Fastco Case Study: Cost of Poor Quality As a Percent of Sales

Danei Edelen

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Six Sigma

Fastco Case Study: Cost of Poor Quality As a Percent of Sales

Expect more from your SPC software

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With multiple projects vying for your budgetary dollars, every purchase is scrutinized. With regards to statistical process control (SPC) software, companies view it primarily as a production efficiency tool, but they should expect more from their SPC software solution.

When evaluating SPC software, three critical areas must be considered:
1. Implementation time and return on investment (ROI)
2. Increase in production efficiency
3. Improvement in corporate profitability

Here are some questions you should consider when purchasing a SPC software solution.

Implementation time and ROI

SPC software has evolved into a highly sophisticated product that smoothly integrates into the production environment. Many SPC software companies will tell you that it takes “years” to implement an SPC software solution. How much revenue is lost each day if your implementation takes years? It shouldn’t have to.

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About The Author

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Danei Edelen

Danei Edelen has worked in software and quality for more than 20 years, most recently as product marketing manager for Zontec Inc. Edelen is a member of ASQ and is actively involved as a chairperson for her local section. Zontec has been providing statistical process control (SPC) software to industry-leading companies globally for more than 30 years. Zontec is the only company that offers a product suite for all size companies. Zontec software has been adopted worldwide by more than 5,000 companies, spanning virtually every industrial category.