Drinking-water quality monitoring and surveillance

Drinking-water quality monitoring and surveillance

Mukundan Sugunan Pillay,
Mustafa Selim,
Debbie Siru

Providing a safe and adequate supply of water to all communities is one of the major infrastructural tasks of any nation. In countries where natural water sources cannot meet demand, where water is reused, or where water systems are not designed, operated, and managed properly, health
problems are guaranteed. In response, government health departments are setting up nationwide monitoring and surveillance systems.

Providing a safe and adequate supply of water to all communities is one of the major infrastructural tasks of any nation. In countries where natural water sources cannot meet demand, where water is reused, or where water systems are not designed, operated, and managed properly, healthproblems are guaranteed. In response, government health departments are setting up nationwide monitoring and surveillance systems.

Providing a safe and adequate supply of water to all communities is one of the major infrastructural tasks of any nation. In countries where natural water sources cannot meet demand, where water is reused, or where water systems are not designed, operated, and managed properly, health
problems are guaranteed. In response, government health departments are setting up nationwide monitoring and surveillance systems.

Whither regulation, risk and water safety plans? Case studies from Malaysia and from England and Wales

Hasan, Hafizah

Parker, Alison

Pollard, Simon J.T.

Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 755 (2021), Iss. P.142868

[Citations: 3]

Suitability of the Lower Ganga basin groundwater for irrigation, using hydrogeochemical parameters and land-use dynamics

Hasan, Mohd Sayeed Ul

Rai, Abhishek Kumar


[Citations: 0]

Groundwater quality assessment in the Lower Ganga Basin using entropy information theory and GIS

Hasan, Mohd Sayeed Ul

Rai, Abhishek Kumar

Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 274 (2020), Iss. P.123077

[Citations: 40]