VoxBox Review: Burberry Liquid Lip Velvet

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody! So, I received new complimentary makeup products from Burberry via Influenster to test out and I was so excited to try them! Full sized gorgeous colored lippies from the Liquid Lip Velvet line and was immediately in love! In the Voxbox I received 2 lip colors (Fawn No. 05 and Bright Plum No. 49), a lip definer in Bright Plum No. 07, the Highlighting Luminous Pen in Nude Radiance No. 01 and a sharpener. Of course I tried on the lip color closest to nude, the Fawn, because it’s my go to look. I was so surprised at how smooth it went on and it never dried or chapped my lips. These colors are matte and never dry! Yes!! Finally!! Later on I tried the Bright Plum, which was a beautiful color, same velvety texture, but even with the lip definer, by the end of the day it had bled over my lips and was difficult to correct. I would recommend using a concealer around the lips after applying the lip color and maybe even sealing it with some translucent powder. Overall, I liked the feel and colors, but definitely be aware of possibly having to reapply after a few hours.

Feliz Día de San Patricio! Pues recibí unos productos gratuitos de Burberry a través de Influenster para probar y estaba super contenta cuando abrí la caja! Eran maquillajes en tamaño regular de la nueva línea Liquid Lip Velvet, y los labiales estaban bellísimos! El Voxbox trajo 2 labiales (Fawn No. 05 y Bright Plum No. 49), un lápiz para definir en Bright Plum No. 07, un Highlighter en Nude Radiance No. 01 y un sacapuntas. Claro que probé el más neutral primero porque es mi estilo, el Fawn. Me sorprendí al untármelo y ver lo suave que se siente y no me reseca los labios! Los colores son matte y nunca se secan! Si! Por fin!! Luego probé el Bright Plum, el cual es un color hermoso, con la misma textura casi como gamuza, pero aún habiendo usado el lápiz para definir, el color se había corrido por encima de los labios luego de unas horas y fue difícil de corregir. Yo recomiendo usar un concealer alrededor de los labios luego de aplicar el color y tal vez un polvo translúcido para sellar. En general, me encantan los colores, pero muy consciente de que hay que reaplicar al transcurrir el día.


Liquid Lip Velvet Bright Plum No. 49 & Lip Definer in Bright Plum No. 07

Liquid Lip Velvet Fawn No. 05

*Burberry Products were provided as a complimentary gift from Influenster.com with the purpose of reviewing. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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