Word to PDF | Convert Your Doc to PDF Online for Free

    Our Doc to PDF Converter in a Nutshell

  • Smallpdf’s Word to PDF converter is quick to use.

    Quick and Efficient Processing

    Word to PDF conversion is a piece of cake. To begin, upload a Word file, sit back, and we should have your PDF ready in no time. We accept both DOC and DOCX files.

  • Word to PDF converter has good security measures for online conversion.

    Secure Online PDF Software

    Have no worries! We permanently remove converted files from our servers after 1 hour. Create a free Smallpdf account if you want to store converted files online instead.

  • Use Smallpdf to convert files on any operating system.

    Any Device, Any Operating System

    Being an online browser-based software, you can conveniently access our Doc to PDF converter anytime, anywhere—from your PC, phone, or tablet.

  • Other Smallpdf converters other than Word to PDF.

    Other Supported File Types

    The fun doesn’t stop there. With this all-in-one PDF converter, you can transform other file formats to PDF, such as JPG, PNG, Excel, and PPT.

  • Other available features for Word to PDF conversion, like OCR.

    Advanced Word to PDF Conversion

    If you convert plenty of files daily, check out Smallpdf Pro, where you can process as many Word files to PDF as you’d like, all in one go, up to 15 GB per file.

  • Convert Doc and Docx to PDF online on the cloud.

    Work on the Cloud

    We want to enable a seamless digital work environment. Once you convert a DOC file to PDF—freely preview, edit, and store it—all on the cloud.