What to Do If Your Facebook Ad Account Gets Disabled – Everything You Need To Know [2023 Updated] –


You’re running Facebook ads and suddenly out of nowhere you see Facebook ad accounts disabled.

You look and can’t find anything wrong, so you hit the appeal button but – you get an instant rejection.

Facebook ad account disabled.

And the kicker is you didn’t even have any Facebook ads rejected before – sound familiar?

During my years working at Facebook I helped thousands of advertisers from SMBs to Fortune 500s navigate Facebook ad issues.

Today I’ll share insights on what to do if your Facebook ad account gets disabled.

Learn more about Facebook ad disabled.

The Reason Why Your Facebook Ad Account’s Disabled

Why does Facebook disable ad accounts? You’d think Meta would want your money instead of forcing folks to google Why is my Facebook ad account is disabled?

The short answer is that there are a lot of clickbait farms that use unethical practices which ruin it for everyone else.

The long answer is that Facebook creates specific automations their algorithm delivers that can’t distinguish an innocent mistake from those actually circumventing their systems.

You aren’t trying to cheat the system you’re just running ads for your clients right?

(For a behind the scenes on Facebook’s algorithm click here)

How Facebook Automations Flag

If every ad went under human review instead of robots, you’d have a lot less ad accounts disabled.

But the reality is, machines are making most of these decisions based on SQL logic and the Facebook Ad Policies here

(Which are different from the Community Standards that control what appears on personal profiles on the Newsfeed. There are some overlaps but they aren’t identical).

Facebook uses a series of automations to review ad policy violations in your Facebook ads and landing pages, and often to review Facebook ad appeals.

Want to make sure your landing page doesn’t get flagged by Facebook? Click here.

As much as we want to play the victim of Facebook F$^*%ng up the reality is you probably did violate the ad policies.

Maybe your ad copy made promises that sounded unrealistic in Facebook’s eyes (again, don’t take it personal this is a freakin bot that is flagging not a human).

Now you have an MLM flag or Unrealistic Claims flag (also known as Misleading Business Practices).

Perhaps the ad copy kicked pain points too hard following the Pain-Agitate-Solution formula & now Facebook feels like you’re calling Facebook users out too negatively violating Personal Attributes ad policies.

That’s not to say Facebook doesn’t glitch out – oh it does. There are bugs. Recently many of my clients came to me after getting the “Discriminating business practices” flags.

Yet their Facebook ads were innocent af and didn’t break any rules. I guided them to appeal in the correct way and everything got up and running again.

But realistically? This happens about 5% of the time. The other 95% you’re getting flagged because you did violate the ad policies that just may not be explained very well.

There’s like 10,000 ad policies not really told to the public that Facebook wants advertisers to follow.

More on the deets on the newish facebook ad policies in California read here.

So you go and google: “facebook account disabled for no reason” or maybe you’re searching for “facebook account disabled locked.” I’ve even seen some searches for “facebook account disabled how long,” but you can’t find any solid answers.

Now you think, maybe it wasn’t an ads issue at all. Perhaps it was something else – and you search for “facebook account disabled community standards.” These are the policies that govern everyday usage of Facebook.

But, still you don’t get any closer to the finish line searching for “facebook ad account disabled for policy violation” or “facebook ad account disabled 2021.” What about ad account recovery? Is it possible to get your old account back?

It really isn’t likely you will, but you still google “facebook ad account disabled appeal,” and “why is my facebook ad account disabled.” Still nothing. What gives?? I’ll answer that but first, let’s discuss the digital real estate you’re running ads on.

An Important Fact On Facebook’s IP

I’ve noticed many feel like they have a right to post on Facebook and run ads, as if Meta is a public school or government property.

Check out Facebook ads disabled.

Something important to note:

Facebook is a private website.

By using Facebook – as a Profile or FB Biz Page you implicitly agree to Facebook’s Terms of Service – which means they can do whatever the hell they want on their website.

It’s private property just like someone’s lawn or land.

In Texas, you have a right to shoot someone trespassing on your property – think about that in terms of what Facebook is allowed to do on their own platform.

Also – the Federal Government is trying to ban Facebook from teens.

But I digress – let’s get back to Facebook ad accounts being disabled.

From Disabled Facebook Ad Account to Appeal

For whatever reason, breaking ad policy rules, glitches, aliens – you are now stuck with a disabled ad account and Facebook rejected your appeal.

Why is that? 

Facebook rejects your appeals because you clicked on a button inside Business Manager to appeal it and never talked or chatted with a live human being.

“My facebook ad account was disabled!” you scream at the ceiling. Your web browser history shows searches for:

“facebook account disabled how long 2020”
“how many facebook account can i have”
“facebook ad account disabled for unusual activity”
“my facebook ad account disabled”
“facebook account disabled how to recover”

But you’re still stuck.

What happens now?

Automations are reviewing your Facebook ads instead of Facebook ad support, and when you appeal with a button instead of a person, the automation reviews that too and rejects it instantly.

Outdated articles like this one will gloss over what to do without going into more detail – so I’m going to give you more insight on Facebook ad accounts disabled and what to do.

How to Recover Disabled Facebook Ad Accounts

…and what NOT to do when appealing ad accounts.

Many websites will tell you to just click “Recover Account” (like this one) but that’s incorrect!

The advice in that article tells you to fill out a form and wait to see if you get assigned a Facebook rep – that is rolling the dice and likely to make your disabled ad account unrecoverable.

Also this article gives incorrect advice as well telling you to verify your Business Manager after getting an ad account disabled.

That’s the dumbest advice ever (sorry not sorry Emily).

– That’s like going 120 MPH yelling out the window at the cop:

“I promise I won’t break the speed limit again officer!” while speeding.

When your ad account is disabled – you are asking Facebook to trust you that your business is legit, even after you’ve set the precedent that you can’t follow their rules.

You think Facebook is going to act in your favor? NO.

You’ll get stuck in a cycle of the spinning wheel of death for Facebook trying to both verify a Business Manager with a disabled ad account and review your appeal to that disabled ad account. Your facebook ad manager account disabled, no ads live – what to do?

If you want to verify your Business Manager after your ad account is reactivated, or on a fresh new Business Manager – sure, that can help.

But don’t do that while you’re appealing a disabled ad account – be smart. Clicking Request Review is a big mistake. 

Find out how to fix restricted Facebook ad accounts.

You’ll enter the never ending loop where either you’ll wait forever without a response from Facebook.


Maybe Facebook will ask you to verify your Business Manager, then accept your credentials but never reply.Now you’re stuck with a Facebook Business Manager not verified, and an ad account disabled.

Your clients are screaming “Why aren’t my ads running?? I’m losing money every second Facebook ads aren’t live selling my products!!”

Don’t Let A Machine Decide Your Fate

You’re trying to act like you know what you’re doing when in reality everything hangs in the balance of a billion dollar social media company’s decisions who isn’t replying or telling you what you did wrong or how to fix it.

Maybe you found the article I linked above and hit “Request Review.” Don’t do that.

You’re leaving the fate of your ad account in the hands of a machine, a bot that will automatically make a decision based on its programming logic without any human context. (Also read: Facebook Disabled My Account Next Steps)

On a rare chance, sometimes the machine will instantly reactivate your ad account but most of the time you have 99% higher chance contacting a rep at Facebook Ad Support via the Facebook Business Help Center. 

So don’t click on “Recover Account.”

Determine Why You Were Flagged BEFORE Appealing


If you don’t determine why you were flagged first BEFORE contacting Facebook ad support, you’re going to repeat history like GroundHog’s Day.

Everything you need to know about disabled ad accounts.


If FB reactivates your ad account, and you have the same flags still in your funnel the automations will continue to scan your ads and flag you.

This time maybe disabling your Business Manager too. That’s another loop you can get caught in. Your friend told you that his “facebook account disabled suspicious payment activity” message just showed up in his Business Settings.

And you’re really freaking out that his facebook ad account was disabled for no reason. You’re hoping the warning saying “your fb ad account permanently disabled” will go away.

This is what you do instead:

Step 1. – Navigate to Facebook’s Business Help Page here:

 Here are important things you should know about Facebook ad accounts being disabled.

Step 2. – Select your ad account from the drop down menu:

 How to fix restricted Facebook ad accounts?

Step 3. – Select the issue:

 This is what you need to know about Facebook ad accounts disabled.
Step 4. – Click on Contact Support:

Do you know what happens if Facebook ad accounts are restricted?
A lot of people can’t figure out how to even get this far – owners of businesses that spend $100K a month and up have told me they can’t find this page when their facebook ad account keeps getting disabled. For my essential guide to Facebook ad policies click here.

You want to make sure you’re logged in to the right account – you may need to use an active ad account in the same Business Manager to contact support.

Also bookmark this link that as of 2022 is a direct route to contacting support.

There are a lot of things you should remember about Facebook ad disabled.

If you try and still can’t get a person in Facebook ad support to open up a chat with you, then you can try out this Facebook Ad Account Disabled form here.

But keep in mind, the Facebook Ad Support reps are working at Facebook and have a more effective internal form they submit to the Facebook ad policy department who actually makes the decisions.

So contact Facebook Ad Support FIRST.

For an in depth look at the top reasons why Facebook disables ad accounts click here.

Contacting FB for Disabled Ad Account Guide:

So you got on a chat with Facebook Ad Support – sweet! But keep in mind you are not talking to decision makers. Maybe your facebook account disabled due to copyright infringement or your facebook ad account disabled payment method triggered this.

You’re googling “facebook ad account disabled reddit” when you get hit with a new flag: “facebook ad account disabled circumventing systems.”
Damn it!

You’re all heated chatting with Facebook ad support but they can’t help. Remember:

These are gatekeepers that often don’t speak English fluently (if you’re coming from America, or the UK). They won’t understand a lot of what you’re saying.

They are essentially like bartenders – they have to hear a lot of crap from advertisers who chat in using all caps like “HELLO ARE U THERE.”

And at best, these are entry level workers that can understand maybe, 40% of what you’re talking about on a good day when you ask them how to fix facebook ad account disabled.

If you get lucky, you may talk to someone who gets 70% of what you say when chatting, “facebook disabled my ad account for no reason!”

– but they’ve never run ads that have actual ROI –

Facebook Ad Support agents aren’t in the business world, they aren’t entrepreneurs and don’t have a vested interest in whether or not your ad account is active or disabled. Or your facebook account disabled upon creation issues or your facebook account disabled login problems.

How nice you are to them, how simple you make your explanations will play a role in how receptive Facebook is to your appeal.

Their goal is to close as many cases as possible – quantity over quality. So be respectful, polite, and also realistic when it comes to facebook ad account disabled review time.

What Happens After Appealing Disabled Accounts

Pause yelling “My facebook ad account got disabled!” and take a seat.

Your ad account could either be:

• Reactivated within 24 hours because it was a Facebook glitch

• Reactivated incorrectly because Facebook Ad Support missed the flags you do have

• Or it’s “your ads are violating ad policy” or “this business model isn’t supported” and you stay disabled

What To Do If Your Ad Account Appeal Gets Rejected

Realistically you have about a 50/50 chance appealing any ad account that’s disabled. Here are some factors that play into why your disabled ad account will be reactivated or permanently disabled:

♦ How many previous rejected ads you’ve had

♦ What your ad account’s hidden score is (a ratio of rejected vs approved ads)

♦ If you conveyed your situation correctly to Facebook ad support who are gatekeepers not DMs 

♦ If you determined first exactly which ad policy you’re flagged for (this helps FB ad support reps make a case for you)

♦ Did you clean your funnel (landing pages etc) of the ad policy violations before contacting Facebook? Do this first if your ad account disabled for policy violation. 

♦ Your business model – certain business models are under more scrutiny than others (how to make money online, special ad categories etc).

♦ Did you circumvent systems and immediately try to run ads after being rejected?

I could go on – the important thing to consider is how do you move on if your appeal is rejected and you don’t have an ad account to advertise with. You’ll want to try a couple of different things.

Now if your ad account disabled payment method issue is happening…that’s a whole other bag of worms. If your ad account was disabled for something minor…

(You’d have to know what you got flagged for, specifically, which ad copy triggered this flag and the weight of each ad policy flag).

– You could possibly start advertising from another ad account within the same Business Manager – but you need to warm up the new ad account with specific ads that achieve this before going into conversion ads.

But, in the event that either your Facebook ad account was disabled for a bigger issue (like mentioning covid) or you just don’t freakin know because you’re not a Facebook ad policy expert – you’ll want to create a new Facebook Business Manager.

If your ad account’s disabled, facebook may give you leeway. If you’re looking for the scoop on the top reasons that Facebook ads get rejected click here.

But if your instagram ad account disabled for unusual activity, you may have a security leak. 

Keep in mind – if you don’t identify what triggered the automations to flag you the first time, it won’t matter how many new Business Managers or ad accounts you create – you’ll get shut down again and again.

You’ve got to identify the triggers the automations are acting on before appealing, remove them from your funnel, then appeal.

If that doesn’t work out, start fresh, warming up new ad accounts (possibly in a new Biz Manager) that are free of the same flags you got shut down for in the first place.

Again, an ad account disabled payment method issue is different than the type of facebook ad account disabled 2021 flags. Facebook has changed a lot since 2021.

Some common flags you may have heard other advertisers get caught with are something like, “facebook ad account disabled circumventing systems.” That’s why you need to find the flags first before appealing or even that appeal will be viewed as circumventing.

I see a lot of bad advice when folks just google, “facebook ad account disabled reddit” or “facebook ad account disabled for no reason” because it becomes just a cig break at work to complain, rather than solve the issue.

While FB and IG are owned by Meta, in fact Instagram has it’s own separate process for how automations flag you with an ad account disabled instagram issue. Are your Facebook ads blocked? Click here for expert guidance. 

Once you do identify the specific flags that got you in trouble you can advertise again:

✅ In a new ad account in the same Business Manager if you had a minor flag cause the ad account to get disabled, or

✅ A new Business Manager and new ad account in the new Business Manager (don’t use your personal ad account attached to your profile – create new ones in Business Manager) or

✅ fresh start with a coworker’s account you want to learn from your mistakes here and not repeat them to exit the loop and advertise again.

If your facebook ad accounts disabled how to enable it really comes from knowing the ad policies. And a facebook ad account disabled 2022 faces its own challenges from the i0S update in Apple, to election years.

What if I told you there was a facebook ad account disabled solution? You’d never have to worry about guessing the reasons for facebook ad account disabled.

We all know what a 10th level of hell it is waiting on the facebook ad account disabled review time when your ad account is disabled facebook doesn’t care how long you wait.

It’s time to stop taking shots in the dark if your facebook ad account’s disabled, what to do is first figure out all the flags. But you’re still asking what to do if ad account is disabled and googling “why ad account is disabled” or “why is my facebook ad account disabled on instagram.”

I can help with that. Right now I’m a project manager at Facebook at the time of this article. I know you’re wondering, “If my facebook ad accounts disabled can i create a new one?”

Especially if you’ve seen the facebook ad account disabled final decision warning in Ads Manager.

Or you’ve got an ad account disabled facebook business manager issue as well with those ominous red letters seen in the Business settings. I’ll be happy to assist in how to solve facebook ad account disabled issues. You can stop searching for “my facebook ad account is disabled how to enable it” as there are better solutions below.

New Solution to Facebook Disabled Ad Accounts

After years of working at Facebook, I understand exactly what ad copy in your funnel is triggering the automations and how to get compliant. I’m a Facebook ad policy specialist and can audit your funnel, and share what to say that Facebook wants to see instead – but just isn’t telling you.

Want to book a call to talk to Facebook and get results? Get solid answers directly from the source instead guessing, googling and playing roulette? Book a Call with me and I can easily tell you proven reasons why the automations flag you and how to become compliant.

You’ll be swapping out walking in a minefield of ad flags, to having a sure path to having your Facebook ad accounts protected from being disabled and won’t have to worry that your facebook ad account got disabled.

Save energy and money – how much is it costing you to not know why Facebook is shutting you down?

My clients have included social media marketing agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker and Dean Graziosi. I’m featured on the Queen of Facebook Mari Smith’s Marketing Essentials Course.

Understanding how to fix restricted Facebook ad accounts is crucial for getting it back.

I get hundreds of emails a week and don’t work with most people. Try to book a discovery call and you’ll have to wait a month.

If you want to get your account back, learn more about ad accounts disabled Facebook.

If you want to skip the line before this offer ends, immediately secure an expert-level Facebook consulting call from someone at Facebook.

If you’re ok with waiting a bit longer, and entering the waitlist to see if you’re eligible – Schedule a call or contact me via email.

Facebook ad account disabled is a problem, but can be solved easily.