What Makes A Good Interpreter: Video – LanguageConnections.com

What Makes a Good Interpreter – Language Connections Translation Agency

Video Transcript:

Interviewer: So as we all know it’s very important to have highly skilled interpreters at conferences like the one we’re at today. How do you go about selecting interpreters for events like these?

Leo: First of all we try to focus on the specific, subject matter expertise that is required, and we find specialists in each specific area of knowledge. Could be law, medicine, technology – but we try to find people who know their subject matter.

The qualities of a good interpreter are very important, [he or she] has to be well read, [an] intelligent person with absolutely bilingual and bicultural [knowledge], with rich vocabulary who possess a great memory, eloquence…and we look at their resumes and their voice samples, try to find if they worked for major international organizations such as [the] UN, European Union, World Bank, International Monetary Funds, and various US associations like [the] American Translators Association, [the] International Association of Conference Interpreters and so on. These are people who take their profession very seriously, and this is the kind of people we try to find and offer to our clients.