Calvin Klein Euphoria Gift Set for Women Reviews –

I love the smell of euphoria and its really good. CK has one of he best perfumes in the market and this one is so nice. I like to have a variety of perfumes n this is one of my favorites. The scent is fruity with a hint if musk. A little sharp just the way I like it. Not too sweet, it can kill a perfume. It’s in a beautiful bottle n I like the way it stays on. It won’t last a full day but you can get a smaller one and you can carry if with you if you like and mostly I buy small bottles as its more fun and you dont get bored too.
This is a great perfume for a anyone. I bought this in a set so I got a cream too. It carries the essence of the perfume. One thing try to buy the little bottles you get of perfumes. Every perfume would work differently for everyone 🙂


Chicago, IL
