All You Need to Know About Product Packaging | Mailchimp

Once you’ve designed the packaging, it’s time to print and assemble it. You’ll need to find a printer that can handle the high-quality printing and assembly required for packaging. Plus, you’ll need to consider things like shipping and storage options. Finally, test the package before you release it to the public.

Know your packaging

Different packaging design elements can create a lasting customer experience by adding value to the product, making it more appealing, and increasing its shelf life. For example, using high-quality materials and printing techniques can make a big difference in how a product looks and feels. In addition, choosing the right colors, fonts, and images can also help to create a more lasting customer experience.

The following are some different elements of product packaging:

  • Color: Color is one of the most critical aspects of product packaging. It can attract attention, communicate a message, and convey a mood.
  • Size: The size of product packaging can be necessary for several reasons. It can impact the cost of production, the amount of space required for storage, and the ease of transportation.
  • Filler: Filler is used to fill space in product packaging. It can be used to protect a product, add cushioning, or make a product look more full.
  • Fonts: The font used on product packaging can be necessary for legibility and aesthetic purposes.
  • Business card: A business card can be included with product packaging to promote a business.
  • Thank you note: A thank you note can be included with product packaging to show customer appreciation.
  • Instructional manual: An instructional manual can be included with product packaging to provide information about how to use a product.

Create a budget that meets your packaging needs

The first step in budgeting for packaging is understanding each element’s cost. This includes the cost of materials, printing, and assembly. Once you know the price of each component, you can begin to calculate the cost of shipping domestically and internationally.

Shipping costs will vary depending on the size and weight of your product, as well as the distance it needs to travel. It’s essential to get accurate quotes from shipping companies to budget correctly. Shipping is a complex process; you must manage both inbound and outbound shipments. You will also need to schedule frequent pick-ups of your products. It’s essential to have a working relationship with a shipping company so that your operations run smoothly.

Other things to consider when budgeting for packaging and shipping include:


Depending on your eCommerce business’s state, you may need to pay sales tax on your orders. You will also need to pay taxes on the income from your company. Make sure you know what taxes apply to your business before you start selling.


When it comes to regulations for selling online, there are some federal laws you should be aware of. The Federal Trade Commission regulates internet marketing, consumer protection, and privacy issues. If you plan to sell internationally, you must comply with import/export regulations.

Once you understand all the costs involved in packaging and shipping your product, you can begin to create a budget that will allow you to launch your product successfully.

Ask for customer feedback

Customers are the ones who will be interacting with the packaging, so their input can be invaluable in terms of making sure the packaging is user-friendly. Their feedback can help you gauge how effectively the packaging conveys information about the product; if customers are confused or put off by the packaging, that’s a sign that changes need to be made. Finally, customers’ feedback can give you insights into what they do and don’t like about the packaging, which can help you improve for future iterations.

There are many ways to get feedback from customers about packaging. Customer surveys, feedback forms, and polls are all great options. By collecting this feedback, businesses can learn what customers like and don’t like about their packaging. This information can then be used to make improvements to the packaging.

Make your product packaging unique

In a world where products are constantly being released, making your product packaging stand out is more important than ever. Unique packaging will not only help your product sell, but it will also create a lasting impression on customers. When done right, packaging can be a crucial part of business success.