Understanding Quality Profiles in SonarQube – Amplify DX Documentation
The left section shows counts of which rules are active or inactive, categorized by Bugs, Vulnerabilities, and Code Smell.
All numbers are links to a list of all quality rules, filtered to show rules belonging to that category.
Here, you can see a list of rules that are available for the selected category. In the left Panel you can see and change the current filter criteria:
Language: Filter rules by language.
Type: Filter rules by Category/Type.
Quality Profile: Filter rules based on the quality profile(s) they are active or inactive in
In the right section, you will see a list of active rules that match your filter criteria. Administrators will see options to Deactivate or Activate those rules for the current profile.
If you click on any rule, it will show you detailed information about that rule.
On the right, you will see a description of that rule, and a list of profiles where that rule is used. Administrators will see additional options to activate/deactivate the rule for particular profiles. Some rules also contain configurable parameters.
Administrators also have permission to change the severity of a rule (Bug, Vulnerability, or Code Smell) as well as the estimated time it would require to remedy this issue. This time estimate is used in calculating technical debt for the project.
Click on any profile to see detailed information like this