Full Guide to Use GIMP to Resize an Image For Free

Whenever you need to edit a photo to resize it, you will always think it has to be done professionally. Whether you have to make your picture smaller or larger, the great thing about it is that there are available and powerful tools available that you can use. Today, we will learn more about how to use GIMP to resize an image without losing quality. Now we go through its quick and easy steps. Continue to read more below.

1. How to Resize Image with GIMP

GIMP Main Interface

Sometimes, we worry about resizing our photos just for them to fit our needs. It includes when they get pixelated and blurry after resizing. Worry no more because today, we’ll help you use GIMP to resize a photo. GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP, has been a powerful tool in image editing. It has been provided with advanced tools in image editing that can help you as a graphic designer and illustrator. It has its customization options to enhance your photo, not just resizing. Let us now process how to use GIMP to resize your image with these simple steps.

Method 1: Resize Image via Manual Scale Tool

We go over this scaling to do it manually. It’s good for those who want to see how much larger or smaller the image is visual. It is the easiest to do in resizing because you can drag and release the click. The steps are below:

1Download and install GIMP from its official site to your PC.

2Open your newly installed GIMP application. Then, click File on the upper left corner of the tool. Drag down, then select Open.

GIMP Open Image File

3Activate the Scale Tool in the upper right corner of the application. Or you can simply do the shortcut of Shift + S.

GIMP Active Scale Tool

4Please select the image itself; then, you can select the small boxes on the picture’s edges. Those are called Transformation handles You can use them to drag the box to upsize or downsize your image. Release the click if you are done resizing.

GIMP Adjust Transformation Handles

Method 2: Resize Picture Numerically

This method has been made for those who want to resize their images by entering numerical values. If you have specific measurements, you can easily input them in the Scale Settings.

Below are the steps to resize the image numerically.

1Click the image on the menu in the upper right of the app. Drag down your cursor, then select Scale Tool.

GIMP Select Scale Image

2A dialog box will show the image’s scaling measurements and dimensions. On the upper part, it will let you adjust its width and height. You can also select the chain icon on the right to lock the aspect ratio of your image.

GIMP Change Image Size

3You can change the image’s position on the lower part of the dialog box by adjusting the X and Y axis.

GIMP Change Object Position

4You can change your preferred unit of measurements in this part.

GIMP Change Dimensions

5Lastly, you can change the quality of your image by changing the interpolation. It is an essential step in resizing a photo because it will avoid the pixelation of your image.

GIMP Change Interpolation

Resize Image via Exporting Settings

1To export the image, go to File on the menu toolbar. Drag down, then select Export As.

GIMP Export As

2A pop-up window will appear, showing the destination folder of your exported image. After selecting a folder, click Export.

GIMP Export Button

3Another window will appear, and it will show to export the image to WebP format, an alternative format for JPG and JPEG. Click Export to finalize.

GIMP Export Image File

Through these simple steps, you can successfully resize your image via GIMP. These two different methods are both easy to follow and very intuitive. GIMP has a similar interface to other professional tools. Additionally, GIMP is full of excellent tools and functions. The tool has many different tools aside from upscaling your image. It provides high-quality brushes and filters to unleash your creativity. Also, there are adjustment tools not only for resizing but for cropping and rotating as well. Indeed, the tool is packed with professional features.