Moniker | Contact Verification Suspension Page

Click the link provided in the verification email sent to you by your Registrar or direct service provider.
After registering, transferring or modifying the registrant contact data of your domain, you should have received the verification email. Please click the included link and your domain will be unsuspended within 30 minutes.
Please make sure to check your spam folder if you cannot find that mail.

You can request to resend the verification email by logging into your account at
The verification mail will be sent to the registrant’s email address used for this domain. If you are the registrant of this domain and unsure which email address is used, please log into your account at your domain provider to view or modify registrant contact data information.

If you have the trigger code, enter it on
The trigger code to verify your registrant contact data is contained in the verification mail. However, your domain provider might provide the respective trigger code under certain conditions. This trigger code can be entered on to verify your registrant contact data and remove the suspension on your domain.