How to resize an image without losing the quality – Element Pack Pro

Trying to resize an image without losing quality for your WordPress website? In fact, whenever you try to resize an image, maybe it will become blurry and sketchy. It makes the image unprofessional. Recently, many users are facing this problem and telling us, the developers, to do something about it. That’s why in this article, we will talk about how you can resize an image, make it larger, make it smaller without losing quality.

Why Images lose quality when resized

On the internet, the most used image format is Bitmap. Either you have JPEG or PNG or anything, it needs to convert into Bitmap for web use. The Bitmap image is a collection of hundreds of thousands of pixels. Unlike vector art, these pixels carry a single color each, creating a full picture with thousands of color boxes. If you zoom in closely, you will see the pixel boxes very clearly. They are like tiny squares.

Moreover, unlike a vector image, Bitmap places each square box into a fixed position with a fixed color all over.

That is why when we try to enlarge/shrink the image, the process directly acts upon the pixels. As a result, the whole image loses quality due to over-sized pixels. But, shrinking the image doesn’t make any quality loss because the pixels become less visible.

How should I then resize my image without losing quality?

You can, however, enlarge the image without losing the quality by using the Fractal Interpolation method. The method is simple as it compensates each pixel to match them with others around. Using specialized software for the image, you can achieve this feat.

Let’s get started!

Resizing image with Adobe Photoshop

Normally, adobe offers image rendering tools with photoshop. Even after using photoshop, you can not enlarge an image without loss. Because photoshop itself pixelates images, the story almost remains the same.

So, to prevent that, you need to work it out along an additional software named “ON1 Resize 2020.” This software can be used by installing it locally or as a plugin on photoshop. It will cost you from $40 to $70 based on the versions. Additionally, you will have a 30-day trial period. With it, you can resize an image without losing quality.

Now, download and install ON1 and open Photoshop. Then choose the image you need to resize. After that, go to File> Automate> Perfect Resize…

You will see the image in a new window by the ON1 app. Just choose the dimension preset or custom dimension and Hit “Apply.” That’s it! Your image is now resized in a lossless process.

Still, you can’t compare the image to a clicked one of course. But the good thing is, it’s much better than the one resized carelessly.