Understanding Data Quality Management
Data profiling is the first step for any organization to improve information quality and provide better decisions. It is a robust data analysis method available in Warehouse Builder that you can use to discover and measure defects in your data before you start working with it. Because of its integration with the ETL features in Warehouse Builder and other data quality features, such as data rules and built-in cleansing algorithms, you can also generate data cleansing and schema correction. This enables you to automatically correct any inconsistencies, redundancies, and inaccuracies in both the data and metadata.
Data profiling enables you to discover many important things about your data. Some common findings include the following:
Relations between tables even if they are not documented in the database
This section contains the following topics:
For example, you could create a rule that Income = Salary + Bonus for the Employee table shown in Table 10-6 . You can then catch errors such as the one for employee Alison.
This is very powerful as it enables you to validate rules that apparently exist and are defined by the business users. By creating a data rule, and then profiling with this rule you can verify if the data actually complies with the rule, and whether or not the rule needs amending or the data needs cleansing.
In addition to attribute analysis, functional dependency, and referential analysis, Warehouse Builder offers data rule profiling. Data rule profiling enables you to create rules to search for profile parameters within or between objects.
Based on these results, you could derive referential rules that determine the cardinality between the two tables.
Referential analysis of these two objects would reveal that Dept. Number 15 from the Employees table is an orphan and Dept. Numbers 18, 20, and 55 from the Department table are childless. It would also reveal a join on the Dept. Number column.
Table 10-4 and Table 10-5 show the contents of two tables that are candidates for referential analysis. Table 10-4 is the child object and Table 10-5 is the parent object.
Referential analysis attempts to detect aspects of your data objects that refer to other objects. The purpose behind this type of analysis is to provide insight into how the object you are profiling is related or connected to other objects. Because you are comparing two objects in this type of analysis, one is often referred to as the parent object and the other as the child object. Some of the common things detected include orphans, childless objects, redundant objects, and joins. Orphans are values that are found in the child object, but not found in the parent object. Childless objects are values that are found in the parent object, but not found in the child object. Redundant attributes are values that exist in both the parent and child objects.
Table 10-3 shows the contents of the Employees table in which the attribute Dept Location is dependent on the attribute Dept Number. Note that the attribute Dept Number is not dependent on the attribute Dept Location.
Functional dependency analysis reveals information about column relationships. This enables you to search for things such as one attribute determining another attribute within an object.
Unique key analysis provides information to assist you in determining whether or not an attribute is a unique key. It does this by looking at the percentages of distinct values that occur in the attribute. You might determine that attributes with a minimum of 70% distinct values should be flagged for unique key analysis. For example, using unique key analysis you could discover that 95% of the values in the EMP_ID column are unique. Further analysis of the other 5% reveals that most of these values are either duplicates or nulls. You could then derive a rule that requires that all entries into the EMP_ID column be unique and not null.
Data type analysis enables you to discover information about the data types found in the attribute. This type of analysis reveals metrics such as minimum and maximum character length values as well as scale and precision ranges. In some cases, the database column is of data type VARCHAR2, but the values in this column are all numbers. Then you may want to ensure that you only load numbers. Using data type analysis, you can have Warehouse Builder derive a rule that requires all data stored within an attribute to be of the same data type.
Domain analysis identifies a domain or set of commonly used values within the attribute by capturing the most frequently occurring values. For example, the Status column in the Customers table is profiled and the results reveal that 90% of the values are among the following: “MARRIED”, “SINGLE”, “DIVORCED”. Further analysis and drilling down into the data reveal that the other 10% contains misspelled versions of these words with few exceptions. Configuration of the profiling determines when something is qualified as a domain, so review the configuration before accepting domain values. You can then let Warehouse Builder derive a rule that requires the data stored in this attribute to be one of the three values that were qualified as a domain.
Table 10-2 shows the possible results from pattern analysis, where D represents a digit and X represents a character. After looking at the results and knowing that it is company policy for all job codes be in the format of DDD-X-DD, you can derive a data rule that requires all values in this attribute to conform to this pattern.
Pattern analysis attempts to discover patterns and common types of records by analyzing the string of data stored in the attribute. It identifies the percentages of your data that comply with a certain regular expression format pattern found in the attribute. Using these pattern results, you can create data rules and constraints to help clean up current data problems. Some commonly identified patterns include dates, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers.
Attribute analysis seeks to discover both general and detailed information about the structure and content of data stored within a given column or attribute. Attribute analysis looks for information about patterns, domains, data types, and unique values.
Following the selection of data objects, determine the aspects of your data that you want to profile and analyze. As shown in Figure 10-2 , data profiling offers three main types of analysis: attribute analysis, functional dependency, and referential analysis. You can also create custom profiling processes using data rules, allowing you to validate custom rules against the actual data and get a score of their accuracy.
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How to Perform Data Profiling
Data profiling is, by definition, a resource-intensive process that requires forethought and planning. It analyzes data and columns and performs many iterations to detect defects and anomalies in your data. So it warrants at least some forethought and planning in order to be as effective as possible.
Before beginning data profiling, you should first identify the data objects that you want to target. Instead of profiling everything, choose objects that are deemed crucial. You should not select an entire source system for profiling at the same time. Not only is it a waste of resources, but it is also often unnecessary. Select areas of your data where quality is essential and has the largest fiscal impact.
For example, you have a data source that contains five tables: Customers, Regions, Orders, Products, and Promotions. You decide that the two most important tables with respect to data quality are Customers and Orders. The Customers table is known to contain many duplicate and erroneous entries that cost your company money on wasted marketing efforts. The Orders table is known to contain data about orders in an incorrect format. In this case, you would select only these two tables for data profiling.
After you have chosen the object you want to profile, use the following steps to guide you through the profiling process:
The data profiling process ends at step 4. Steps 5 to 7 are optional and can be performed if you want to perform data correction after the data profiling.
Import or Select the Metadata
Data profiling requires the profiled objects to be present in the project in which you are performing data profiling. Ensure that these objects are either imported into this project or created in it. Also ensure that the data is loaded into the objects. Having the data loaded is essential to data profiling.
Also, because data profiling uses mappings to run the profiling, you must ensure that all locations that you are using are registered. Data profiling attempts to register your locations. If, for some reason, data profiling cannot register your locations, you will need to explicitly register the locations before you begin profiling.
You can only profile data in the default configuration.
You can only profile data in the default configuration.
Create a Data Profile
After your system is set up, you can create a data profile. A data profile is a metadata object in the Warehouse Builder repository and you create in the navigation tree. It contains the definitions and settings necessary for profiling objects. It includes the set of data objects you want profiled, the settings controlling the profiling operations, the results returned after you profile the data, and correction information (if you decide to use these corrections). For more information about creating data profiles, see “Using Data Profiles”.
Profile the Data
After you have created a data profile, you can open it in the Data Profile Editor to profile the data or review profile results from a previous run. Data profiling is achieved by performing deep scans of the selected objects. This can be a time-consuming process, depending on the number of objects and type of profiling you are running. However, profiling is run as an asynchronous job, and the client can be closed during this process. You will see the job running in the job monitor and Warehouse Builder prompts you when the job is complete.
The results are generated and can be viewed from the Data Profile Editor as soon as they are available. For more information about how to profile data, see “Profiling the Data”.
You can, and should, configure the profile before running it if there are specific types of analysis you do, or do not, want to run. Configuration of the profile and its objects is possible at the following levels:
the entire profile (all the objects it contains)
an individual object (for example, a table)
a single column in a a table
For example, if you know you only have one problematic column in a table and you already know that most of the records should conform to values within a certain domain, then you can focus your profiling resources on domain discovery and analysis. By narrowing down the type of profiling necessary, you use less resources and obtain the results faster. For more information about configuring data profiles, see “Property Inspector”.
View Profile Results and Derive Data Rules
The profiling results contain a variety of analytical and statistical information about the data profiled. You can immediately drill down into anomalies and view the data that caused them. You can then determine what data must be corrected. For more information about viewing profiling results, see “Viewing the Results”.
Based on your decisions, you can derive data rules. Data rules are used to ensure that only values compliant with the data rules are allowed within a data object. Data rules will form the basis for correcting or removing data if you decide to cleanse the data. You can also use data rules to report on non-compliant data. For more information about deriving data rules, see “Deriving Data Rules”.
Generating Corrections
After you have derived data rules from the profiling results, you can create the schema and mapping corrections. The schema correction creates scripts that can be used to create a corrected set of source data objects with the derived data rules applied.
The mapping correction creates new correction mappings to take your data from the source objects and load them into new objects. For more information about creating schema and mapping corrections, see “Correcting Schemas and Cleansing Data”.
Define and Edit Data Rules Manually
Data rules can be derived or manually created. Before and after you have created the corrections, you can define additional data rules manually. For more information about defining and editing data rules manually, see “Creating Data Rule Folders”.
Generate, Deploy, and Execute
Finally, you can generate, deploy, and execute the correction mappings and data rules. After you run the correction mappings with the data rules, your data is corrected. The derived data rules remain attached to the objects in the corrected schema for optional use in data monitors.