Cartier Diamonds & Engagement Rings Review | PriceScope | PriceScope


Cartier makes powerful aesthetics and icons that feel true to their roots but have a timeless appeal, from its Love Bracelet to Juste un Clou and its Tank and Santos watches.

It has already been mentioned that Cartier has fewer options for diamond engagement rings than other jewelry brands, not only in terms of product choices but also in terms of actual product selection.

It is hard to know just how Cartier sources diamonds, what kind you’ll receive, and how to choose among the varying products.

Nevertheless, we know that there are no affordable 0.50 carat diamonds of the G or H color, VS1/VS2 variety that is pre-mounted in an 1895 Cartier setting. Which is disappointing for such a popular engagement ring style. 

Ease of Use

It is fairly easy to locate the various items Cartier sells at the top of its website. They certainly sell quite a lot. Finding the right item, which in this case was the engagement ring, was not easy.

You can’t determine which type of diamond you’re buying due to a lack of information and limited search options. As a result, you are essentially shopping blind. Never advised for such an investment. 

Diamond purchases can be difficult even for the experienced diamond buyer, but for those purchasing perhaps their first diamond, it can be a struggle. Utilize our “secret recipe” to find the largest, sparkliest diamond for your budget on your Cartier quest.

The Selection

As Cartier has developed a strong brand, its price tags have increased, but its diamond selection has not. If you plan to shop at Cartier, you should be aware that there are fewer options at a higher cost.

Cartier’s “Set For You” program is designed to solve this problem. A program like this is similar to the “build your own ring” feature many online vendors provide. The sales staff can recommend loose diamonds from Cartier’s inventory and create a custom ring based on your choice of setting.

As you might not be aware, Cartier’s “Set For You” service is the same as shopping blind online. As you don’t get to see the diamond beforehand, nor do you get any additional information beyond a grading report, we would not recommend this method. 

In addition, Cartier’s inventory of loose diamonds is extremely low, making their program significantly inferior to other online vendors.