X-T1 – X-T1 so good with noise

This weekend I broke out my X-T1.
The X-T1 is the camera that caused me switch to the Fuji system..

It was nice to get reacquainted with my old friend: With it’s beautiful colors and excellent clarity, even at high ISO’s.….And this got me thinking.

With a 16mpx sensor, are the light receptors larger than modern APSC cameras? And is this why the noise levels are so low?

I use Topaz Denoise AI. This application analyzes a photo and shows a Denoise slider representing how much noise the app is removing. In almost every case that slider was 1/3 less than photos from my other cameras.

Interesting, if I’m right in assuming the light receptors are larger with the X-T1, then it’s noise output is similar to some full frame sensors. Sort of. Am I off?