iPhone 6s camera review: switzerland — Travel Photographer – Austin Mann

We’ve spent the last week in Switzerland rigorously testing the new iPhone 6s & 6s Plus cameras — pushing them to the max and learning how the iPhone 6s upgrade affects photographers. We have two 6s’s and two 6s Plus’s, in all four colors! 

We’ve shot a lot on the 6s. In fact, we’ve already shot 2121 photos + 55 panoramas + 237 time-lapses + 1310 videos (including Live Photos)!

All along the way we’ve been carefully comparing the results to the iPhone 6.

There’s all kinds of new technology packed into the 6s, so we set out to answer the same question as usual: 

How does this make my pictures
(and videos) better than before?

The goal of our review is to see what the iPhone can do primarily as a standalone device, so all the gear used for this project can easily fit into a messenger bag — no big dSLR lenses, no fancy stabilizers, and no off-camera mics. Mobile photography’s unique advantage is, well, mobility, so we fight hard to maintain it. You can find the tripod and iPhone 6s tripod mount we use at the bottom of this post.


Camera-Relevant Upgrades


> Optical Image Stabilization for video (Update: I’ve learned OIS is only active on 30FPS video) 

> Resolution increase for still + motion

> Live Photos

> New water proofing

> Selfie Camera flash + resolution increase