Difference Between Authentic and Replica | Difference Between

The availability of products has been easy in the markets, due to innovation, technology as well as great global relations, which makes it easy for inter-global trade. While this is a great thing, the problem comes in due to the development of replica items out of authentic products. It is important for persons to differentiate authentic and replica items.

What is Authentic?

This is something that is not a copy, hence is of undisputed origin.


What is Replica?

This is an exact copy or replication of original items, such as paintings as well as other products, and resemble the original in terms of appearance and shape. Most replicas are used for historical purposes in places such as museums and for cheap bargains as they lowly priced in comparison to authentic items.


Similarities between Authentic and Replica

  • Both are used in reference to originality

Differences between Authentic and Replica


While authentic refers to something that is not a copy, hence is of undisputed origin, replica refers to an exact copy or replication of original items, such as paintings as well as other products, and resemble the original in terms of appearance and shape.


While authentic products are of high and uncompromised quality, replica products are of low and compromised quality.


Authentic items are expensive. On the other hand, replica products are less expensive in comparison to replica products.

Authentic vs. Replica: Comparison Table


Summary of Authentic vs. Replica

While authentic refers to something that is not a copy, hence is of undisputed origin, replica refers to an exact copy or replication of original items, such as paintings as well as other products, and resemble the original in terms of appearance and shape. When it comes to purchasing items be it paintings, apparel and even accessories, it is important to differentiate between the authentic product and the replica as the pricing and quality are different.