Compress JPEG Images Without Losing Quality |

High-resolution images are always ideal. However, photos with exceptional quality tend to be heavy and absorb more bandwidth. If you’re looking to speed up your website’s load time, you can use free online tools like to compress JPEG file formats without sacrificing their quality.

What is a JPEG File?

Short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG is the most common image file format available. It’s often used for lossy compression with ratios of full-color data ranging from 10:1 to 20:1. If you have a 10MB image and export it as a JPEG, you will have a file roughly 1MB in size.

JPEG compressions are best used for photographs and works of art. Since this file format struggles with curves and edges, it’s not an ideal choice for line drawings, computer screenshots, and cartoons.

Digital cameras and other photo-sharing devices will compress raw photos in JPEG format to make them smaller in size. Due to its lossy compression, you won’t be able to recover the data that was lost once the image is saved. The quality of a JPEG image decreases as its file size decreases, and constantly editing and re-saving JPEG photos may further cause the quality to degrade.

To prevent this from happening, you might want to work on the raw JPEG files first. Perform your edits, then save the final version.

Why Should You Compress JPEG Images?

JPEG compressions allow you to save space without sacrificing the quality of your images. Thanks to this kind of file compression, you can easily share high-quality photographs on the internet that load quickly. You can use a JPG compressor to optimize files for the internet. You can also use it to store a number of JPEG files with limited storage space.

The lossy compression makes JPEG more suited for file storage. If you edit and save images in this format again, you will incur a significant loss in quality, but since JPEG lets you compress full-color files to smaller sizes, you can save a lot of disk space and transmission time.

How to Compress JPEG Images

There are many ways to compress JPEG online. You can even do it offline using Microsoft Word or Paint. Here’s how you can do it with Paint:

  1. Open Microsoft Paint.
  2. Pick an image, then use the resize button.
  3. Choose your preferred image dimensions.
  4. Tick the maintain aspect ratio box.
  5. Click on OK.
  6. Save the photo.

How to Compress JPG Online Using is a free JPG compressor tool. There’s no need to download, install, or sign up for any kind of service.

Here’s how you can compress JPEG images in three steps:

1 – Upload your photo

Choose any JPEG image you want and upload it to the online platform.

2 – Customize the settings

Configure the settings of the photos you like to compress.

3 – Save your photo

Once you finish, hit Save. It will compress and optimize your image without sacrificing its quality. The photo will be automatically downloaded on your device.

Websites with poor image quality or slow load time can turn off users. If your site takes too long to load, guests might leave and turn to the competition instead. While high-quality images do enhance a brand’s reputation, it’s also important for you to deliver an exceptional user experience. To do that, you need to understand the fundamentals of resizing and compressing photos.

Thankfully, you don’t have to be an expert to do that. All you need is a trustworthy online software like