodies functioning correctly and fully nourished, food can also instill a sense of pride within members of particular regions. Certain intricacies of a dish such as a secret ingredient or cooking method can bring people together and make them feel part of something bigger.

This can also help people celebrate lost cultures and appreciate certain countries that they have not had the chance to visit yet. It could be exciting to explore your ancestry and enjoy the meals of previous generations in order to feel closer to your relatives. 

Expression Of Cultural Identity

Similarly, certain meals have the power to connect people to their cultures and allows them to express themselves. This can be done with certain methods of presentation, eating habits, or even rituals surrounding a particular meal.

People behave differently when they are eating certain foods. For example, using bread to scoop curries and sauces with, chopsticks, or a knife and fork. Some cultures will also put family values first, and make sure that all members of the household are present before beginning to eat.

On the other hand, some cultures make food a priority, with gourmet cafés and restaurants available on every corner. They allow people to become immersed in the experience of their food, and will even allow employees to take a long break so that they can eat their lunch and enjoy it.

Food Preservation Techniques Are Unique To Each Culture

Food preservation is something that has a great deal of variation between cultures and countries around the world. This is mainly due to the natural resources that are easier to access for locals to make certain foods last longer. However, some of these remain largely unchanged since they were first introduced.

In spite of the integration of modern technology, it can be fascinating to try these methods, which vary between cultures.

Preserving meat can be done in many unique and fascinating ways, including packing it in animal fat, or drying out chunks before storing at room temperature. Food preservation techniques are definitely something that are worth taking a closer look at, because there are so many methods that differ based on cultures, typical weather patterns and average temperatures, and naturally occurring resources in the area.

Food Is A Necessity To All

One of the most common reasons why food is seen in so many forms is because we all need to eat on a regular basis in order to survive. Cultures also vary the amount consumed, key ingredients, and time of day in which they have their main meal based on physical activity levels and the type of work that is normally carried out by locals within the region.

Top 20 Best Countries In The World For Food

It is difficult to quantify which countries are the best in terms of food, which is why we have outlined some of those with the most interesting and diverse cuisines and the ways in which they differ. This includes chosen tools to eat with, portion sizes, and key ingredients.


Harmony is a huge part of Chinese culture, which is a continuing theme within their cuisine. There is a delicate balance of flavors with every dish, which makes for a well-rounded tasting experience. Traditional Chinese meals are both nutritious and visually appealing, which is why ornate styles and a variety of colors are frequently seen in this cuisine.

One of the easiest things to notice about Chinese food is that they are traditionally eaten using chopsticks. Each meal has some form of soup, and must make use of pepper and either chili sauce or soy sauce for an aromatic and intense flavor, which has helped make this type of food so popular around the world.

Tea is usually enjoyed alongside most Chinese dishes, because it helps with digestion and acts as a palate cleanser between the strong and sometimes spicy flavors. Chinese cuisine is divided into smaller categories that differ based on the region that they come from. Some of the most popular include Cantonese, Hunan, Fujian, and Sichuan.

Fresh vegetables are sautéed with ginger, garlic, and other aromatic flavors and served with noodles, rice, or inside steamed dumplings that can be dipped into an accompaniment dip.


Vietnamese food is one of the reasons why the people living there are considered the healthiest in the world. The dishes seen within this cuisine feature five fundamental tastes which use fresh chilies, ginger, lemongrass, mint, lime, and basil leaves in many preparation methods.

Something which makes Vietnamese foods so unique is that they are mostly free from dairy, oils, and gluten. This is because they typically feature rice noodles and small parcels of vegetables made using rice paper, which are naturally low in carbs in comparison to regular noodles.

Because the emphasis of Vietnamese food is on fresh ingredients, the protein for most meals comes from fish. These flavors are brought out with the addition of tangy fish sauce. Vietnamese people are responsible for around 70% of the world’s soy sauce market. Japanese tea is usually enjoyed alongside Vietnamese dishes.


Everybody knows some of the most iconic Italian dishes that are a big part of the Western world’s cuisine today, such as pizzas and pasta dishes. However, something that is often missed when it comes to experiencing authentic Italian cuisine is the use of fresh herbs to bring out the deep flavors of the rich ingredients.

Unlike other countries, Italian cuisine places less emphasis on complex preparations with their meals, but rather on fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Italy can be credited for  introducing the world to a range of cheeses which have their own selection of complex aromas and tastes. These include mozzarella and Parmesan, which are well-known in many recipes across the world nowadays.

Italian food is incredibly tasty as well as hearty, and typically features olive oil, fresh bread, seafood, or local meat which is either fresh or has been cured. Of course, they are the main reason why so many of us enjoy pasta nowadays as well. However, nobody makes fresh, authentic Italian pasta quite like the natives.


Interestingly, Japanese food typically features smaller dishes spread throughout the day. However, this doesn’t make their meals any less intricate, as authentic Japanese sushi is incredibly precise. This culture has made their food a strong part of their culture, and has encouraged some Western world to use chopsticks when eating certain foods.

As well as fresh fish and sushi, tofu is enjoyed within many Japanese recipes. You can also enjoy watching a skilled chef working at a Teppanyaki grill at a Japanese restaurant. Green tea is often enjoyed with or after a meal within this culture, with oolong or jasmine being some favorites.

It is a sign of respect to hold your cup with both hands when someone is pouring you a drink to thank them. Japanese cuisine is very connected to traditions and continues to follow certain rituals today. It could be worth reading up on these before heading to a Japanese restaurant to avoid accidentally offending somebody without knowing.


It is no secret that spices are incredibly important in Indian cuisine, and there is no other country which has celebrated chilies and spice in quite the same way. Indian food is full of flavor, and most dishes will be served with naan bread and rice.

Because cows are considered sacred in India, most people stick to vegetarian diets and make incredibly aromatic foods that can be seen in a selection of colors and flavors.

Indian cuisine can also be credited for introducing street food to the modern world. There are so many spicy snacks and Tandoori dishes that can be purchased from street vendors that it is worth exploring.

It is also worth exploring the range of sweet Indian dishes that aren’t as popular as some main meals, but are incredibly tasty.

Gulab Jamun and Halwa are some of the favorite desserts that people enjoy after eating an Indian meal. They can be eaten as snacks on their own or used as palette cleansers if you find yourself struggling with the heat of your food.


Widely considered to be one of the oldest cuisines in the world, Greek food is unlike any other. It is surprisingly simple, but celebrates fresh ingredients and the rich flavors of olive oil and delicious feta cheese, which is a favorite in Greek cuisine. Seafood, red onions, tomatoes, and various types of meats are some of the more dominant ingredients in many dishes.

Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, most of the dishes are kept relatively light, which is why the flavors are a little more subtle. Moussaka, gyros, tzatziki are delightful foods prepared within Greek cuisine which are certainly worth a try.

Interestingly, Greek food also has a delicious selection of sweet pastries which can be eaten after a meal, as a snack any time of the day, or even for a tasty breakfast. Baklava is made using filo pastry and layers of nuts and honey, and it is definitely worth a try if you don’t suffer from any nut allergies!


If you have ever enjoyed a Thai curry, you will understand the complex selection of spices and herbs which are combined within Thai cuisine. Because most restaurant chains will have their own version of certain iconic Thai dishes, it is difficult to know whether you are getting an authentic meal from Thailand, or something which is modified.

However, Thai cuisine features some level of sweetness, which is typically introduced by a little palm sugar, as well as sour lime, hot chili, savory fish sauce, and salt. There is definitely a unique taste to Thai meals, and it is worth looking out for these combinations of flavors to see how they have been balanced.

Thai food normally uses noodles or rice, and you can find plenty of fresh flavors from herbs such as lemongrass, coconut milk, and fresh basil. Of course, spice is also a dominant flavor used in Thai cuisine, which is used slightly differently to Indian cuisine which has a more intense heat to their dishes.


You may not know, but Russian borscht, which is a beetroot soup, actually originally came from the Ukrainian recipe which is typically made with whatever you have leftover in the refrigerator at the time of cooking. Ukrainian food is incredibly comforting, and usually comes in hearty portion sizes.

It will leave you feeling warm and cozy, even if you are unfamiliar with the cuisine. Pork fat, beef cutlets, and other meats are featured in many Ukrainian recipes which will make you feel cared for and nourished. Cranberry juice and black tea are typically consumed alongside most meals.


Rice is a large part of Pakistan food, and it can be seen in many forms as well as lamb meat, which is popular within Pashtun cuisine. Traditional Pakistan dishes typically feature a selection of vegetables which grow all year round, combined with herbs and spices to create a well-rounded meal which is hearty and tasty.

Flat breads and kebabs are also enjoyed within Pakistan cuisine, and they will usually consume snacks such as fruits and yogurt throughout the day.


Another spin on Mediterranean cuisine, Spanish dishes typically feature lots of seafood, tomatoes, and chorizo. The modern world has celebrated Spanish cuisine through providing tapas style appetizers, which feature a lot of smaller plates for groups of people to taste from.

This was originally done with cured meats, but can be seen within a range of foods including cheeses, fried seafood, and even bread.

Something that makes Spanish cuisine stand out, is that each region within the country have their own culture. This means that there are slightly different types of food that are celebrated and enjoyed on a regular basis throughout Spain. For example, it is the Spanish region of Andalusia which originally enjoyed gazpacho, which can be recognized as a cold soup nowadays.


Mexican cuisine is responsible for bringing tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, burritos, chili con carne, and of course guacamole into our lives. Wrapping beans and other fillings in tortilla wraps makes for ideal street food, which is easy to eat when you are on the go. However, some of the more traditional Mexican dishes feature grilled goat, and exotic fruits.

It is certainly worth paying a visit to an authentic Mexican restaurant so that you can experience the delicious flavors for yourself. Some dishes can be a little spicy, so it is worth easing yourself in by getting a cheesy quesadilla on the side. Mexican dishes can be intense, and are incredibly hearty. It is certain to feed your stomach and your soul at the same time.


This cuisine features techniques, ingredients, and combinations of flavors from all around the world. Adobo is a favorite in the Philippines, and it is typically made by cooking chicken in garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, black pepper, and bay leaves.

Soups made with wonton can also be seen in Filipino meals, as well as a lot of pork dishes.

Interestingly, one of the reasons why Filipino food isn’t as popular as other cuisines is because it isn’t as bold and intense as the dishes from other countries. This is a little unusual, as there are some incredibly tasty meals within Filipino cuisine that are worth a try.


Chocolate and cheese are large parts of Swiss food, and they are known globally for their rich tasting ingredients. The cuisine in Switzerland can be seen as the result of German, Italian, and French influences. Fondue is an iconic part of Swiss culture, which can be enjoyed as an appetizer or even a dessert, depending on whether you put chocolate or cheese inside the pot.

Potatoes, bread, and sausages are all enjoyed throughout Switzerland, and traditional sausages are made using pork and fennel. The Swiss are also famous for adding muesli to the global market, which is an oat-based breakfast food typically enjoyed with yogurt and dried berries.


Korean food is a little different to other cuisines, because they are slightly more experimental in their flavor and texture combinations. It is adventurous and bold, which is what makes it such a popular range of food around the world. Ingredients like kimchi, fermented chili paste, broth, soy sauce, and even pig’s feet are common in many Korean dishes.

Meats, rice, and vegetables are normally combined in Korean cuisine, but the flavors and even serving temperatures can differ greatly. For example, Konggusksu is a noodle-based dish which is made using a broth from ground soy beans, which is served cold.


French cuisine is known for combining rich ingredients that are full of flavor, as well as an enormous culture surrounding French food. No other culture celebrates food quite as much as France does. They are responsible for so many gourmet dishes that it is hard to quantify.

Not only do France offer a huge selection of delicious meats and cheeses, but their bakeries are unlike any other in the world. People who live in France love heading to the boulangerie to collect their fresh bread for the day every morning.

Not only that, but French bakeries dominate the game in terms of fresh pastries, which are truly iconic. It is also worth appreciating the gourmet pâtisseries located throughout France, which have a huge variety of colorful tarts, cakes, and delicious desserts that are a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds.


We all know how iconic the meatballs are from Sweden, thanks to the influence of IKEA, but they were originally made using reindeer meat exclusively. Swedish cuisine tends to be a little understated because it features relatively simple ingredients, however they tend to contrast with one another to create a unique tasting experience with every bite.

Sweden are also known for making smorgasbords, which are like charcuterie boards but a little bigger because they are set up on a table at any event or occasion. Hot and cold dishes can be laid together and everybody brings something to add so that the host isn’t cooking all day, and that there is still plenty of delicious food to enjoy.

Cardamom buns are also an iconic part of Swedish food, and they have a unique flavor that is completely different from any other pastry that you may have tasted in the past. 


Portuguese cuisine is famous for seafood, which is part of the reason why the national dish of Portugal is bacalhau. This is codfish that has been dried and then soaked in milk or water before cooking. It has been enjoyed by the Portuguese since the sixteenth century.

Not only that, but Portugal have some amazing pastries which have a sweet custard inside. These are known as Pastel de Nata, and are enjoyed for breakfast or as a light dessert by many across Europe.


While they are known for their barbecuing skills, Australians have some interesting culinary combinations which are worth trying out for yourself before passing judgement. Vegemite is a favorite for many down under, and it is a thick paste made using brewer’s yeast. It has an intense salty flavor, so it is recommended that you use this sparingly.

Vegemite is normally spread in a thin layer over buttered toast, but it can also be used in cooking. Cheesymite scroll is bread that has been made using the yeasty paste, and it is a favorite for many. Fairy bread is another interesting combination that involves adding sprinkles to buttered white bread.

However, Australian cuisine is mostly known for offering unique and exotic meats. These include crocodile, kangaroo, and ostrich.


This cuisine combines French, Russian, and Italian influences and regularly serves Turkish coffee which truly is one of a kind. Montenegrin food will warm and comfort you, as well as satisfying the taste buds.

Soups and meat dishes are always popular on the menu, and it is worth trying plieskavitsa at an authentic Montenegrin restaurant for the full experience. Pork, beef, and lamb are all spiced and grilled to perfection for a hearty and tasty meal.


This is a cultural mash-up of the people who first came to America, and many added a new spin on some of their traditional dishes. Steaks, burgers, New York pizzas, Chicago style pizzas, and fried chicken are all foods that evolved in the different states over time, and became ‘American food’.

Something that massively influenced cuisine within the USA were the intense numbers of huge brands that wanted to offer a unique product that made them stand out. It is this which led to the development of fast-food chains and how they got to where they are today.

New York is a cultural hub which offers visitors a selection of different cuisines from all over the world, which is what makes it so fascinating and interesting. You can sample many authentic cuisines from different countries while only having to visit one.

Of course, the introduction of ‘Tex Mex’ is something that was adapted from Mexican food, and the Cajun spice was soon introduced to mainstream America. Cuisine within the USA is huge because of the enormous variety that exists. Fast-food chains and restaurants leave you spoiled for choice.


There are so many ways that global cuisine differs, and the role that food can play in our day-to-day lives. Some cultures consider specific animals as sacred and will avoid eating meat as a result, while others are a mash-up of other cultures with their own spin on traditional foods.

Whatever culture you see yourself as a part of, food is incredibly important at making someone feel welcomed and comfortable. It can be used to heal relationships, reflect on the day, and celebrate occasions. There are certain rituals which are unique to each culture that make them different from one another, and are worth acknowledging in order to keep the traditions alive.

As a species, we need to find nutritious food in order to survive. From foraging in the forest to creating complex  flavor combinations that contrast or complement each other, food has become more intricate and complicated as technology has advanced.

In turn, this has allowed us to get more creative with food preparation and cooking methods. However, something that has not changed massively is the role that food has in our lives, and the need for cultural rituals in order to create a sense of community and togetherness.