What are some quality mobile games right now? – General Discussion – Giant Bomb

I’ve been going down an exponential / idle game hole recently, and have been hunting down idle games that are numbers-going-uppers in their purest and most mechanical, mathematical form.

One thing I like about these two games also is that they both seem to be made by one-person dev teams so throwing them a few bucks to get rid of ads (which both have in very minimal amounts) or for whatever weird in game currency feels like you are legit helping a small dev keep the lights on.

The two best I have found are:

Exponential Idle

Literally an exponential formula that you are adding equations to, increasing numbers, layering on theories and computations to try and get the number to go up faster and faster and faster which unlocks more upgrade paths, systems, processes etc and on and on and on. The graph makes satisfying shapes and it really encourages you to re-spec and tinker with the formulas. Note that you don’t need to understand the formulas or the math, you simply need to figure out which bits of it make the correct number go higher. It’s fantastically number-go-uppery and literally just a math equation. I love it.

NNNNNNNNGGGGGHhhhhhhh oh yeah NNNNNNNNGGGGGHhhhhhhh oh yeah

I thought at one point I had hit the ceiling when I was trying to get my f(t) which is the main big number past 5000. It took me about a week. Once I hit the 5000 mark and got the last upgrade point, an ENTIRELY NEW SECTION opened up, which is EXACTLY what you want from these kind of games.

Also, there are very few, if any, advertisements. I paid a few bucks to get a 50% boost overall and get rid of any ads and to throw a few bucks to the dev.

Next up is…..

Antimatter Dimensions

I have playing this for about 3 days now, so I am still in the early stages. It’s basically a bunch of progress bars that you keep filling up and up and then reset / prestige very regularly. There is something extremely satisfying about that process, and more and more upgrades and unlocks are popping up as I continue on. There is plenty of stuff that I still cannot access, and I have no idea how I am going to access them because the requirements seem impossible. However, as is the way with these games, I am sure there will be some kind of exponential wizardry that will get me there. The game also seems to have a weird and active community that feed text strings to the silly news ticker (I dont even know how they do that).

MMMMMmmpphhNNNGgggg thats the stuff MMMMMmmpphhNNNGgggg thats the stuff

The game apparently has a whole skill tree that I have no idea when or where it is going to unlock, there are a ton of secret achievements, and I think this game might go WAAAAAAYYY deeper than a lot of idle games, just going by the news ticker and the way people talk about it online.

While this game is not a literal math formula like exponential idle, it feels very pure at its heart and like exponential idle, it is not shoving ads in your face like a lot of clicker / idle games tend to do.