What are the levels of quality assurance in software engineering?

Levels of quality assurance

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When quality and assurance testing is being carried out, several levels must be crossed to ensure that software is ready to be used.

Here are some levels needed to achieve this:

Level 1 − Code walk-through

At this level, the software code is examined to make sure it meets standards. Code review is made at this level. This is to make sure that the right principles and coding styles are adopted. In general, the emphasis is placed on the examination of the documentation and level of in-code comments.

Level 2 − Compilation and linking

At this level, software compilation and linking are checked. This is to ensure that the software compiles to native code and that it should be able to work on all official platforms, operating systems, etc., through linking.

Level 3 − Routine running

At this level, the software is tested on certain conditions to see how it runs. The condition could be an increased number of event sizes.

Level 4 − Performance test

At this final level, the performance of the software to checked against the previously specified performance level.