What Personal Qualities Are Needed to Be a Graphic Arts Designer?

Openness to feedback is important to team-oriented graphic design work.

Graphic art designers commonly use computer software programs to create visual designs used in advertising or other types of promotions. Their design work is integral to helping companies create memorable, aesthetically pleasing ads that capture customer attention. Graphic designers may work in design firms, ad agencies or as independent contractors. You typically need a graphic arts degree to work in this field. The 2010 median pay was $43,500, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


A primary quality of a designer is creativity. To succeed in this field, you must be able to consistently and effective produce creative, original work that distinguishes your client from competitors. Creativity gives meaning to company brands that often goes well beyond the nature of their products. Expressive but logical visual designs build a company’s brand image and bring customers into the print message.


Graphic designers must have a high degree of professional responsibility and timeliness with deadlines. Clients include companies that have promotional schedules they need to keep to stay in line with their overall marketing plans. Clients may ask for references to gauge how well you perform at not only delivering good work but also at doing so in a timely manner. Consistent delays in design work could cost you current clients and lead to a poor reputation in the market.


Some graphic designers have introverted personalities. Much of their hands-on work time is spent alone designing. However, a collaborative, team-oriented attitude is a necessity in most cases. You have to take direction from clients and managers at times and produce creative work that adheres to directives. Designers also work with copywriters and creative directors in putting together a complete design concept. In ads, visuals and copy must flow together to create a clear message. Designers must be open to other ideas and flexible to adjust to changes as needed to client requirements.


One personal quality that seems contradictory to the creative talents of designers is analytical ability. While it doesn’t have to be a dominant personal trait, designers do need analytical instincts to research and assess the business requirements of clients. In some cases, designers must analyze customer data to get a good feel for the target audience of an ad before they create. A highly creative and visually stunning ad that doesn’t resonate with the target market is of no use to the business client.

2016 Salary Information for Graphic Designers

Graphic designers earned a median annual salary of $47,640 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, graphic designers earned a 25th percentile salary of $35,560, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount. The 75th percentile salary is $63,340, meaning 25 percent earn more. In 2016, 266,300 people were employed in the U.S. as graphic designers.