How to Improve Rendering Quality | illustrarch

With quality renders, you can make great presentations in architecture, both indoors and outdoors. Having perfect renders will show your projects better. If you look at what kind of renderings professional offices use, you will see that they present their work entirely on renders.

So, what should be considered in order to get quality rendering?

Detailed Model

The more detailed work on the 3D model you will render, makes  your rendering result better. In order to get quality rendering, you need to work in detail in the software you are modeling before the render program. Especially the facade elements and the details of the objects in the interior determine the quality of the renders.

Camera Views 

It is very important to adjust the camera view after importing your detailed model into the render program or before rendering in the software. Except for the aerial renders, it is necessary to adjust the angles at the human scale and close to it. The height of the camera from the ground is very important to strengthen the perception of space and get professional rendering.

Lighting Design

The light will give the best results for both in day and night renders. For a quality render, you need to add light indoors and outdoors and make the best settings. Adjusting the light, especially in warm tones, makes the atmosphere more intimate. In addition, light preferences are critical for understanding of materials and textures ideally.

Material Choices

Material selection is one of the most critical steps for all renderings. Regardless of the rendering software you use, it is very important that the material is of high quality and that its textures appear in the render. Selecting the material and adjusting the settings of this material such as reflection, glow, texture in the software will improve the render quality.

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