Erika Alexander — Color Farm Media


  • Testified in front of U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee at nation’s first ever Congressional Hearing on The Diverse Representation of People of Color in Media

Erika Alexander is beloved for her iconic acting roles as Maxine Shaw (Living Single), Detective Latoya (Get Out), Cousin Pam (The Cosby Show), Perenna (Black Lightning), and Linda Diggs (Wutang: An American Saga). Erika wears many hats as not only an actress, but also a trailblazing activist, entrepreneur, creator, producer, and director — an all-around boss. Erika represents one of the most bold, daring, and powerful voices in our country today. 

As a creator, Erika recognizes that stories, when socially conscious and carefully constructed, have the capacity to create impact and meaningful change. As co-founder of Color Farm Media and Board Member of VoteRunLead, Alexander is on a mission to bring greater equity, inclusion, and diverse representation to both media and electoral politics.