Difference Between Quality And Quantity | ipl.org
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Quantity Vs. Quality of Life
Ria Reed, Surgical Technology, Associate Degree
Concorde Career College Institute
Quality of Life is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything the physical
DocViewerPage of 7ZoomPagesRunning head: [SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS]Quantity Vs. Quality of LifeRia Reed, Surgical Technology, Associate DegreeConcorde Career College Institute[SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS]Quality of Life is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything the physical health , family, education, employment, wealth, religious beliefs, finance and the environment. The big issue is how to balance the goal of maximizing quantity of life with the goal of maximizing quality of life in the treatment of terminal illness . This issue
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Quantity vs Quality of Life
Quality and Quantity are two terms that one often comes across, especially in business, research, physics, and even in everyday life. The main difference between quality and quantity is the fact that quality refers to the characteristic or feature of something, whereas quantity refers to the numerical value of something.
Quality is subjective, whereas quantity is not. Quality is subjective to each individual’s opinion. One person might think that something is of great quality, whereas another might think that it is of low quality. However, one cannot dispute quantity. If there are five things, then there are five things.
Basically, quality is a measure of excellence or of a state of being. It describes something, either of how it was made, or how if is as compared to others. Quantity, on the other hand, is the extent, size, or sum of something. It is countable or measurable, and can be expressed as a numerical value.
In business, there has been a continuous discussion on the basis of Quality vs Quantity.
There are many bosses or managers who focus on quantity as opposed to quality
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Quality over quantity – it’s a simple concept taught to us throughout our formative years – but it’s one that fits like a square peg in a round hole in today’s corporate environment. The reason that it’s so hard to emphasize quality over quantity is simple – businesses are established to make money as quickly as possible and at the highest possible margins. Crafting single high quality products tends to be expensive and time consuming, and must be sold at much higher, less attractive prices to the average consumer in order to be profitable. Lower quality work, produced quickly in outsourced factories with a minimal time commitment per product, tends to be far more profitable, with higher margins as well as a lower, more attractive price point for consumers. Well-known adopters of this business model are Wal-Mart and Target.