Web 2.0 List – The 25 Best High DA Web 2.0 Sites (DoFollow, Free)

There are a variety of benefits from an SEO point of view to using the sites mentioned on our free Web 2.0 sites list.


First and foremost, Web 2.0’s generally have a high-DA (domain authority). As the authority of websites is one thing that’s weighed when determining page ranking, links from these mini-websites can be great for your SEO.

This authority makes them also very safe to use. While we don’t recommend going crazy with the amount of Web 2.0’s you build for backlinks, it’s still hard to get yourself in trouble with them.

Their authority also makes them great assets to use as tier-2 properties to beef up with backlinks of their own. Point a few PBN links or niche edits at them to really give them a boost.

Ease of Use

Web 2.0 websites allow you to embed URLs however you see fit, linking directly to your sites. You don’t need any kind of approval.

The platforms are all also very easy to set up and use which is why they were created in the first place – as an alternative to using something like WordPress or HTML to build a site for those that don’t have the skills necessary.


In addition to the links you will be creating on your Web 2.0 mini sites, you also have control over the content. This means that you can create highly relevant backlinks as well by writing articles on topics in your niche and choosing whatever anchor text you want. The platforms mentioned on our list will also be giving you dofollow backlinks.

Additional Assets to Rank

Using Web 2.0’s to create backlinks is great, but they also give you additional sites and pages to rank on the SERPs.

You can rank them for whatever you want while leveraging their innate authority (this can often make it a bit easier than ranking a normal site), and then redirect the traffic to your main site via the backlinks you’ve created.

Web 2.0 sites usually have pretty fast crawl rates as well, making them a good tool for trying to get other content indexed.


Have we not mentioned they’re free?