Amazon FBA Import: Product Quality Inspection Guide

As an Amazon seller, assessing the quality of your products is one of the most crucial steps in your supply chain. Especially if you import your products from China, India or Vietnam, you should make sure to perform a thorough quality inspection of your final products before marketing them to your customers.

If you fail to conduct a proper quality inspection, you run the risk that your supplier will provide you with inferior products that won’t meet your customers’ expectations which in turn will result in bad reviews, low sales and poor rankings.

Also, due to consumer protection laws and safety regulations, most countries will only let you import your products if you can provide official test certificates that state their conformity.

To make sure your product launch won’t fail, we’ll show you how a quality inspection for Amazon FBA sellers works, what to look for, how to create a quality inspection briefing and how to choose the right third party inspection for your products.