ISO 9001 – Clause 9.3: Management Review [with Procedure & Template]

What is a Management Review for ISO 9001?

The management review process requires Top Management to periodically review the Quality Management System to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness while addressing the possible need for changes to quality policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the QMS.

The management review should include representation from Top Management, functional managers, facility managers, line managers, process owners, process users and action owners.

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Why Perform Management Reviews?

  1. Determine and evaluate quality system (QMS) performance
  2. Determine the need for change and improvement, recommendations for improvement
  3. Determine the suitability of the policies and the objectives

The purpose and final outcome of the management review should be continual improvement of the QMS & quality manuals. As your organization’s QMS increases in its effectiveness and efficiency (using corrective and preventive actions and audit findings), your processes performance and improvement process will likewise increase.

Management review schedule

How Often Should We Schedule A Management Review?

ISO standards state the frequency or intervals of reviews must be defined in the QMS by the Management Team.

Aim to do a management review at least once a year or more often if appropriate. Little and often is best; there is nothing to say that you have to go through the full agenda each time, nor is there any need to duplicate effort if you cover certain aspects as part of other management meetings.

The frequency of management reviews might be quarterly, six monthly or annually. You may decide to have stand-alone management reviews or combine it with other business activities, e.g. strategic planning, business planning, operations meetings, process reviews/councils, customer requirements or functional reviews.

It is up to your organization to set the format, frequency and intervals of the management review meetings, but it must be defined in the QMS or related documented procedure for ISO certification.

How’s Best to Document the Management Review Process?

It is not a mandatory requirement to document the management review process for achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification, however, we find it useful for the business and recommend you develop and implement a Management Review Procedure that defines:

  • Management review responsibilities – at what level of management, senior manager, facility manager etc.
  • Management review scheduling
  • Management review inputs (agenda)
  • Management review outputs (minutes, actions)

What Should Be Reviewed?

Customer feedback, audit findings & audit results (using a gap analysis tool or internal audit checklist), as well as Internal and external issues should be discussed by the management team; processes performance, quality objectives, preventive actions, recommendations for improvement – and their potential effect on the strategic direction of the organization.

The management review meetings must address the possible need for changes to policy, objectives, targets, and other elements of the quality management systems (QMS).The management review process must ensure that the necessary information is collected ahead of time to allow management to effectively carry out this evaluation.


  1. Minutes from previous management reviews
  2. The policies, objectives and targets
  3. Results of QMS and process audits
  4. The extent to which objectives and the numeric targets were met
  5. Assessment of risk management actions


  1. New or proposed legislation or regulations
  2. External providers and suppliers performance
  3. Changing expectations/requirements of relevant interested parties (customer feedback, customer requirements)
  4. New or modified activities, products, or services
  5. Advances in technology and science
  6. Changing market preferences of buyers

All management reviews must be documented. Observations, conclusions, and recommendations for further necessary action from the review must be recorded. If any corrective action or preventive actions must be taken, the management team should follow up to ensure that the action was effectively implemented.

The purpose and final outcome of the management review should be continual improvement of the quality system (QMS) using recommendations for improvement. As your organization’s quality management systems increases in its effectiveness and efficiency, your environmental management performance will likewise increase.

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Management review

9.3.2 Management Review Inputs (Agenda)

The management review process must ensure that necessary information is collected ahead of time (an audit checklist can help here) to allow management to effectively perform the review.

An effective management review process should focus on the following inputs:

  1. Risks and opportunities (Clause 6.1)
  2. Possible changes that might affect the system (Clause 6.3)
  3. External provider and suppliers performance (Clause 8.4)
  4. Customer satisfaction and perception (Clause 9.1.2)
  5. Audit results (Clause 9.2)
  6. Nonconformity and corrective actions (Clause 10.2)

9.3.3 Management Review Outputs (Minutes/Actions)

All management reviews must be documented. Observations, conclusions, and recommendations for further necessary action from the review must be recorded. If any corrective action must be taken, Top Management should follow up to ensure that the action was effectively implemented.

Auditors should expect to evidence the same outputs from management reviews as ISO 9001:2008 Clause 5.6.3, however, they should note that the results of management reviews can now be held in any format that the organization chooses.

Typical outputs might include:

  1. Process improvement actions (including preventive actions)
  2. QMS improvement actions
  3. Product improvement actions
  4. Resource provision actions
  5. Revised business plans and budgets
  6. Changes to quality objectives and policies
  7. Management meeting minutes

Management review meeting minutes should be retained as documented information for the quality management system.

All the Inputs and Outputs are covered in our Management Review Template.

management review procedure

Measuring Management Review Effectiveness

The management review process can be measured by assessing the effectiveness of key decisions/outputs; e.g. budgetary changes, forecasts, revised resources plans or changes to the quality policy or objectives.

Management review outputs are intended to improve your business; certification body auditors will look for evidence that this is being achieved for international standards.

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