Weekend for Men by Burberry | bestmenscolognes.com

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Burberry is a line which usually sports very good and universally appealing fragrances at a moderate price point. I have already gone over the best Burberry colognes here, and I left Weekend for Men, off of that list. I don’t remember being impressed by it, however, when I received a mini bottle of this cologne, I thought that I would give it another shot and post a review. Did it change my mind, this time around? Read below for more.


What Does Burberry Weekend Smell Like?

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Notes include: tangerine, citrus, musk, rose, iris, sandalwood, oakmoss, ivy, honey

Click here to try: BURBERRY Weekend Eau De Toilette for Men, 1.7 Fl. oz.

My Full Wear Review

Burberry Weekend, opens with a lot of citrus, and it sticks around for the duration of the wear. I get a ton of lemon, in this one, and some bergamot underneath. The other fruits, just seem to blend together, with one another and create a generic cloud.

After like 15-20 minutes some of the oakmoss and sandalwood type of notes, do start to emerge. This gives Weekend, a bit of an earthy/woody body, but this is mostly a citrusy affair. Ivy is fairly noticeable, which provides a grassy sort of smell, it’s not super powerful but you can pick up on it.

To me, Burberry Weekend really doesn’t ever get anymore complex than that, just a blend of citrus and some woodsy notes in the background. On my skin, it is mostly lemon with some ivy, sandalwood, and a bit of dry oakmoss. It’s extremely linear on me.

I suppose there is some honeyed sweetness, in there, but not very much. If you’re not into the smell within 10-15 minutes, you probably won’t ever be.

How Long does it Last? What’s the Sillage Like?

It’s projection and longevity are both moderate. It’s not a beast with its sillage, but it at least, isn’t completely weak. It’s projection is a few feet from the skin, for most of the wear, so don’t expect folks to be able to smell you from across the room or anything.

The longevity clocks in at about six hours or so. Again, not impressive, but passable at the right price.


This is a casual wear for the spring/summer months, all the way. It would seem out of place, during the rest of the year. It’s not a nighttime beast, nor a formal type of fragrance. Weekend for Men is a scent you can throw on, when the temperature goes up, and smell fresh and citrusy.

A cologne to feel clean and somewhat refreshed, not a scent that’s going to bet getting massive complements or be seen as ‘sexy’.

Overall Scent

This is a very short review because quite frankly, Weekend isn’t all that impressive. If you’re a big fan of citrus, then maybe it’s worth getting a hold of.

Otherwise, I really don’t get who this is aimed at. I think that it smells okay but the citrus is just too prevalent and the other notes never seem to fully wrestle control away from it.

As a result, it can take on too much of a bathroom cleaner type of scent…it’s not totally chemical but you can definitely detect a resemblance. Is it an awful cologne? No, but it isn’t a very good one.

Even for this type of summer-centric release, it’s not very good. Below the D&G Light Blue flankers and other designer efforts in the same space.

There are much better options, from the line of Burberry scents (see: London and Burberry for Men), and other ones that are much better choices for summer weather (Burberry Summer line, usually smell better at least, with poor performance). I’ll probably pass on wearing the rest of this mini bottle.

Update: Yeah, I never finished it before getting rid of this mini. This still floats around for cheap, so, it might be worth spending $20-30 on. I still wouldn’t personally, but if you wanted an easy to wear summer citrus, this is passable.

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Weekend for Men by Burberry

Weekend for Men by BurberryWeekend for Men by Burberry












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Best Men’s Colognes started back in 2013, as a way to share my learning experiences with different fragrances, as I dove head first into the hobby. Since then, I have written hundreds of reviews and other pages about perfumes and colognes.