VS1 vs VS2: What Is the Difference? | Jewel Hero

Diamonds, such precious gems! Most of us love diamonds because they look so beautiful when they sparkle. But how many of us know about them? The intricate features impart the specific qualities which we love and appreciate. 

Well, it is okay if you do not know much about them. Today’s article discusses an outstanding aspect of diamonds- their visual appearance. The reason people are so attracted to them is their appearance! 

Their appearance is graded by a qualitative metric called diamond clarity. It refers to the ability of a diamond to hide blemishes and inclusions. The fewer inclusions or blemishes present, the higher the clarity grade of the diamond. 

Now, diamond clarity also has different gradings. The two which are frequently recommended are VS1 and VS2. Diamonds with VS1 and VS2 clarity grades have a good combination of both quality and value. 

But then, what is the difference? Well, let us learn more about diamond clarity and the difference between VS1 and VS2 in detail. 

What Does Diamond Clarity Mean?

Before drawing any comparison between the two diamond clarity grades. A diamond is judged based on Four Cs, i.e., cut, color, carat, and clarity. The clarity of a diamond tells us how flawless a diamond is.  At the same time, diamond clarity grade reflects upon its perfection and flaw. As stated earlier, this judgment is based on flaws that a diamond has, which are referred to as inclusions and, on the outside, called blemishes.

Since diamonds are formed under immense pressure underneath the earth’s surface, it is obvious that they will be prone to blemishes. Some might have more than others. Hence, the GIA diamond clarity scale assesses a diamond based on its clarity from best to worst. The clarity grade of a diamond impacts its price to a large extent. 

VS1 vs. VS2 – Diamond Clarity Grading

According to the GIA diamond clarity scale, VS1 and VS2 categories fall right in the middle. Diamonds with either VS1 or VS2 include minor inclusions. These are not visible to the naked eye and are only visible under 10x magnification. VS1 and VS2 stand for Very Slightly Included 1 and Very Slightly Included 2, respectively.

When VS1 and VS2 diamonds are compared, it is often found that VS1 diamonds have lesser and more minor inclusions. In comparison to VS2, the inclusions in VS1 are harder to detect. This is because VS2 diamonds have inclusions that are more visible than VS1 diamonds. For example, if a diamond has some flaw right at the center, it is likely to get a VS2 grading. Since the fault comes right at your face!

However, it is tough to spot a diamond flaw with VS grading. To the naked eye, these diamonds may look completely flawless. When you cannot spot any flaw in your diamond with the naked eye, it is referred to as an ‘eye-clean’ diamond. More so if they are of the ‘brilliant-cut’ category. That is, you will not be able to spot any inclusions or blemishes. VS1 and VS2 diamonds tend to fall under this category, i.e., they are sometimes ‘eye-clean.’

However, there are some exceptions. In step-cut shapes like Asscher cut or emerald cut diamonds, flaws could be easy to spot even with the naked eye. 

What Are The Factors That Determine The Clarity Of A Diamond?

  • Size- The size of your diamond’s

inclusion is essential. If the inclusion size is too big, then the clarity grade will decrease.

  • Nature- The depth of the flaw is vital. The nature of the inclusion means how it impacts your diamond.

  • Number- How many inclusions there are in your diamonds is also critical.

  • Location- Where the inclusion is present impacts its visibility.

  • Relief- It refers to the size of the inclusion in comparison to the host diamond. The diamond color seems to get darker as the relief increases.

VS1 vs. VS2 – Types of Flaws

In diamonds with VS1 clarity grading, the most common inclusions are crystal, needle, indented natural, or knot. Whereas, VS2 diamonds often have flaws (inclusions) like cloud, feather, knot, indented natural, or crystal.

Let us learn more about these kinds of inclusions-



    : This flaw refers to a collection of inclusions inside a

diamond. Such inclusions can adversely affect the brilliance of a diamond. Also, it may give a hazy look to it. If these inclusions are many then the diamond in question is referred to as a cloudy diamond.



    : The flaw is a small crack inside a diamond. Based upon the position of the crack, it may seem to be transparent or not.



    : A crystal inclusion is quite usually a mineral crystal

    that is present within the diamond. Based upon the kind of minerals they are. They can be either colorless or black, greenish, reddish, and so on.



    – This inclusion is a form of crystal inclusion. This appears

    on the surface of the diamond in the form of a knot. Diamonds with a knot inclusion are usually given a lower clarity grade. Because the flaw is visible to the naked eye, but this is not always true.

  • Indented natural

    – An indented natural inclusion refers to a part

    of the rough diamond that was left unattended during the polishing process. And it is typically found at the girdle.

  • Needle

    – As the name of the inclusion suggests, a needle is a long

    thin crystal inclusion. It is usually white or translucent. Because of its formation under extreme pressure, a crystal transforms into a needle shape instead of the typical circle. These flaws might not be visible to the naked eye.

VS1 vs. VS2 – Price Comparison 

Buying diamonds can be a difficult job! When you are bombarded with so many specifications and information, you can get confused. But one thing that you always have to keep in mind is the price tag and your budget, of course!

If we had to draw a comparison between VS1 and VS2 diamonds, then both are a good choice. Given that you want a good quality rock at a reasonable price and within your budget. Even though VS1 and VS2 diamonds usually have minor flaws, they are pretty economical. At least in comparison to diamonds with higher graded clarity.

Also, any flaw, inclusion, or blemishes are hardly visible in diamonds with VS1 and VS2 grading with the naked eye. Even if you compare a truly flawless rock and VS one, you would not be able to tell the

difference most of the time. This is what makes the VS1 and VS2 diamonds a big deal. They offer almost flawless rocks at a reasonable price.

The cost of the VS1 and VS2 diamonds depends upon the carat weight usually. The price can range from cents per carat to around 25% extra. The carat weight, clarity, cut, and color, all the 4Cs, play a massive role in deciding the price of a diamond. At times, VS1 is preferred over VS2 given their less availability. Also, if the price difference is not exponential, VS1 is a better choice. This is because you ought to get more value for the money spent. And eventually, VS1 will appreciate over time. 

Hence, experts recommend the VS1 and VS2 diamonds because they offer both quality and value. They act as attractive options if you want both excellent quality and beautiful rocks. Whether you want an engagement ring, a piece of jewelry, or just a stone to wear casually, VS1 and VS2 diamonds are great investments. They are an excellent way of owning a premium quality diamond without causing a massive dent in your wallet.  

VS1 vs. VS2 – Which One Is The Best Fit For You?

Eventually, everything boils down to certain factors when you need to decide. The size, the cut, and the budget! You need to come to a decision very carefully. If you want to invest in quality, then VS1 is the destination for you. A majority of diamonds that are over a carat tend to be very eye-clean. Especially if the diamond is of step-cut. Also, they have good monetary value with the clarity of VS1. 

However, if you want a well-graded clarity diamond at a reasonable price, VS2 can also be a good investment. But at the end of the day, the decision is up to your preference. If you feel confused, then make sure to assess the diamond yourself before buying it. Or consult a gemologist before coming to any conclusion.

But it would help if you remember that diamonds’ inclusions might not always be mentioned in the retail description. So it is crucial that you look for GIA or AGS Certified stones. These certifications mark your diamond’s authenticity. 

Buying The Best Diamonds

If you want the best diamonds, you’re going to need a reliable jeweler. Finding the right jeweler is a pain, until now. We at Jewel Hero, have made your diamond buying experience super easy. All you have to do is log on to our website and tell us what you are looking for. Our unique algorithm will connect you with local jewelry stores near you, with whom you can connect virtually. That’s it. It is as simple as it sounds. So what are you waiting for? Visit our website today and get a step closer to buying the diamond of your dreams.