What Is Quality Planning? – Definition, Process & Tools – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Companies want to produce quality work that they’re happy with and customers can appreciate. One way to do so is a process known as quality planning. Come along as we learn what quality planning is, the process, and what tools are valuable.

Quality Planning Defined

Meet Molly. Molly just found out that she will be the new leader for an upcoming project. Because this is her first project, she decides to do some research on how to effectively lead a project. The first place she starts is by determining the most important aspects of the project; essentially, she is determining which standards are necessary in order to successfully complete the project. Molly learns that she needs to identify what standards are relevant to the project and how she and her team will meet them. This is known as quality planning and is the focus of this lesson.

Quality planning is the task of determining what factors are important to a project and figuring out how to meet those factors. Such factors often include the resources that will be used, the steps needed to complete the project and any other specifications. So for Molly, this means she needs to plan what resources the project will need, determine the cost of those resources, plan a timeline for completing the project, outline the steps she and her team will take, and she will need to assign the tasks and responsibilities to each person.