What is a Quality Audit?
A quality audit is a review of the performance of one area of a business and an analysis of why the results occurred. Even small businesses can benefit from simple quality audits, which can help spot problems and opportunities.
After you conduct a quality audit of one area of your business and you find out what happened and why, you can then create plans for addressing what’s going on. This process involves assigning a project manager and bringing in a variety of your employees to help in the process.
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What Is Quality?
Quality doesn’t always have a positive connotation. Some companies make poor-quality products or the quality of their customer service is so poor it results in bad reviews. Think of quality as the relationship of your results to your expectations. For example, if you sell 100 widgets and only 1 gets returned, you are making high-quality widgets. If 40 percent of your widgets come back as defective, you are making low-quality widgets.
Once you have this basic information about your widgets, you can then start looking at the quality of the materials you use to make them, the quality of your manufacturing processes, the quality of the staff making the widgets or the quality of your shipping, which might be the problem.
What Is an Audit?
And audit is a review of a process, system, product or other area of a business. The intention of the audit is to find out if these processes, systems or products are meeting the benchmarks and standards set by the business. If they aren’t, the audit expands into an investigation of why the problems are occurring. In some cases, an audit will find that everything is running smoothly and that the company doesn’t need to (or shouldn’t) make changes. If an audit finds problems, then you takes steps to find out why and implement changes.
Different Analysis Tools
Some companies use processes like Quality Assurance, Lean Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement and Total Quality Management. These programs and methods require specific training of the people using them, so many companies hire consultants to come in, conduct an assessment of a company or area of a company, and recommend improvement, training the company’s staff in the basics of these systems.
Creating Quality Audits
To keep an eye on the performance of your small-business operations, set benchmarks, key performance indicators and other measurements for each of your systems, processes and departments, recommends SCORE, formerly the Service Core of Retired Executives. In essence, set goals and objectives for your HR, IT, marketing, sales, production, distribution and finance departments or functions.
Bring in not only your management team, but also department heads and staff-level employees who actually do the work in each area you’re auditing. In many cases, you’ll need to bring in staff members from different departments because each of their work affects the other.
Once you’ve set your benchmarks, on a quarterly or annual basis, check to see if you are meeting your goals and objectives. If you find you aren’t, conduct a quality audit to find out why.
For example, you might not want to pay more than X percent in interest each year on your debt. If you find you are, an audit might find that you are not efficiently collecting your receivables, which means it takes longer to get cash in to pay down interest-carrying debt. It might be that you are not shopping for the best credit cards, loans, lines of credit or other credit products.