What are Quality Objectives and How to Write Them – DataMyte

Quality objectives play a critical role in a company’s quality management system. They provide the framework for planning, implementing, and monitoring quality improvement initiatives. But what are quality objectives, and how do you write them? This article will discuss what quality objectives are and how to write them. We’ll also look at some examples of quality objectives from real-world businesses. Let’s get started!


What are Quality Objectives?

Quality objectives are specific, measurable goals that a company sets to improve its quality management system. They are typically derived from the organization’s quality policy and are aligned with its strategic objectives. Businesses use quality objectives to improve their products, services, and operations.

Quality objectives should be specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Additionally, they should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and up-to-date. With quality objectives in place, businesses can track their progress and identify areas for improvement.


Examples of Quality Objectives

Several factors should be considered when writing quality objectives, such as industry, company size, and business goals. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some examples of quality objectives from real-world businesses:

  • Increase customer satisfaction by 10% for the next two quarters.

  • Reduce product defects by 25% within the next 6 months

  • Improve on-time delivery by 5% within the next year

  • Ensure that all employees receive quality training by the end of the year

  • Achieve 100% compliance with all quality standards by the end of next quarter


These are just a few examples of quality objectives. As you can see, they possess all of the key characteristics we discussed earlier—they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.


Tips to Write Better Quality Objectives

When you fail to meet your quality objectives, it can have a negative impact on your business. That’s why it’s important to take the time to write quality objectives that are well-crafted and will set your business up for success. Consider the following tips outlined below.


Record Relevant Data

Documentation is key to quality management. Make sure to track all relevant data points to identify quality issues early on. This data can then be used to craft your quality objectives. At the same time, don’t forget to review your data regularly to ensure that it is still accurate and up-to-date.


Assess Your Resources

It’s important to be realistic when setting quality objectives. Ensure that you have all necessary resources to achieve your goals. If not, you may need to revise your objectives and have them align better with your current resources.


Communicate Your Objectives

Once you’ve finalized your quality objectives, you must communicate them to all relevant parties. This includes your employees, suppliers, and customers. By doing so, everyone will be on the same page and working towards the same goal.


Get Buy-In From All Stakeholders

Quality objectives should be created with input from all stakeholders. These are the people who will be affected by the objectives. By getting buy-in from all stakeholders, you can create quality objectives everyone is committed to achieving.


Review and Update Regularly

It’s important to review your quality objectives regularly to ensure that they are still relevant. Things can change quickly in business, so it’s important to be agile and adapt your objectives as needed. Additionally, don’t forget to update your quality objectives if you achieve them—this will help ensure that your objectives are always challenging and motivating.


Get Feedback

Lastly, don’t forget to get feedback from your employees, customers, and suppliers. This will help you fine-tune your quality objectives and ensure they are realistic and achievable.


Ways To Report Quality Objectives

Reporting your objectives is important as it allows you to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. There are several ways to report on quality objectives. Make sure you choose one that makes the most sense for your business. Here are a few examples:


A3 Report

An A3 report is a problem-solving tool that you can use to report on quality objectives. It’s named after the size of the paper it’s typically written on—11×17 inches. An A3 report is a structured approach that helps you break down a problem, identify root causes, and develop solutions.



Another popular way to report on quality objectives is through the use of dashboards. Dashboards provide a clear and concise way to track progress. In addition, you can customize them to include the metrics and data points most relevant to your business.



Scorecards are another popular way to track quality objectives. They provide a high-level overview of progress and can be used to compare results against specific targets. Scorecards can be created using software or even a simple spreadsheet.


Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis is a problem-solving technique that can identify the underlying causes of quality issues. The information you get from an RCA will help improve your quality objectives. Root cause analysis typically involves tools like cause and effect diagrams and fishbone diagrams.


PDCA Method

The PDCA method—plan, do, check, act—is a quality management technique that can report on quality objectives. It’s a cyclical approach that helps you identify problems, develop solutions, and track progress. With the PDCA method, quality objectives can be reviewed and updated regularly.


Implement Quality Objectives with DATAMYTE

To create and implement your quality objectives, it’s important to have the right tools in place. DATAMYTE is a quality management platform that offers tools that help you achieve your objectives. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a useful software that can be used to create workflows that help collect relevant quality data and implement quality objectives. 

With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you can create custom quality forms, track progress, and generate reports. It’s a powerful tool that offers real-time data collection, analysis, and report generation—all of which can be used to improve your quality objectives.

With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, the DataMyte Digital Clipboard is easy to use and doesn’t require any coding. That means you can get started quickly and see results fast. Schedule a demo with us today and see how the DataMyte Digital Clipboard can help you achieve your quality objectives.



Quality objectives are an essential part of any quality management system. By taking the time to write quality objectives, you can set your business up for success. Additionally, don’t forget to review and update your quality objectives regularly to ensure they are still relevant and achievable. Following these tips, you can write quality objectives to help your business reach new heights.



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