Melanie Klein Reading List

Melanie Klein Reading List

Melanie Klein

Reading list prepared by Julia Segal MA FBACP  for workshops at

The Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education London

Reading/Reference List


A pioneer of modern psychoanalysis

Books (notes on these books can be found on the Melanie Klein Trust website)

By Melanie Klein:

Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works 1921-1945 (The Writings of Melanie Klein, Vol. 1)

The Psycho-Analysis of Children (1932) (The Writings of Melanie Klein,  Vol. 2)

Envy and Gratitude and Other Works 1946-1963(The Writings of Melanie Klein,  Vol. 3)

Narrative of a Child Analysis :The Conduct of the Psycho-Analysis of Children as Seen in the Treatment of a Ten-Year-Old Boy (The Writings of Melanie Klein, Vol. 4)

Developments in  Psychoanalysis.     Klein, M, Heimann, P, Isaacs S. and Rivière, J. (1952) 

Love, Hate, and Reparation.  Klein M and  Rivière J. (1937)  PsychoAnalytical Epitomes No. 2. Reprinted in 1953.

New Directions in Psycho-Analysis: The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour.    Karnac reprint, 1993. Klein, M., Heimann, P. and Money-Kyrle, R E (Eds.) (1955) 

About Melanie Klein:

Frank , Claudia. 2009  Melanie Klein in Berlin.  Her First Psychoanalyses of Children.  Edited and with a preface by Elizabeth Spillius.  The New Library of Psychoanalysis. Published in association with the Institute of psychoanalysis, Routledge London.

Segal H. (1964) Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein. London: Hogarth.  Reprinted Karnac, 1988.

Segal H. (1979) Klein London: Fontana.  Reprinted Karnac, 1989.

Segal H. (1981) The Work of Hanna Segal:  A Kleinian Approach to Clinical Practice.   Jason Aronson.  Free Associations, 1986.

Segal H. (1990) Dream, Phantasy and Art  New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge.

Segal H. (1997) Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972-1995  Steiner J (Ed.) New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge.

Steiner J.  (1993)                            Psychic Retreats:  Pathological Organisations in Psychotic, Neurotic and Borderline Patients
New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge.           

Waddell, M.  (1998) Inside Lives:  Psychoanalysis and the Growth of Personality.   Duckworth.

Spillius E. Bott ( Ed.)  (1988) Melanie Klein Today 1. Mainly Theory. New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge.

Spillius E. Bott (Ed.)  (1988) Melanie Klein Today  2. Mainly Practice. New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge.    

Meira Likierman. (2001) Melanie Klein: her work in context.  Continuum, London and New York

Catalina Bronstein (ed) Kleinian Theory: A Contemporary Perspective, London and Philadelphia: Whurr, 2001, 250pp

Books/papers by Julia Segal

Segal, Julia 1992. 2nd Edition 2004.  Melanie Klein:  Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London, Sage Publications.

Segal, J.C. (2000)  Phantasy.  Ideas in Psychoanalysis. Icon Books UK; Totem Books USA.  )

Segal, J.C. (1985)  Phantasy in Everyday Life, Pelican Books. Reprinted Karnac Books 1995, 2005, London, and Aronson USA 1996.

Julia Segal 2007 The effects of Multiple Sclerosis on relationships with therapists.  Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy  Vol 21 No 2. June.  pp168-180

Segal, J.C. (2003) ‘Your feelings or mine? Projective identification in a context of counselling families living with multiple sclerosis.’  Psychodynamic Practice 9 (2) : 153-171

Segal, J.C. 1998 The role of a parent’s illness in the emotional experience of a child: evidence from Klein’s Narrative of a Child AnalysisPsychodynamic Counselling 4. Nov 1998. pp487-504  Paper written for the 80th birthday of Hanna Segal.

Segal JC 1996 Whose Disability? Counter-Transference in work with people with disabilities  in Psychodynamic Counselling 2.2 May pp 155-166

Segal, J.C. 1991  Use of the concept of Unconscious Phantasy in understanding reactions to chronic illness.  Counselling: Vol 2 no 4 Nov 1991 pp. 146-149  Republished in The BAC Counselling Reader, eds S Palmer, S.Dainow and P Milner.  1996  Sage Publications, London.  (photocopied in papers)

Segal, J.C.(1979)  Mother, Sex and Envy in a Children’s story. International Review of Psychoanalysis, 6(4): 483-497


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