How to Start a YouTube Channel for Kids

Whether your child wants a YouTube channel of their own or you have an idea for a kids’ show, you can set it all up safely. The steps take time and planning, and there are rules to keep in mind, but the results can be worthwhile.

Here’s how to start a YouTube Channel for kids. Follow this guide to learn the setup process, as well as tips on making the channel successful or effective for your child’s needs.



Memorize YouTube’s Regulations for Kids

To begin with, children under 13 can’t create their own accounts on YouTube, while parental permission is required up to the age of 17. Features like Google Payments, AdSense, and Google Ads are also available to 18+ users. Age requirements vary from country to country.

However, you can set up your kid’s YouTube channel for them in different ways. Before we elaborate, take a look at Google’s child safety policy for YouTube content containing kids.

Some policies involve extreme practices, like sexual or violent content, but YouTube does crack down on minor cases, too. It’s a good idea to learn these rules and relay as much as possible to your underage YouTuber, if only to avoid posting inappropriate content and getting the account terminated.

Such resources are just as important for adult creators setting up channels for young audiences. Read up on Google’s content policies regarding YouTube Kids accounts and the app. Cover any insights into family-friendly videos, too.

Learn How to Make a Kid’s YouTube Channel

Setting up a YouTube account as a parent is a slightly different process than usual. Take a look at what to expect.

1. Create a Google Account for Your Kid

If your child is under 13, only you can create their Google account. Beyond that threshold, your child can follow the setup process themselves, but you need to enable parental control.

Use your computer, smartphone, or Family Link app to create a new account. Follow the instructions on any of these platforms to make the account supervised and establish how much you want to restrict your kid’s online activity.

For example, you have a few options when it comes to letting your kids watch YouTube while supervised, but you still want to encourage their creativity and hunger for learning.

2. Set Up Your Kid’s YouTube Channel

Once your child has a Google account, they can join YouTube as a creator. Sign in to YouTube, click on their profile image on the website or app, and select Create a Channel.

Create Channel Option on YouTube

Give the channel a name and picture, but don’t use the kid’s real name or face. Make something up to keep their identity safe. And the channel is ready to grow into a fun and educational activity for your little YouTuber and their viewers.

You can customize the channel’s settings further before adding videos to make sure it’s easy and safe for a child to use. As the parent, you can help create and manage content, while keeping an eye on things through your parental controls.

Learn How to Create a YouTube Channel for Kids as an Adult

If you’re an adult, you follow the standard process of setting up a Google account and YouTube channel without age regulations or parental supervision to worry about.

Setting Up New YouTube Channel

That said, you should take just as much care when designing the channel. Make sure the content really is appropriate for children, adjust the settings so that it’s fun and safe to use, and double-check that nothing violates YouTube’s policies. Avoid anything that could be harmful on a channel for kids.

Tips on Uploading Content to Your YouTube Channel

The next step and ultimate reason for creating a YouTube channel are to fill it with videos. There are several factors to keep in mind, however, whether you’re wondering how to be a YouTuber kid or what interests young audiences.

1. Decide Your Channel’s Direction

While exploring how to make a kids’ YouTube channel, it’s a good idea to also learn what becoming a YouTuber entails before you even try it. Once your kid or you as a creator understand the responsibility and risk behind the venture, choose its direction wisely.

For best results, the content you upload should be on topics you’re passionate about and that people would want to watch. Browse existing popular videos for ideas, like YouTube cooking channels for kids.

Also consider whether to create proper videos, slideshows, podcasts, or something else, not to mention how to manage such content effectively as each type comes with its own challenges. For example, here are common problems beginner podcasters face—prepare yourself and your kid to tackle them.

How you approach your audience is also important. A YouTube channel for kids should make a good YouTube channel introduction and then regularly add exciting content. Make sure you come up with a realistic schedule and lots of ideas for videos.

Depending on what you want to populate the YouTube channel with, you’ll need equipment, both software and hardware.

If your computer or smartphone doesn’t quite cut it, for example, you might want to look into cameras and microphones. Free video editing software is worth exploring alongside options for audio-based productions.

If you’re working with your kid, the products you choose should be easy enough for both of you to use. In the end, your little YouTuber could develop a range of technological skills.

3. Practice Using the Video Upload Process

Another complicated part of joining YouTube as a creator is the video upload process. You’ll find better video sites than YouTube when it comes to user-friendliness, but mastering how to start a YouTube channel for kids can pay off like nothing else.

When uploading, there are different steps and choices to make, like ticking the Made for Kids box, writing a description with keywords, and choosing the video’s visibility.

Uploading Video on YouTube

Use it enough and the process can become second nature, but keep supervising your kid as they upload their content. Apart from helping them get it right, you can make sure their videos are safe to post.

While YouTube might catch violations and block the content anyway, it won’t necessarily spot sensitive information your kid included in a video.

4. Choose Your Privacy Settings

Being a YouTuber isn’t always pleasant. Not only can scammers use your public image or sensitive information that slipped your net, but commenters can be cruel or inappropriate.

As a rule of thumb, when you set up a kid’s YouTube channel, it’s a good idea to make it private and with comments inactive. This way only people you invite can view it and there’s minimal opportunity for negative responses.

There are various ways to do all this. To access them, click the Customize Channel button on your main profile to open the YouTube Studio. Then, find the Settings tab and explore its features.

Firstly, you can set the whole channel as Made for Kids. Go to Channel > Advanced Settings and select the option, which automatically disables comments, notifications, ads, and more.

If you want a bit more freedom, it’s possible to manually toggle each of these elements. For example, in the Settings panel go to the Upload defaults tab, where, among other things, you can set every post’s visibility to private and choose whether to disable comments or review them personally before posting them.

Comments Settings on YouTube Channel

Besides countering bad users, you may want to add safeguards against YouTube itself, considering the widespread problem of companies like Google using tracking cookies. Expand your security measures to include stopping YouTube from tracking your activity or your kid’s.

5. Set Rules for Your YouTuber Kid

Producing videos and building your channel is exciting and can easily take over your life. So, part of learning how to make a YouTube channel involves managing a healthy schedule. When it comes to a young YouTuber, make sure you lay down ground rules.

In addition to limiting the kinds of content being shared, you should control how much time they spend recording videos or sitting in front of a screen. Other rules to apply include alerting you to any suspicious users and not changing settings without your say-so.

Adult creators can benefit from such a structure as well. A good plan, daily schedule, and set of security measures can lead to a successful kids’ YouTube channel.

Get Ideas From Existing YouTube Channels for Kids and Family

Now that you know how to start a YouTube channel for kids, explore the platform’s tools in more detail and pay attention to what you love about your favorite creators. Look at their themes, techniques, and channel layout for inspiration.

At the same time, if you’re a parent guiding your child through YouTube, see how you can make the experience as rewarding as possible in terms of entertainment, education, and emotional growth. The whole project can be the best bonding experience, too.