House of Quality | QFD house of quality | How to Create a House of Quality Diagram | Qfd House Of Quality

This house of quality matrix sample was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Casa de la calidad QFD.png.

[ wiki/ File:A1_ House_ of_ Quality.png]

This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]

“The house of quality, a part of QFD, identifies and classifies customer desires, identifies the importance of those desires, identifies engineering characteristics which may be relevant to those desires, correlates the two, allows for verification of those correlations, and then assigns objectives and priorities for the system requirements. This process can be applied at any system composition level (e.g. system, subsystem, or component) in the design of a product, and can allow for assessment of different abstractions of a system.” [Quality function deployment. Wikipedia]

The HOQ example “House of quality of buses” was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.

HOQ matrix

HOQ matrix, triangle up HOQ symbol, text block, star HOQ symbol, roof, right matrix, HOQ, matrix row, HOQ, legend, HOQ, circle HOQ symbol, bottom matrix, HOQ,