Free & Online Video Converter — Convertio

Fast and easy

Simply drag and drop your file on the web page to start conversion. Choose an output format, click “Convert” button and wait a few seconds for the process to complete.

Excellent quality

We use high quality video processing algorithms, so you won’t lose quality during conversion.

All devices supported

Use the online tool in your favorite browser on any operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux. It’s also possible to convert videos on Android and iPhone.

File protection

The process is completely secure because we delete uploaded video files instantly and converted ones after 24 hours — nobody has access to them. Read more about security.

Conversion to any format

The tool can convert to and from popular formats such as MP4, WMV, MOV, AVI and other more rare ones. All in all, 3256 different video conversions are available.

Customizable settings

The converter gives you a possibility to adjust video. You can easily customize quality, aspect ratio, codec and other desirable settings, rotate and flip.