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How to read this figure: In Turkey, the proportion of children from the bottom quartile of the PISA ESCS index achieving at least PISA level 2 in reading is almost 30% lower than that of children from the top ESCS quartile. The proportion of students achieving at least PISA level 2 in reading is almost 15% higher for girls than for boys.The proportion of immigrants achieving at least PISA level 2 in reading is almost equal to that of non-immigrants (a parity index of 1 indicates perfect parity).

The ESCS parity index refers to the ratio of the value for the bottom quartile over the value for the top quartile of the ESCS index. ESCS refers to the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status. The gender parity index refers to the ratio of the female value over the male value. The immigrant status parity index refers to the ratio of the value for immigrants over the value for non-immigrants. See Box 1 in the SDG chapter of EAG 2021 for more information on the methodology.

1. In 2018, some regions in Spain conducted their high-stakes exams for tenth-grade students earlier in the year than in the past, which resulted in the testing period for these exams coinciding with the end of the PISA testing window. Because of this overlap, a number of students were negatively disposed towards the PISA test and did not try their best to demonstrate their proficiency. Although the data of only a minority of students show clear signs of lack of engagement (see PISA 2018 Results Volume I, Annex A9), the comparability of PISA 2018 data for Spain with those from earlier PISA assessments cannot be fully ensured.

Countries are ranked in descending order of the parity index based on the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status.

Source: OECD (2018), PISA 2018 Database. See Source section for more information (