What Only Seinfeld Fans Notice About Tide’s Jason Alexander Hoodie Commercial

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What Only Seinfeld Fans Notice About Tide’s Jason Alexander Hoodie Commercial

The biggest sporting event of the year is on the horizon, with Super Bowl LV primed to take over the public consciousness from now until it concludes on the evening of February 7, 2021. The obvious reason to tune in, for the majority of viewers, is the football game itself — which pits the Kansas City Chiefs against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers — but it’s not the sole factor in the event’s high viewership. Whether you enjoy the main attraction on its own or not, the plethora of must-see commercials that play during its breaks is a draw every season. This Super Bowl proves no exception, as major companies are going all-in with their advertising, per usual.

Just take a look at laundry detergent brand Tide for a fine example of the big game’s traditional effect on how businesses market their products. This year’s advertisement features a hoodie emblazoned with the face of the famous comedian and Seinfeld star, Jason Alexander, across the torso. The bulk of the clip is a montage, with the odd article of clothing facing every situation from being sat on to having food splatter on it — leading Alexander’s portrait to change expression accordingly. 

Throughout this sequence, a recognizable track plays in the background, which die-hard Seinfeld fans will recognize as a nod to the iconic sitcom.