Understanding Quality Gates in SonarQube – Amplify DX Documentation

Understanding Quality Gates in SonarQube

Quality Gates are the set of conditions a project must meet before it should be pushed to further environments. Quality Gates considers all of the quality metrics for a project and assigns a passed or failed designation for that project.
It is possible to set a default Quality Gate which will be applied to all projects not explicitly assigned to some other gate.

  • Click on the Quality Gates Tab image alt text

  • Some default quality gates are already there. You can use any one of them for your project. Administrators can also create new Quality Gates.

  • Clicking any of the Quality Gates will show the criteria used for that quality gate
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  • Using the Add Condition dropdown Administrators can add more conditions to a gate

Changing the Quality Gate for a Project¶

You can choose which quality gate to use for your project if you do not want to use the default gate.

  1. Open your project in SonarQube.

  2. Go to the Administration > Quality Gate menu for project
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  3. Choose the quality gate you want to use for that project
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