Functionality Quality Assurance | Altagram Game Localization

Here is a list of the standard checks we perform:

We validate processes to ensure excellent user experience and acceptance:

When a top-quality game is released, customer satisfaction is reflected in their reviews online and on platforms, boosting sales and guaranteeing a long-lasting relationship between the players and the game companies.

We save time and resources by identifying issues early in the development process:

Including QA at each step of the development process can help save costs, fixing important issues before new features are implemented. QA contributes to both the quality of the product and the punctuality of its release.

We certify compatibility and compliance with the platforms and gamepads on the market:

QA helps prevent the violation of rules and ensures the proper use of licenses and trademarks for all platforms and gamepads. It also ensures quality and compatibility with alternative systems and platforms, opening up possibilities for players, expanding the target market, and facilitating access to the application.

We introduce a “fresh set of eyes” to detect details and defects not previously noticed during the development process:

When someone from the outside double-checks your work, they can provide new perspectives that can challenge you to rethink your product. Also, when a team has been working on a project for some time, there is the possibility of developing an unintentional blindness to details they look at every day. By working with an outsourced team, the chance of missing these elements is significantly reduced.

We analyze reliability and performance, increasing the overall quality of the system:

To help establish scalability and processing speed, Performance Testing is essential. Our team is prepared with the knowledge and the gear to report accurate results and help improve the reliability of your system.