Is Balanced Audio Better Than Single-Ended?

A:Not necessarily. It really depends on the application. Balanced cables are more resistant to external noise or interference due to their capacity for common-mode rejection, as answered in the previous question. Common-mode rejection allows for balanced cables to have less noise in the signal path. This is more noticeable in headphones as opposed to speakers due to the proximity of the source to the ears. Some people like having noise in the signal, for instance, when listening to an analog source like a turntable.

In referring to headphones, it more so depends on the headphone amplifier that it is connected to, rather than the cable itself. See the next question for more information.

But in some applications, single-ended cables might be better, and a more economical option compared to balanced cable solutions. Other than the examples provided in the first question above, check out the “Are Balanced Audio Cables Better?” section for more comprehensive information.