Top Five Strategies to Improve Your Product Quality | SolutionBuggy

Product quality is an aspect of paramount importance in manufacturing, because of its everlasting impact on the purchase decisions of the customers. No business owner would ever want to compromise on the product quality, and always strive to improve the quality of the products as a part of better customer service. Here are some tips to improve the quality of the products:

  • Define Quality Standards from Customer Perspective

The quality of a product is entirely about satisfying the customer’s expectations about the product. So, businesses should first define the quality standards from the customer’s perspective by considering their views. Quality improvement is an ongoing process, and to achieve better product quality it takes continuous effort not just from the individuals but from the entire team. More often, ground-level workforces are not really aware of what product quality means and how to achieve it. Product development teams should involve and take inputs from sales and marketing teams while defining the product quality standards.

Keep the Shop Floor Clean

Keeping the shop floor clean must be a priority for businesses in order to ensure better product quality. To keep the shop-floor clean, you must clearly state and enforce the cleanliness standards and guidelines so that all employees can see and follow them. Cleanliness should be a bottom-up approach to bring cleanliness into the shop floor and provide a clean workspace for the workforce. It not only contributes to better product quality but also improves productivity.

Standardize the Work and Create a Response Plan      

Employing a strong discipline in the work environment with standardized day-to-day manufacturing and business operations is essential to ensure product quality. Standardizing the operations is the most fundamental step in lean manufacturing technique. Standardization is the process of doing certain tasks in a certain way over a period of time to obtain certain results. Apart from standardizing the work processes, you should also have a robust response plan to respond to unforeseen disruptions which may have an adverse impact on the quality of the product.

Upgrade the Machinery  

The quality of the products depends on the machinery used for production. So, you must either replace the machinery and tools with the latest ones or upgrade them on a regular basis. After upgrading the machinery, you should train employees on their usage. Keeping the machinery up-to-date helps to increase the product quality.

Improve the Traceability        

Traceability is the process of tracking each and every step of the products from the raw material stage to the final shipment. Traceability helps to easily find problems in the products along with their cause, which makes the correction easier by analyzing the cause. It helps to keep the production running in the wake of disruptions without impacting the product quality.

Better product quality improves profitability by reducing the manufacturing costs due to less rework on the products. While product quality is the most important and basic thing in the business strategy, ensuring product quality is not an easy task for industries owing to a lack of relevant domain expertise. For industries to ensure better quality products, they should consider taking help from experienced industrial consultants who can guide them on improving the product quality.

Are you a first-generation entrepreneur planning to foray into the manufacturing industry or an existing industry struggling to improve the quality of the products in your manufacturing firm? Are you looking for manufacturing consultants who can help you with the same? If yes, then kindly register with SolutionBuggy, India’s thought leader in the manufacturing industry, and get access to expert manufacturing consultants. SolutionBuggy’s expert industrial consultants help you in solving your end-to-end business problems right from market research, product identification, and plant set-up to complete product manufacturing, quality checks, sales, business development.

A gram flour manufacturer from Angul, Odisha was facing issues with the product quality that was not as per the market needs, which eventually reduced the sales and profitability. SolutionBuggy with the help of its expert manufacturing consultants enabled the industry to improve the quality of gram flour as per the market needs. This enabled them to cut-down extra costs because of less rework and drive profits. Till date, SolutionBuggy successfully completed more than 1350 consulting projects across various industries including chemical, food, pharmaceutical, defense & aerospace, textile, and many more.