Letter to complain about faulty goods bought from a company

If you bought the goods before 1 October 2015

This letter applies to goods bought on or after 1 October 2015.

If you bought the goods before 1 October 2015, use our letter to complain about goods bought before 1 October 2015.

Use this letter template to complain to a trader about faulty goods. It should help the trader understand your point of view and their legal obligation to sort out the problem.

You can send the letter by post or copy the text into an email. If you’d prefer to talk to the trader on the phone or in person you could read it out to them.

Before you use this template, make sure you read our advice on how to return faulty goods.

Write letter

Example letter

Sam Hoolin
8 Park Avenue

[email protected]

01632 960001

11 January 2023

Giltham Traders
24 Station Road
GT16 3LP

To whom it may concern,

Complaint about faulty goods

I bought a sewing machine from you on 14 January 2022. I paid £300.

I now find the goods have the following fault:

The machine stops working after half an hour and won’t work again for at least an hour.

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, goods you supply must be fit for purpose. As there was a problem with the goods when I bought them, I request that you give me a full refund.

In support of my claim I have enclosed: The receipt for the sewing machine.

Please respond within 14 days of receiving this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Hoolin

Further help

Contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 if you need more help – a trained adviser can give you advice over the phone. You can also use an online form.

If you’re in Northern Ireland, contact Consumerline.