Why We’re Polarized

Reversion to Political Tribes – current analysis

Very readable/listenable book – complete with numerous Sociological Study references backing up – this point or that point. His point is that the ‘political amity’ of the mid 20th Century America was an anomaly – and that ‘the four parties’ (Democrats, DixieCrats, Conservative Republicans and Liberal Republicans) – have now ‘sorted themselves out’ – leading to a sorted set of parties vigorously opposing each other in a political holy war.

One key thought I’m still processing is the thread (espoused by the Author as well as Jill LePore in “These Truths” – that after the fall of the Soviet Union (1991)- the United States needed an ‘enemy’ – and a Domestic Cold War broke out – between the Democrats and Republicans (Gingrich assumes the Speakership of the House in 1994) – and then starts the “holy war” between the parties which begins the slash-and-burn mentality.

The Republicans have an advantage because they have one special interest group – older whiter Christians. The Democrats have ‘n’ special interest groups – who live on a political spectrum – and need to ‘balance out’ their support of the different groups.

Several other points to ponder:

The U.S. Culture represents a time and market approximately 10 years into the future. This time and market is multi-racial and young. Nike markets to the young uses Colin Kapernick.

The U.S. Political Power represents a time approximately 10 years ago – demonstrated by the Republicans holding power supported by older, whiter Christian Americans who feel “their world” under threat. This is Trump’s Base.

The Economic Models represent a time about 40-50 years ago. 50 year ago Milton Friedman funded by the then Koch Brothers invented a model to reduce taxes and ‘starve’ the New Deal. Arthur Laffer took this idea and generated a tax model used by Reagan/Thatcher in the 1980’s cutting taxes on the wealthy – with the goal of having these taxes pay for themselves. These tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves – generating deficits – also income/wealth inequality became an issue.

Each of the above are on different time cycles and impact cycles.

Cable TV and the news media contributes to this polarization – due to their Business Models – clicks and revenues favoring the most outrages talking points and rebuttals.

The ground rules for today’s current set of politicians: Get Elected; Get the Majority; Enact policies favorable to your base.

Book begins with an ‘even/balanced tone’ – later more of his biases present themselves.

His suggestions for solutions are ‘okay’ – a variant of getting more centrist candidates elected with the idea of politicians running and governing “from the Center” – similar suggestions made by Michael Porter – American Competitiveness Institute – about an end to GerryMandering (through an independent Commission) – having one, open primary – where the people who get the most votes go on to the general election (could be two republicans/two democrats).

Finally, I didn’t hear Ezra Klein “provide a lot of hope” on how this problem would be solved. I heard him say – that the Demographic changes over time 20-24 years could “Turn Texas Blue” – and move the election – [solution through Demographics] but otherwise not a great deal of hope on a solution to this matter. I heard that the current Polarization could be the ‘base case’ for many years into the future. I’m not sure what this will bode for the U.S. in its Great Power Competition with China, Russia and others.

A very interesting book – some key thoughts and analysis on our reversion to Political Tribes.

A stray thought as I read about the rise of China and the endangerment of the American Empire – is this Polarization associated with the decline of an Empire?

Political junkies would like this book.

Carl Gallozzi

[email protected]