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facial acupressure is the traditional chinese medicine technique of applying pressure with the fingertips to specific points on the face, increasing the flow of energy and blood to each area. facial acupressure stimulates circulation in the skin, nerves and muscles of the face, to firm, smooth and heal. each of the eleven essential pressure points in the face connect to an energy channel in the body called a meridian. each energy meridian in the face is connected to an internal organ and its functions. when these meridians are blocked, energy becomes stagnant, resulting in muscle pain and illness. applying pressure pulse point stimulates healing in the body and firms and lifts the skin. facial acupressure can help relieve the signs of stress that appear on the face by relieving underlying muscle tension and stimulating the lymphatic system. by stimulating blood flow through the lymphatic (immune) system, this technique pulls fluids away from the skin and underlying tissues to reduce puffiness in the face due to allergies, hormones, stress and a salty diet for a healthy complexion. “massage relaxes facial muscles, it helps decrease puffiness as well. if you move the muscles and skin on your face, it increases blood flow, which brings oxygen and nutrients to the area. as the lymph flows away from the skin and back to the heart, it is, essentially, decongesting the skin.” – dr. jody alpert levine, a new york-based dermatologist. “botox only lasts six months, but facial massage that covers important acupressure points lasts as long as we do. the massage gets blood circulation to the face and restores skin tone. the face becomes relaxed and shows fewer wrinkles.” – dave monlony, executive director of the american association of oriental medicine, maryland.