Total Quality Management (TQM) in Nursing Care



Total Quality Management (TQM) in
Nursing Care


  • Quality refers to excellence of
    a product or a service, including its attractiveness, lack of
    defects, reliability, and long-term durability.

  • Quality assurance provides the mechanisms to
    effectively monitor patient care provided by health   
    care professionals using cost-effective resources.

  • Nursing programmes of quality assurance are
    concerned with the quantitative assessment of nursing care as
    measured by proven standards of nursing practice.

  • Quality assurance system motivates nurses to
    strive for excellence in delivering quality care and to be more
    open and flexible in experimenting with innovative ways to change
    outmoded systems.

  • Florence Nightingale introduced the concept of
    quality in nursing care in 1855 while attending the soldiers in
    the hospital during the Crimean war.


  • Quality is defined as the extent of resemblance between the
    purpose of healthcare and the truly granted care (Donabedian

  • Quality assurance originated in manufacturing industry “to ensure
    that the product consistently achieved customer satisfaction”.

  • Quality assurance is a dynamic process through
    which nurses assume accountability for quality of care they

  • It is a guarantee to the society that services
    provided by nurses are being regulated by members of profession.

  • “Quality assurance is a judgment concerning the
    process of care, based on the extent to which that cares
    contributes to valued outcomes”. (Donabedian 1982).

  •  “Quality assurance as the monitoring of the
    activities of client care to determine the degree of excellence
    attained to the implementation of the activities”. (Bull,

  • Quality assurance is the defining of nursing
    practice through well written nursing standards and the use of
    those standards as a basis for evaluation on improvement of client
    care (Maker 1998).


Two major categories of approaches exist in quality
assurance they are

  1. General
  2. Specific

A. General Approach

  • It involves large governing of official body’s evaluation of a
    persons or agency’s ability to meet established criteria or
    standards at a given time.

1) Credentialing

  • formal recognition of professional or technical competence and
    attainment of minimum standards by a person or agency

Credentialing process has four functional components

a) To produce a quality product

b) To confer a unique identity

c) To protect provider and public

d) To control the profession.

2) Licensure

  • Individual licensure is a contract between the
    profession and the state, in which the profession is granted
    control over entry into and exists from the profession and over
    quality of professional practice.

  • The licensing process requires that regulations
    be written to define the scopes and limits of the professional’s

  • Licensure of nurses has been mandated throuhout
    the world by laws and regulations..

3) Accreditation

  • ISO
  • JCI
  • NABH
  • Accrediation Canada
  • NAAC

4) Certification

  • Certification is usually a voluntary process with in the
  • A person’s educational achievements, experience and performance
    on examination are used to determine the person’s qualifications for
    functioning in an identified specialty area.

B. Specific approaches

1)  Peer review

  • Peer review is divided in to two types.
    1. The recipients of health services by means of auditing the
      quality of services rendered.
    2. The health professional evaluating the quality of individual

2) Standard as a device for quality assurance

Standard is a pre-determined baseline condition or
level of excellence that comprises a model to be followed and
practiced. The ANA standard for practice include:

  • Standard 1: The collection of
    data about health status of the patient is systematic and
    continuous. The data are accessible, communicative, and recorded.

  • Standard 2: Nursing diagnosis
    are derived from health status data.

  • Standard 3: The plan of nursing
    care includes goals derived from the nursing diagnoses.

  • Standard 4: The plan of nursing
    care includes priorities and the prescribed nursing approaches or
    measures to achieve the goals derived from the nursing diagnoses.

  • Standard 5: Nursing actions
    provide for patient participation in health promotion,
    maintenance, and restoration.

  • Standard 6: Nursing actions
    assist the patient to maximize his health capabilities.

  • Standard 7: The patient’s
    progress or lack of progress towards goal achievement is
    determined by the patient and the nurse.

  • Standard 8: The patient’s
    progress or lack of progress towards goal achievement directs
    re-assessment, re-ordering of priorities, new goal setting, and a
    revision of the plan of nursing care.

3) Audit as a tool for quality assurance

  • Nursing audit may be defined as a detailed review
    and evaluation of selected clinical records in order to evaluate
    the quality of nursing care and performance by comparing it with
    accepted standards.


1. System Model

  • Tasks are broken down into manageable components based on defined

The basic components of the system are

1. Input

2. Throughput

3. Output

4. Feedback

The input can be compared to the present state of
systems, the throughput to the developmental process and output to the
finished product. The feedback is the essential component of the
system because it maintains and nourishes the growth.

2) ANA Quality Assurance

The basic components of the ANA model are:

  1. Identify values

  2. Identify structure, process and outcome standards and criteria

  3. Select measurement

  4. Make interpretation

  5. Identify course of action

  6. Choose action

  7. Take action

  8. Reevaluate

1) Identify Value

In the ANA value identification looks as such issue
as patient/client, philosophy, needs and rights from an economic,
social, psychology and spiritual perspective and values, philosophy of
the health care organization and the providres of nursing services.

2) Identify structure, process and outcome
standards and criteria

  •  Identification of standards and criteria for quality
    assurance begins with writing of philosophy and objective of
  • The philosophy and objectives of an agency serves to define the
    structural standards of the agency.
  • Standards of structure are defined by licensing or accrediting
  • Evaluation of the standards of structure is done by a group
    internal or external to the agency.
  • The evaluation of process standards is a more specific appraisal
    of the quality of care being given by agency care providers.

3) Select measurement needed to determine
degree of attainment of criteria and standards

  • Measurements are those tools used to gather information or data,
    determined by the selections of standards and criteria.
  • The approaches and techniques used to evaluate structural
    standards and criteria are, nursing audit, utilization’s reviews,
    review of agency documents, self studies and review of physicals
  • The approaches and techniques for the evaluation of process
    standards and criteria are peer review, client satisfactions
    surveys, direct observations, questionnaires, interviews, written
    audits and videotapes.
  • The evaluation approaches for outcome standards and criteria
    include research studies, client satisfaction surveys, client
    classification, admission, readmission, discharge data and morbidity

4) Make interpretations

  • The degree to which the predetermined criteria are met is the
    basis for interpretation about the strengths and weaknesses of the
  • The rate of compliance is compared against the expected level of
    criteria accomplishment.

5) Identify Course of Action

  • If the compliance level is above the normal or the expected level,
    there is great value in conveying positive feedback and
  • . If the compliance level is below the expected level, it is
    essential to improve the situations.
  • It is necessary to identify the cause of deficiency. Then, it is
    important to identify various solutions to the problems.

6) Choose action

  • Usually various alternative course of action are available to
    remedy a deficiency.
  • Thus it is vital to weigh the pros and cons of each alternative
    while considering the environmental context and the availability of

7) Take Action

  • It is important to firmly establish accountability for the action
    to be taken.
  • This step then concludes with the actual implementation of the
    proposed courses of action.

8) Reevaluate

  • The final step of QA process involves an evaluation of the results
    of the action.
  • The reassessment is accomplished in the same way as the original
    assessment and begins the QA cycle again.
  • Careful interpretation is essential to determine whether the
    course of action has improves the deficiency, positive reinforcement
    is offered to those who participated and the decision is made about
    when to again evaluate that aspect of care.


  1. Establishment of standards or criteria

  2. Identify the information relevant to criteria

  3. Determine ways to collect information

  4. Collect and analyze the information

  5. Compare collected information with established

  6. Make a judgment about quality

  7. Provide information and if necessary, take
    corrective action regarding findings of appropriate sources

  8. Determine ways to collect the information


1) Lack of Resources

  • Insufficient resources, infrastructures, equipment, consumables,
    money for recurring expenses and staff make it possible for output
    of a certain quality to be turned out under the prevailing

2) Personnel problems

  • Lack of trained, skilled and motivated employees, staff
    indiscipline affects the quality of care.

3) Improper maintenance

  • Buildings and equipments require proper maintenance for efficient
    use. If not maintained properly the equipments cannot be used in
    giving nursing care.
  • To minimize equipment down time it is necessary to ensure
    adequate after sale service and service manuals.

4) Unreasonable Patients and Attendants

  • Illness, anxiety, absence of immediate response to treatment,
    unreasonable and unco-operative attitude that in turn affects the
    quality of care in nursing.

5) Absence of well informed population

  • To improve quality of nursing care, it is necessary that the
    people become knowledgeable and assert their rights to quality care.
  • This can be achieved through continuous educational program.

6) Absence of accreditation laws

There is no organization empowered by legislation to
lay down standards in nursing and medical care so as to regulate the
quality of care. It requires a legislation that provides for setting
of a stationary accreditation / vigilance authority to:

a) Inspect hospitals and ensures that basic
requirements are met.

b) Enquire into major incidence of negligence

c) Take actions against health professionals
involved in malpractice

7) Lack of incident review procedures

During a patients hospitalizations reveal incidents
may occur which have a bearing on the treatment and the patients final
recovery. These critical incidents may be:

a) Delayed attendance by nurses, surgeon, physician

b) Incorrect medication

c) Burns arising out of faulty procedures

d) Death in a corridor with no nurse / physician
accompanying the patient etc.

8) Lack of good and hospital information

A good management information system is essential for
the appraisal of quality of care.

a) Workload, admissions, procedures and length of

b) Activity audit and scheduling of procedures.

9) Absence of patient satisfaction surveys

Ascertainment of patient satisfaction at fixed points
on an ongoing basis. Such surveys carried out through questionnaires,
interviews to by social worker, consultant groups, and help to
document patient satisfaction with respect to variables that are

a) Delay in attendance by nurses and doctors.

b) Incidents of incorrect treatment

10) Lack of nursing care records

Nursing care records are perhaps the most useful
source of information on quality of care rendered. The records.

a) Detail the patient condition

b) Document all significant interaction between
patient and the nursing personnel.

c) Contain information regarding response to

d) Have the dates in an easily accessible form.

11) Miscellaneous factors

a. Lack of good supervision

b. Absence of knowledge about philosophy of nursing

c. Lack of policy and administrative manuals.

d. Substandard education and training

e. Lack of evaluation technique

f.  Lack of written job description and job

g. Lack of in-service and continuing
educational program


1.      Maxwell

Maxwell recognized that, in a society where resources
are limited, self assessment by health care professionals is not
satisfactory in demonstrating the efficiency or effectiveness of a
service. The dimensions of quality he proposed are:

  • Access to service
  • Relevance to need
  • Effectiveness
  • Equity
  • Social acceptance
  • Efficiency and economy

2. Wilson (1987)

Wilson considers there to  be four essential
components to a QA programme. These are:

  • Setting objectives
  • Quality promotion
  • Activity monitoring
  • Performance assessment

3. Lang (1976)

This framework has subsequently been adopted and
developed by the ANA. The stages includes;

  • Identify and agree values
  • Review literature, Known QAP
  • Analyze available programmes
  • Determine most appropriate QAP
  • Establish structure, plans, outcome criteria and standards
  • Ratify standards and criteria
  • Evaluate current levels of nursing practice against ratified
  • Identify and analyze factors contributing to results
  • Select appropriate actions to maintain or improve care
  • Implement selected actions
  • Evaluate QAO


An International Standard is the result of an
agreement between the member bodies of ISO. It may be used as such, or
may be implemented through incorporation in national standards of
different countries.

International Standards are developed by ISO
technical committees (TC) and subcommittees (SC) by a six-step

  • Stage 1: Proposal stage
  • Stage 2: Preparatory stage
  • Stage 3: Committee stage
  • Stage 4: Enquiry stage
  • Stage 5: Approval stage
  • Stage 6: Publication stage

The following is a summary of each of the six stages:

Stage 1: Proposal stage

The first step in the development of an International
Standard is to confirm that a particular International Standard is
needed. A new work item proposal (NP) is submitted for vote by the
members of the relevant TC or SC to determine the inclusion of the
work item in the programme of work.

The proposal is accepted if a majority of the
P-members of the TC/SC votes in favour and if at least five P-members
declare their commitment to participate actively in the project. At
this stage a project leader responsible for the work item is normally

Stage 2: Preparatory stage

Usually, a working group of experts, the chairman
(convener) of which is the project leader, is set up by the TC/SC for
the preparation of a working draft. Successive working drafts may be
considered until the working group is satisfied that it has developed
the best technical solution to the problem being addressed. At this
stage, the draft is forwarded to the working group’s parent committee
for the consensus-building phase.

Stage 3: Committee stage

As soon as a first committee draft is available, it
is registered by the ISO Central Secretariat. It is distributed for
comment and, if required, voting, by the P-members of the TC/SC.
Successive committee drafts may be considered until consensus is
reached on the technical content. Once consensus has been attained,
the text is finalized for submission as a draft International Standard

Stage 4: Enquiry stage

The draft International Standard (DIS) is circulated
to all ISO member bodies by the ISO Central Secretariat for voting and
comment within a period of five months. It is approved for submission
as a final draft International Standard (FDIS) if a two-thirds
majority of the P-members of the TC/SC are in favour and not more than
one-quarter of the total number of votes cast are negative. If the
approval criteria are not met, the text is returned to the originating
TC/SC for further study and a revised document will again be
circulated for voting and comment as a draft International Standard.

Stage 5: Approval stage

The final draft International Standard (FDIS) is
circulated to all ISO member bodies by the ISO Central Secretariat for
a final Yes/No vote within a period of two months. If technical
comments are received during this period, they are no longer
considered at this stage, but registered for consideration during a
future revision of the International Standard. The text is approved as
an International Standard if a two-thirds majority of the P-members of
the TC/SC is in favour and not more than one-quarter of the total
number of votes cast are negative. If these approval criteria are not
met, the standard is referred back to the originating TC/SC for
reconsideration in light of the technical reasons submitted in support
of the negative votes received.

Stage 6: Publication stage

Once a final draft International Standard has been
approved, only minor editorial changes, if and where necessary, are
introduced into the final text. The final text is sent to the ISO
Central Secretariat which publishes the International Standard.


Positive impacts:

  1. Nurses are accountable for their actions and,
    professionally, we have responsibility to evaluate the
    effectiveness of our care

  2. Nurses can deliver a high standard of care, and
    being empowered to identify and resolve problems can add to
    personal satisfaction with work

  3. Documents state clearly how the health service
    should perform and what the patient can expect

  4. Guaranteeing standards of care to the public must
    be a duty of all those who work within the health service

  5. Nurses are actively involve in audit, service
    reviews, standard-setting and customer relations

  6. Improves the overall quality of nursing care

  7. Improves all types of documentation and

  8. Helps in professional growth

Negative impacts:

  1. Lack of adequate resources

  2. Lack of trained, skilled and motivated
    employees, staff indiscipline affects the quality of care.

  3. ISO activities may overburden the nursing

  4. Nurses will not get adequate time to spent with
    the patient, most of the time may be spending for recording and

  5. The hospital will be restricted only to ISO

  6. Hospital has to provide special training for all
    the staffs those who are involved in ISO inspection

  7. All types of services will be under the control
    of ISO


Positive impacts:

  1. Improves the quality of nursing education

  2. improves the quality of nursing practice

  3. Helps to maintain international standard

  4. Helps to compare the standard with another

  5. Helps in personnel development of teachers

  6. Helps to maintain all the records in time

  7. Avoids malpractice and bias

  8. Encourages extra-curricular activities also

  9. Act as a control for all the activities

  10. Improves professional growth

Negative impacts:

  1. Gives more importance to documentation

  2. Over-burden for the teachers

  3. Teachers need to take special training in
    maintaining the standards

  4. Not observing the actual practice

  5. Organizational philosophy and policies has to be
    modified according to the ISO standards


  • Strengths: ISO
    helps to improve and maintain the quality of educational
    institutions and hospitals
  • Weakness:
    Standards are set by the institution itself, it may be biased
  • Opportunities:
    Helps in professional growth
  • Threats:
    Organizational philosophy and policies may not be considered


To ensure quality nursing care within the
contemporary health care system, mechanisms for monitoring and
evaluating care are under scrutiny. As the level of knowledge
increases for a profession, the demand for accountability for its
services likewise increases. Individuals within the profession must
assume responsibility for their professional actions and be answerable
to the         recipients for
their care. As profession become more interdependent, it appears that
the power base will become more balanced, allowing individual
practitioners to demonstrate their competence and expertise. Quality
assurance programme will helps to improve the quality of nursing care
and professional development.


  1. Margaret MM. Professionalization of nursing; current issues and
    trends. JB Lippincott company; Philadelphia: 1992
  2. Karen P, Corrigan P. Quality improvement in nursing and health
    care. Chapman& Hall; Newyork: 1995
  3. Patrica& Cerrell. Nursing leadership and management; A
    practical guide. Thomson Delmar; Canada: 2005
  4. Roger E. Professional competence and quality assurance in the
    caring professions. Chapman& Hall; USA: 1993
  5. Basavanthappa BT. Nursing administration. Jaypee brothers; New
    Delhi: 2000
  6. Srinivasan AV. Managing a modern hospital. Sage publishers; New
    Delhi: 2000
  7. Barbara C. Contemporary nursing issues trends and management,
    Mosby publication; St Louis: 2001
  8. Ganong J.M and Ganong W.L, “Nursing Management”. Aspin
    Publication: 1980.
  9. Stanhope. Community Health Nursing Process and Practice for
    promoting health. Mosby publication; St Louis: 1988.

This page was last updated on: 09/12/2020