Best Audio Enhancer – How to Enhance Audio Quality in a Convenient and Simple Way

I found that some discussions on forums, there are some common problems as follows:

Q1: How to improve the sound quality on MP3 and WAV files with the best way? I’ve been trying to fix some audio clips in Audacity and WavePad many 
times but it just gets worse.

Q2: I want to convert old songs with less volume and also has a poor sound quality into a good crystal clear sound. Please help me out.

Q3: I have the Pi3 all set up and I have been testing it with a tiny amount of content from NAS plus some via Airplay. It all works but the noise level– crackle, hiss, hum — out of the speakers is bad, especially when nothing is playing.

A: As we need to improve audio quality for better listening experience, we need to find a proper audio quality enhancer to help us. In the next part, two audio enhancement software are introduced to bring your audio quality to the next level. Please read on.